W1.A2-15: Shall I Help You Out?
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After some clarification, we three realized what had actually transpired.

According to Mom, while she was practicing with her mana, she seemed to have hit some limit as, no matter how she tried, she couldn't absorb any more.

After some clarification, we three realized what had actually transpired.

According to Mom, while she was practicing with her mana, she seemed to have hit some limit as, no matter how she tried, she couldn't absorb any more.

But as she kept trying again and again, something weird happened, after which she could hear all the noise within the whole room; even the slightest whispers between Lena and me sounded loud and clear in her ears.

"You probably achieved a higher level of resonance with your element," I commented after thinking for a while.

"Is that a good thing?" Mom asked.

"Good thing?" I smirked. "Only heaven knows how many mages would die to get this opportunity, Mom."

"It is something that could not be actively achieved." I emphasized the importance of the phenomenon she had just experienced.

"It looks like we really have to thank Lena for bringing us here."

As I said so, Mom and I both turned towards Lena and realized that the latter's face was still flushed.

Just as I thought she would avoid our gazes, she suddenly coughed to hide her embarrassment before speaking, "Well, no need for that. It was Mother's talent that allowed her to do so."

Then, she changed the topic and asked, "Mother, why don't you try to absorb a bit more of the mana here? I'm sure it would bring great benefits, as once your foundation is solidified, improving it would be a challenging effort."

"I tried," Mom shook her head, "but I couldn't. I seem to have reached my limit."

The short conversation seemed to have eased the awkwardness from before, as I also chipped in a suggestion.

"Lena, why don't you help Mom guide her mana?" I asked. "I mean, you can help her by compressing the mana in her body so that she can take in more of it."

"It would make the refining much easier for her."

"That's a good idea." Lena agreed with my method. "But you should be the one doing this."

Seeing my blank face, she chuckled, "After all, your mana is more refined than mine. Isn't it best for you to do it, then? That way, Mother's foundation would be solidified to the best of her abilities, no?"


"Is there a problem, Danny?" Mom asked as she saw my hesitant face. "Don't bother if it's too much trouble. I'm fine with my current situation." Clearly, she was worried that it might take a toll on me to help her. There was no way she would want anything like that to happen just because of herself.

But that was not the reason I was hesitating.

"No, Mom. It's fine, actually. It's not a big deal." I assured her before moving behind her.

"Wait." Suddenly, Lena stopped us.

As I looked at her in askance, she smiled and said, "Lena, did you see Mom's new swimsuit I bought for her?"

Turning to Mom, who appeared to be stunned at her words, Lena giggled. "Your praise might boost her confidence. Wouldn't that be great for her state of mind before practicing?"

"Right, Mother?" Lena asked. "Why don't you show it to Dan?"

Looking at the sly smile on Lena's face, I realized what was happening. The little vixen was trying to divert her embarrassment from earlier to Mom.

"O-Okay." To my surprise, Mom agreed quite readily.

Before I could think of anything else, she suddenly rose from the water and stood up in the tub.

Her hair was tied in a bun to prevent it from getting wet, giving me a complete view of her flushed cheeks.

The water slid down her neck, but she encountered some resistance at the great slope that was her breasts. Threatening to jump out in a bikini similar to Lena's, her fair skin contrasted perfectly against the black-colored material.

I followed the droplets of water as they flowed down her toned belly before reaching her thighs. As Mom subconsciously tried to hide herself with her hands, her pose changed slightly, allowing me a stunning view of her bottom. But I couldn't bring myself to stare at it for too long.

It was my first time seeing her wearing something like this, and it made me remember the last time I saw her naked in the bath. The thought itself sent a jolt in my body as I hurriedly controlled myself.

"You look amazing, Mom." I praised her quickly to hide my thoughts and couldn't help but add, "Though I never thought Lena would be able to make you wear this outfit."

"Is that so?" Mom appeared happy at my words, as she recalled, "I, too, was hesitant at first, but then Lena told me about this being common in the capital."

Looking down at herself, she commented with slight embarrassment in her voice, "That's why, even though it made me feel like I was wearing underwear, on Lena's insistence, I decided to try it out." She chuckled awkwardly, as if to ridicule her own thoughts. "Maybe I'm quite old-school for the capital. I never thought that the difference would be that great, though."

"It is not, Mom." After a short pause, I corrected her. "You think this is something common within the capital?"

"It isn't?" Mom was surprised. "But Lena told me..."

"Oh, come on, Mom." Shooting Lena a glance, I scoffed. "Although the trend of wearing swimsuits at the beach and various styles is beginning to become prevalent due to the influence of some countries in the west, what you are wearing is not common at all."

"If you really wore this at a beach, it would probably turn out to be a bloodbath."

"Is it that serious?" Mom was a bit scared and stunned.

"Of course." I nodded with surety. "Only my sword would greet those who dare to ogle at you. Wouldn't that be a bloodbath then?"

Mom turned speechless as Lena began to laugh.

"You naughty girl!" But Mom was not going to let her go this easily. Grabbing Lena's ear, Mom scolded. "I've realized that you find it quite fun to tease me, huh?"

"Ow, ow, ow! Mother! It's not like that!" Lena acted as if she were really in pain and hurriedly pleaded. "I was just trying to help you open up to the new style and customs."

"Hmph!" With a playful snort, Mom let go of her and let the matter rest at that.

"Come, Mom. I'll help you with your practice." Ignoring Lena, who was glaring at me resentfully, I invited Mom to begin her training.

Nodding, Mom then sat in front with her back facing me.

As I placed my hands on her back, the softness of her skin distracted me for a moment before I hurriedly tried to focus my thoughts.

As my mana flowed into her body, I soon found that her body was filled to the brim with fire-type mana, and that prevented her from taking in any more mana.

The solution was quite easy, as I simply diverted my mana to compress her fiery mana in her mana channels. At the same time, Mom continued absorbing new mana from the water, thus continuing our cycle of training.

As I felt Mom's mana foundation stabilizing due to the repeated circulations, I stopped compressing her mana further.

After checking for a bit and making sure that everything was fine with her, I removed my hands from her back and opened my eyes.

Mom also opened her eyes shortly before letting out a breath of relief.

Looking around, we both realized that Lena had gone out at some point, leaving the two of us alone.

"How do you feel?" I asked Mom.

"It feels great." Mom nodded. "I never thought I would get to experience something like this in my life."

"This is just the beginning." I smiled, glad at her progress.

Then, Mom said, "We should also leave."

Just as she was beginning to rise, her legs gave way as she fell back.


Fortunately, I grabbed her quickly, and she ended up sitting on my lap.

"Are you okay?" I asked worriedly, not paying any mind to the position we were in.

"I'm fine." Huffing a bit, Mom nodded. "Just a bit tired."

"It's normal to be tired after practicing." I explained, "While it may seem like you were only sitting without doing anything, channeling mana could be even more tiring than any physical activity."

As I was about to share some more thoughts and basics about mana with her, I realized that Mom's body had become a bit stiff.

Before I could ask, she spoke first.

"Danny, is that what I think it is?"

"What are you talking about-" I stopped as I realized what she was referring to.

A raging boner had grown in my shorts at some point, and it was now stuck snugly against her buttocks.

"Mom, it's an accident!" I hurriedly tried to clarify, anxious that the situation might turn into another embarrassing incident, leading to an awkward atmosphere between us again.

"Is it because of me?" Mom suddenly interrupted my explanation and asked.

"Well…" Saying no would be an outright lie, so I could only agree softly. "Yes. But-"

"You can't go out like this." Mom spoke again. "Lena would get another chance to tease us then."

She was not worried that Lena would misunderstand something like the time in the underground river. Clearly, Mom had come to realize how candid Lena was, and the only thing that she was worried about was Lena getting a chance to tease us further.

"Don't worry." Realizing that Mom was not mad at me, I heaved an inward sigh before saying, "It will go away in a while."

Mom nodded and relaxed her stiff body before leaning herself against me.

I was at a loss for words, as I didn't know how I was going to calm my raging member given the intimate contact I was having with her. At the same time, I cursed myself for being this turned on by my own mother.

But thoughts aside, I could not think of any other solution at the moment.

After staying in the same position for a while, I tried my best to calm my blood flow, but the silence made me feel a bit tense, hence the slow progress.

Mom, who was also silent all this while, suddenly spoke. But the words she said made me so flabbergasted that I felt my heart stop for a moment.

"Shall I help you out?"