Chapter 7 The beginning act 1
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Burnt timbers, blackened stone and ash filled house, dampened by the rain.
If it wasn't for it, the grassy field and the forest behind me would have been turned into ashes too.
As I scout the whole area I could see those roots, crawling beneath the ground leaving behind trails of bumps, each either surrounds or went under the village populace, those enemies however were thrown and ripped apart, the fire of hatred is still is burning within its heart.
I never really gotten attached to them, but I knew well for the Reincarnated one it must be in pain more than words could describe, perhaps I could give him an accompany, though if it wasn't for my inability to walk, I would have been there by it side.
Is there any way I could help?

Cube Hp: 38/50
Trait: [sentient cube] [immortal] [Heat-resistant] [cold resistant] [Thermal radiation]
Blessing: [Pity of the forgotten god]

There's none, I suppose.
The trails, a singular root is creeping towards I.
For a moment it lingered before deciding to emerge, and it touched my surface.
Soon I hear a silent whisper from which in every passing second became clearer and clearer.
Is there any way I could help you?
Elevate those pain of yours.
“I don't know what to do.”
I was about to reply when suddenly a cry rang upon the ruins.
Without exchanging any words, the Reincarnated one immediately commanded its roots to go search for it, and what it found underneath the rumbles is an infant no more than months old wrapped around a blooded white blanket.
I asked it, to bring the infant to me.
It doubted me for a second, confused I suppose.
Though ultimately decided to comply, using every root it could muster as if waves of tentacles coming out the ground, some were clearing the path and the other assisted the infant carefully letting it slide along onto me.
I asked the Reincarnated again to bring it much closer, and It did, however not what I had envisioned to be, instead the infant was laid against my surface, I then I quickly told it to get the infant not above but inches before me, the Reincarnated one hearing it was obviously annoyed, but I reassured it that there is no harm but benefits for doing so.
Using my Thermal Trait, I instinctively tried to adjust my heat, the infant feeling the warmth calmed down.
The Reincarnated one however seemed to be surprised.
“How did you do it?”
Oh, it is nothing, just a trait I had acquired through the long winter night.
And one more thing, do your thing.
“Oh, I forgot. Potion isn't it?”
Yes, heal this lovely dear.
"She is."
“Have you not known it?"
I don't have an ability to distinguish between man and woman, beside seeing them and deciding which is which.
“That's interesting, I thought you can do it”
For why?
"The system"
“The status you're using to see your status"
Can you tell me not in of ways riddles.
“Seeing them a status will appear, contained within are their names and gender even skills, levels, so much more”
Those I don't have.
“That's unfortunate”
No, it is unfair.
Suddenly, the sky rumbled, and I took a gazed from which it came from, a dark clouds loomed overhead a few hills away.
“Hunger aren't they?”
Must be a hard one.
“Don't cast ignorance at my jokes”
Cover the infant.
“That I'm already doing"
The Reincarnated immediately began to weave its roots into a basket like form, creating a small pedestal inches under my height then it laid her there after making sure she won't fall off, done doing so it finally pulled the basket over her and me, a rough canopy of darkness barely lightened up by the warmth glows of my trait.
“Isn't it wonderful?”
“Beautiful even?”
Yes, she truly is.
“I meant, the thing I made”
I suppose?
“What do you mean by I suppose?”
I suppose.
I felt a bit of excitement.
“Deaf ears again”
Careful now.
Such words could hurt someone feelings.
If the deaf heard you, you will be in trouble.
“Dark joke.”
Is it?
“Like the slav-”
Really? Too dark.
“You're right”
“I apologize”
Don't learn from me.
“I'll keep that in mind”
“About the excitement?”
I never thought I will need to rise a child.
“Rise? A? Child!?”
Aren't you an oblivious one?
“Your—… right”
“Why? Why such laugh?”
I thought I'm the one and only oblivious one.
“Must be amusing, isn't it?”
Indeed, it is.
“So when will this rain end?”
Are you asking me about it?
I don't know.
“You just said earlier.”
Oh, I can tell, not tell when will it end.
“Can you just stare intensely at it then make your prediction? I think that will work?”
I can do that.
“Then do it”
However do you want me to flood this comfy place?
“No, I will not want it”
Then why did you asked me to do it?.
“I mean, you can…. oh, you will need a hole to see through, which isn't a good idea”
Finally it clicked.
Let's just wait out the rain.
“let's do that”
How about the food.for the infant?
“I have a skill for that”