Chapter 8 The beginning act 1
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After the rain subsides and when the night finally came into ended, as I watch the celestial of warmth, I can hear her cries.
The Reincarnated one beside me was trying its hardest to calm her down.
“Mister cube?”
Seeing this troubled one, I asked if it needs help.
“Can you cast heat again? Maybe that would do it”
I did, I pulled my at must concentration casting Thermal heat at the right level.
It seems to be futile, isn't it?
She is still is crying.
Perhaps an empty stomach?
“Now that you mentioned it, she probably is!”
The Reincarnated one commanded its singular root to protrude outward, after shaking dirt off it brought the root closer to her mouth, which then oozed out a yellowish substance.
Are you sure that it isn't something bad?
“Mister cube rest assured, this isn't honey, it wouldn't murder an infant, rather a type of substance that the goddesses told me is highly suitable for a half-elf to consume, it is even used in some part of the world as substitute in case of unfortunate death of mother whilst trying to give birth”
Knowledgeable a lot, isn't it?
How come?
“Did I already had told you?”
I meant how come that you are able to have a conversation with gods?
“Goddesses? Yes and no.”
You're speaking in riddles again.
“Before I got Reincarnated, the goddesses told me a bunch of information, one of which is this.”
That's unfair.
“If you looked it the way, yes it is indeed”
I'm not looking at that, rather it seems to be you're quite in the favours of God.
Anyway, did you just mention that she is a half-elf?
“I did, is there something around about my statement?”
There is.
“What is it, then?”
What's an elf?
“You don't know?”
I wouldn't have had asked you if I knew such a thing.
“Famous authors and literature, it has been told so many times.”
Could you not speak in riddles?
“I did not, I will not”
You just did, tell me in ways I could understand rather than saying stuff I don't know of.
“Have you ever read a book?”
I'm illiterate.
“What a surprise”
Surprise for what? Isn't greater human are the only one to have the right to do so?
Hearing what I had said, the Reincarnated instead turned its root onto me, It tilted it quite a bit.
“Right? Greater human? What are those?”
The root bent itself upward into itself, scratching it seemingly none existent head in confusion.
Seeing its reactions, I might have to explain it, which would probably eat up a lot of time. As an excuse, I said the following.
This gotten a bit too long, should we stop with these useless conversations? She is still is crying.
“I almost forgot.”
Looking at myself and then the Reincarnated one standing there from the distance, I could help but mutter words such as.
I don't think that we will be a great parent.
“Have a fate in me, I had a little sister, I practically rise her”
The Reincarnated one said whilst wiggling its root, still is trying to calm her down.
Looking at the horizon, I let out a sigh.
Then I will, probably…
I doubt that this end well, I hope it will never come to that point.

Hours had passed, and the infant is fast asleep, seeing her clad in blooded fabric, I told the Reincarnated one to go and search for something she could wear, after those roots rummaged throughout the ruins, tons or clothing though most are tattered and muddled were found.
Doing an observation I concluded trees behind me were much too thin, so then I turned my sight at the Reincarnated one embrace, I told it to search for another materials one of which were wooden frames to be used as a makeshift clothesline, though fortunately there's already something resembling that, toppled and buried underneath dampened ashes, just it needed to be place somewhere which is under its leaves, the Reincarnated one protested, stating that it wouldn't be much of effective means of drying clothes when it isn't being bathed by the sunlight.

Reincarnated one, there’s a risk of it getting rained down.
“I can just pull it onto me”
“You didn't think of this one, do you?”
I didn't, that's embarrassing.
“Sometimes the littlest thing is often forgotten about”
Being sentimental, aren't we?
“Kind of..”
So, should I make a plan of rotation for effective means of rising our precious treasure?
“That's a good idea”
Then, I'll be here for predicting the weather, planning stuff, and being a stove or a campfire of sorts.
“Great, then I will be the hand and body, food production for her is mine, terrain modification is mine too, lastly I am the shelter and protection”
Then either bring me onto you, or make a house over me.
“House over you, that would be the best action as for now”
Can I ask why?
“You are quite heavy to move”
Doesn't make any sense.
“Being near me would drain your hp dry”
It is the generation of roots?
“Yes, it's currently level, well... too much for you to handle I guess”
Root of the problem, isn't it?
“jajaja indeed”
“I apologize that's how I laugh”
There's no need, it is just unexpected,
“You think so?”
Have you ever heard a tree laugh?
“Just now...”
This is kind of awkward.