Chapter 24 – Prepared Spells.
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Lee woke in the morning feeling refreshed. Checking the time it was only 6AM. Lee got up and prepared to get breakfast at that nice bakery he found the other day. Leaving his home and strolling his way towards the bakery was uneventful. It seemed like to matter what time it was, the Dark Elves were always out and about.

Lee arrived at the nice little bakery and took a deep breath, smelling the fresh baked goods. Grabbing another strudel cost him three copper coins. This time Lee got an apple strudel. Just as before, the strudel was golden brown on its layers of crust, powdered with sugar, and filled with firm and delectable cinnamon spiced apples.

Lee started his walk towards the Consortium of Magical Scholars to study in the library until later in the evening, he wanted to make sure the stores were open then. Arriving he headed straight into the library and asked the librarian if there was any information on classes, professions, enchanting, and skills.

Lee, being able to only have two books at any time, started with the classes and professions. It didn’t take too long to read through, probably only one and a half hours. It was definitely worth the read.

For classes, Lee refreshed his memory on what Neia had told him long ago. You will unlock your class at level five and will be able to choose which class you want to take after being informed of your profession. There are also class rarities, From common, uncommon, rare, epic, legendary, and unconfirmed one past that. The most common class rarity is actually uncommon. If you got to level five, you most likely did something noteworthy enough to qualify for an uncommon, perhaps more.

Past what he already knew, he learned what types of general classes there are. Lee learned that there were many more classes than the simple explanation Neia gave, way back when they traversed the forests together. There were some confirmed names of some rare and epic classes. Things like the epic Shadow Assassin or rare Illusionist.

Moving onto the profession book he learned that they were quite simple in and of themselves. The professions didn’t have rarities and didn’t provide much of a bonus. Things like the Cook profession let you create better tasting food, maybe giving buffs if the ingredients were of high quality. Other professions were more unique, like the Perfumer, making perfumes that can be used to bait monsters and animals, or used to erase your smell entirely. You unlocked your profession as soon as you hit level five, there was no choosing. You will be granted a profession fitting what you have done in life.

After reading those two books, Lee pondered if the professions would count only his time on this world or the last on earth as well. Putting those two books aside and on the trolly, he went and grabbed the books about enchanting and the book of skills.

These two books took him significantly longer to read, about two hours. The enchanting book was especially dense. On the bright side, Lee learned a skill for the first time in what felt like ages.

Skill Gained!

Skill Name: Speed Reading

Skill Description - This skill allows you to read text at twice the speed.

Simple and effective.

The book of enchanting said at the very beginning that the process of enchanting was very tedious and difficult, requiring many extra skills. The main skill needed was one he had heard about before, Mana Infusion. Using Mana Infusion and Mana Manipulationyou could write in glyphs using your natural or base mana. You had to learn a whole new language and alphabet with the glyphs.

Lee didn’t see that being a problem for him with Language Proficiency.

There were many effects to be added to items, the items themselves needed to be of higher quality to hold the glyphs without breaking, but that was expected. The self repair, self cleaning, and auto fitting, were considered very basic. On the advanced end, there were things like the Bags of Holding, just like Neia had. What the book did cover past that difficulty was adding attributes and imbuing spells into armor and weapons.

The book on skills was enormous. It listed so many skills that even with his new speed reading, it would take him the whole day. He searched for common skills, then moved to skills related to certain areas, like mana skills, healing skills, and even got a look at some of the active skills. The common skills were things like identity, cooking, cleaning, and traveling.

He didn’t see much value in most of the commonly listed skills, but he did find value in the mana sections. Mana Infusion was gained by forcing your mana into an object and having the mana stay there when you stopped concentrating. There were so many mana skills that seemed very good, he wanted them all. Mana Absorption to take in ambient mana. Mana Shield which is used to make your mana to take the form of a shield around your skin. Last but not least, Lee’s favorite one, Mana Dispersion, forces mana to take up large amounts of area to create spells that affect areas.

Looking into the active skills, he saw that some of them were interesting. Stun Strike let the user stun a target for one second, it had a one minute cooldown though. Another active was called Guardian’s Oath, letting the user take the damage someone else was to receive. It also had a long cooldown of five minutes.

Happy with his discoveries, Lee returned his books and left the library with his notes in his Hidden Cache. He went towards the training room to try and gain some new spells for tomorrow's outing. Standing in the training room Lee decided to try and make an advanced combat spell, as well as a spell with his glacial.

Starting out with the attempt for an advanced spell, he decided to use Ice. Lee, with his limited knowledge of attack spells, decided for an Ice projective, similar to the one Neia used to obliterate a Goblins head. Focusing his mana he tried getting it to form a sharpened spike. It took a few moments to find out how to shape the projectile, if he didn’t have Mana Manipulation, he might have failed. Lee launched the spike down range and it thunk into the target.

Spell Created!

Spell Name: Icicle Spear.

Spell Description: Launch a sharpened spear of ice towards a target.
Secondary Effect: Small chance to slow target.
Cost: 100 MP + Variable.

Please select a spell to replace.
Conjure Water, Purifying Light, Gale Burst, Darken, Mend Wounds,

That’s my first spell with a secondary effect. Finally have some use for my luck, other than looting.

Lee selected Darken, he won’t need to use that for when he goes out on his trip with Neia and Ruvan.

Lee had to wait an hour and forty minutes to regenerate his mana completely. He wanted his full mana for attempting an expert spell. Instead of the range, Lee went into one of the training rooms. During the wait time, Lee had a good idea for what he wanted for this spell. He also wanted to try and unlock another mana skill as well.

Inside the room, Lee attempted to disperse his mana in an area around himself, once he filled the room completely, he tried to swifty change the mana from base mana into glacial mana. Suddenly, the temperature dropped, and from Lee a wave of frozen ground and air sprung forth from all around him. It took a moment for the spell to reach the walls, as its originating point was Lee who was in the center, but the whole room was frozen.

Skill Gained!

Skill Name: Mana Dispersion

Skill Description: Disperse large amounts of mana in a wide area, causing spells to gain various effects.

Spell Created!

Spell Name: Glacial Cascade.

Spell Description: Send a glacial nova outwards from your location, dealing damage and slowing all those it touches.
Secondary Effect. Small chance to freeze targets.
Costs: 200 MP

Lee felt the sudden wave of a headache from having used over ninety percent of his mana.

Please select a spell to replace.
Conjure Water, Purifying Light, Gale Burst, Icicle Spear, Mend Wounds.

This time Lee chose Conjure Water, he could always bring water along with him and switch back later.

Deciding he was ready spell wise, Lee left to go shopping for supplies.

A few hours later, Lee had a sleeping bag, flint and steel, several jugs of water, and a lot of other camping supplies. Not knowing when they were going to depart, Lee made his way home and on his way, began to swap out Purifying Light with Earthen Strike. He could always use Healer’s Touch to cure any random ailments they came across.

Spell Change: 23 Hours, 59 Minutes, 55 Seconds.

Finally arriving at home, Lee forgot to eat. He took one of the sweet breads out of his Hidden Cache and decided that would be his dinner. I should probably stock up on rations too. I don’t want to eat Jackalopes anymore.

Hopping into bed, nervous about tomorrow, Lee fell asleep.