Chapter 98 – Annalise.
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Lee walked through the village of Lopus toward the village hall. Em skittered by his side along the way as she was accompanying him today. He wanted to show her what he did and how it impacted the lives of others. It was one thing to explain his healing, which he had done before, but it was different to experience the life-changing qualities it could bring. Even something as minor as healing a stuffy nose could significantly improve someone's quality of life.

The village hall was still the current hub of the village leadership. Many of the adventurers’ party leaders checked in to see the schedule of delves, or the newcomers came to get slotted into a timeslot.

Still, Lee was surprised to see so many adventurers in one spot. He had assumed that becoming an adventurer was uncommon, as putting your life on the line was often not what people chose to do with their lives. Either a good portion of adventurers just so happened to be around Lopus, or there were more than he imagined.

Once they arrived, Em walked off to the side of the entrance to wait for Lee’s return, but to her surprise, Lee followed after her and stood by her side. Em stared at him with her fierce red eyes, confusion apparent. “What are you doing? Don’t you have to go inside?”

Lee lowered the hood of his robe and waved a hand, gesturing at all the people entering and exiting the building. “I don’t need to ask anyone who I can heal. I can heal whoever I want. While I could go inside, wait in line, and then wait for some poor receptionist or higher-up to be dragged away to accommodate me, I can just do this.”

Lee cupped his hands over his mouth and yelled out. “Attention! My name is Lee Barnes! I am a healer! If any of you require healing or know of someone who does, meet with me! Ten copper a heal! I can heal injuries or illnesses!”

Lee lowered his hands and watched the sea of heads turn toward him. While many were merely mildly interested in his announcement, he also noticed quite a few faces of disbelief and even a few people scoff. This caused his smile to slide into a frown. He looked around and saw that nobody was approaching. Em leaned over and spoke quietly into his ear. “I do not think they believe you.”

Lee shrugged and asked her a question. “Title time?”

Em huffed a laugh and shrugged herself. “It’s up to you, but be aware that it will bring much more attention than you think. How many people have you seen with a title before Lee?”

Anya was the only one he had ever met with a title, so it was an easy question to answer. “One.”

Em nodded. “I have met two in my lifetime. One of them is you. I could name only a handful who are currently alive, and that’s only because I have read about them over the years.”

Lee understood that titles were rare, but today seemed to be one of those days where he didn’t fully comprehend how rare or uncommon something really was. “I’ll turn on one of them then. Which one do you think would be better?”

Em didn’t need to think about her answer, as she instantly responded with a grin. “Miracle worker. It’s mystical and convoluted to understand. Your other title may be a tad too informative."

Lee went ahead and turned on his Miracle Worker title. Many of those who had scoffed at him or held faces of disbelief instantly paled the instant he did so. Some turned and sped away, while others stood frozen in shock. Those who were previously mildly interested grew astonished.

Lee didn’t give them a chance to collect themselves. “Ten copper a heal! I’ll be here all day!” He yelled.

Then, Lee saw movement. It was a beautiful, tall, and toned woman who looked to be in her late twenties or early thirties. She wore a light, cream-colored, airy garb that looked like a cross between a crop top and robe, which exposed her midriff abs. She strode forward and parted the crowd with confidence. To Lee’s surprise, the woman was actually taller than him—Standing at what must be 6’1 or 6’2. Her hair was short and auburn—Buzzed on the sides with what would have been a sick mohawk if she had some sort of gel to make it stand on end. Her crystal clear blue eyes matched his own in all but the glow, and he felt himself become lost within them.

She tucked her hands within her robe's long, loose sleeves and gave Lee a slight nod. “You claimed the healing of illness?”

Lee tried his best to be as confident as this beautiful woman, but it was obviously forced. “Yes, ma’am.”

Lee closed his eyes in defeat and cringed internally at calling her ‘ma’am.’ His nerves were getting the best of him. Em had the gall actually to slap one of her spider legs as she let loose an unrestrained laugh.

In return, the woman gave him a gentle smile and spoke in a smooth, silky voice. “A few of my traveling companions have gotten ill of late. Our rations must have gone off… Sir.” She quirked up one side of her mouth as she finished.

“Lead the way.” Said Lee, full of nerves as he gestured outward.

He tried to ignore the howling laughter from Em as they traveled back to the wagon line, which appeared to be where most of the adventurers stayed. The bonfires they stayed at were only a short walk away, so in hindsight, maybe he should have just advertised there first.

As they walked, Lee stole glances at the woman. It wasn’t often that Lee found someone attractive, but rare occasions were to be had. His love life was… nonexistent. Short-term girlfriends in high school, nothing in college, and not much to be had in the hospital. Until now, he had never really stopped to consider what a relationship would be like. Yes, he was in a new world, but he was healthy now, with a long life to live and memories to be made.

Would this woman be the one? Probably not. But, it cemented a thought—a thought about the future. Still, he would have to give it a try. Right?

After thinking and hyping himself up in his head, Lee made some small talk. “So, what is your name?”

Smooth… Lee thought.

“Annalise, party leader of Home’s Homage.” Said Annalise, with her silky voice.

Lee nodded along and continued along this train of questioning. “That’s a unique name. What does it mean?”

Annalise looked over her shoulder, and her crystal blue eyes peered questionably at Lee. “Annalise is a common name. I’m surprised you’ve never heard it before.”

Lee mentally facepalmed. “Your party’s name. Sorry.”

Em had just calmed down but started back up after hearing the exchange. She snickered to herself, trying her best to hold it in.

“Ahh. It is in tribute to the God of Travel—a homage to our homes. No matter how far we wander. I see that you are god blessed; who favors you?” Asked Annalise with a slight smile.

“Arcani, the Goddess of Magic. But, I guess you could say I am also close with Shane. Our relationship is somewhat unique.” Said Lee.

Annalise smiled brightly as she slowed to walk alongside Lee. “Ahh. You know his name. Close indeed. It’s not often you find ones with such religious affiliations. I’ve personally met with three of our Gods and Goddesses thus far and wish to meet the rest.”

Lee tried his best to keep his voice even, but it was a little shaky. The topic was getting a little too close to home, but it was okay for now. “That’s great. I’ve met with six of them. Death was the most frightening.”

Annalise nodded, and Lee noticed that was also wearing a pair of golden earrings, closely resembling a double helix. They jostled about from the movement of her head. “I have heard that is the case. Death comes to meet all at least once in our lives, so one day I will meet with him. It might be blasphemous, but I wish that he is the last one I meet, and that it will be far in the future.”

“Well, as long as you have a healer around your odds of meeting him soon are low.” Lee quipped as they approached an open-roofed wagon. The covering was rolled up, exposing the framework of the wagon and letting the passengers see all around them. In this case, it was needed. Two men and a woman looked like they were about to heave up their breakfast for all to see.

Annalise looked a little guilty when she gestured toward her party. “I’m not very good at cooking.”

Lee gave a polite smile. “I’ll see to them then…”

Lee hopped in the wagon and rubbed their backs. They all had their heads overboard like they were on a ship and had seasickness. After a few seconds of soothing rubs, they all perked up.

The woman of the group, similar in age to Annalise and obviously a ranger or bow-woman, as she had a strung bow hung over her torso, fell back onto the wagon’s floor and shook a fist angrily up into the sky. “Annalise! You liar! Gifts from the village my ass! You know you can’t cook!”

Annalise completely ignored her teammate’s ramblings as she gracefully held out thirty copper pieces to Lee. “A deal is a deal. Thank you, Lee. May the gods and odds be ever in your favor.”

Lee didn’t use his neat Hidden Cache trick when he collected the coins. He reached out, scooped the coins from Annalise's hands, and lingered in his touch.

Then, he paused.

Her hands were rough and as hard as a rock; he had expected some delicate, smooth hands from their appearance, not what equated to sandpaper. She didn’t have any calluses, and he expected at least some pushback from the contact. It was supernatural.

Annalise smiled and gave him a knowing nod. “My body is as hard as my spirit. A perk of my class.”

Lee realized he was still holding her hand. He hastily let go and then coughed loudly to get Em’s attention. “Em. Now you see why I go around healing. To help people when they’re down.”

Em, still snickering, peered from Lee to Annalise. “Oh, trust me. I see why you go around healing now. You might need to get a little better at…”

Lee cut her off and stormed back toward their wagon, leaving Em behind. “Annnnnd we’re off. Come find me if you need any more healing, Annalise.”

Annalise gave him a small wave, then checked on her now-healed party members. Em scuttled up to Lee’s side with ease and, with a devious grin, looked to Lee to make some more fun comments.

Her grin faded when she saw Lee’s face. He wasn’t embarrassed, mad, or sad like she had expected from her teasing. He was wary.

Lee looked up at Em, then back over his shoulder toward Annalise. “What are the odds there is someone as hard as stone out and about when the threat we face is statues?”

Lee watched as Em peered over and looked at Annalise with focus. Then, he saw her ever-white skin pale to a shade white as snow. Glancing back, he saw Annalise narrow her eyes toward Em and shake a single finger back and forth. Almost as if she was scolding a child. ‘Tsk, tsk, tsk.’

Em turned back around and spoke softly. “Identify failed.”

Ahh. That’s a problem.