Chapter 6 – Lisa
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the girl’s name was Lisa Emberwind a familiar last name to Ren.


‘You killed my twin sister, she was supposed to die by my hands


The character who died in the 1st volume of the novel, the twin sister of a character in the next volume dies in the 2nd volume.


Lisa was a character who had little information in the novel but he knew that she was the current successor in the Emberwind family


The Emberwind family holds a Marquis rank, a high-ranking family that lost its successors in the future.


At the start of the 3rd volume, it was destroyed.


“I was defeated in one hit” She lowered her head, Ren couldn’t see her expression but seeing as she was trembling.


She was mad.


“Even my twin sister was beaten, I’m not even sure if she’s still alive, is that how big of a gap is between an A and B student?”


“I have no say in that, I’m only in D class”


“Eh? D class? How come you look prepared”


“I was gonna sneak out of the academy after classes ended and go camping” Ren had to make an excuse somehow, he was the only person who brought something along that was useful for this type of situation


He was already suspicious of having the advantage against others when it comes to supplies.


Lisa tilted her head “Camping while class days are ongoing?”




“It sounds unbelievable to think of a student going camping while an exam was suddenly announced, aren’t you just trying to run away from it?”


“No, I’ve been planning to go camping, I was looking forward to it and due to my excitement, I had brought everything with me during the exams”


“I see.” She didn’t believe it.


“You could believe me or not but that’s just how it is, Anyways I have some things to do rest up” Ren stood up and walked away


He felt her gaze behind him but he continued to walk away until her gaze was no longer felt.


 Ren was outside of the cave sitting down at the entrance, staring into the night sky.


Only the stars were visible in the darkness of the night.


The 3rd day was about to start, He found 6-7 caves in total there were corpses of monsters in some of the caves.


Ren had concluded that something was roaming around the island besides Hecate.


It was avoiding her.


Caves are usually used for monster settlements and yet they were demolished


The monster was avoiding her, it was dangerous knowing another monster was roaming around the island.


Now that he had someone else with him, he couldn’t move as fast as before.


Casting a small wind spell, he scouted the area but stopped when his hand started to have several green sparks.


That was his limit.


Ren couldn’t scout the entire area properly, the pain of having a  small mana pool was a huge disadvantage.


‘Such a pain in the ass’ Returning to the cave, Lisa was fast asleep.


Grabbing a blanket he covered her, she shouldn’t be sleeping this carelessly, Knowing full well there was another person who was the opposite gender.


He couldn’t fall asleep again like last time, who knows what position they’ll end up in?


‘What should I plan next when I make it back alive here?’




The night passed with those thoughts in Ren’s head formulating the next action he could take, he didn’t notice that the sun was out.


“Hey,” Lisa called out to him snapping him out of his thoughts.






“Do you usually zone out?”


“Oh.” Outside of the cave was sunlight.


‘This habit is gonna kill me’ No one was standing guard for the entirety of the night.


If anything happened that night they would have died.


“Yes, I do it often also you recovered fast”


“I could have died if I wasn’t found for another day, Thank you Ren this favor won’t be forgotten in the name of Ember wind I will repay you” She extended her arm


Seeing it as thanks Ren Grabbed her hand, and a jolt of red and green sparked.


“You can use as much as you want”


Ren looked at Lisa in surprise. A mana contract was being formed, it was a significant commitment to the two people involved.


 It meant sharing and intertwining their mana, which could bring both benefits and risks. Ren hesitated for a moment, considering most of the mana was Lisa, she was at a disadvantage in the contract.


“I didn’t give consent to the contract”


“It’s a family secret, only the successors know how to do it even the royal family doesn’t know how to forcefully make one”


Ren let go of her hand and quickly cast a mid-tier wind spell.


[ Windblade ]


A sword made of wind formed cutting a tree down. “Why?”


The one who initiated the contract will be the one who will experience the drawbacks.


“It would be better for us to be able to fight in case of encounters, as you’ve said before you we’re D class and so I will do my best to assist you in battle”


“I’m well prepared”


“It wouldn’t hurt to be more prepared, Ren, don’t worry too much about it and treat it as one of the few things I’ll give you as repayment” Lisa gave a light smile to Ren who had a blank expression.


‘I wasn’t expecting this


“I’ll take it but how long exactly are we gonna be in a contract?”


“Fufu that’s a secret”


“I see, we’ll be leaving a bit later”


“I’ll rest for the time being” Lisa walked up to the tent and removed the bomb inside of it.


“This could kill anyone in B class, where did you buy it?”


“It’s classified information, also here” Ren handed her a novel


Lisa looked at the novel Surprised “You read Romance?”


“Don’t judge me”