Chapter 8 – Ambush
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In a situation where you are about to die, we all wished that plot armor would save us Just like a Main Character. Ren thought as he was hit by A burning club.




“Isn’t it strange that we haven’t seen any other students? Also, why are you climbing when you could use air magic Ren?”

“They are probably moving constantly we’ll eventually bump into someone, also Lisa buddy Let me Climb a Tree instead of Using a bit of mana to quickly get on a tree is a waste” even if he had a mana Contract that allows him to use her mana, He didn’t wanna waste it.

“I bet you can’t climb a tree without using mana”

“Hah? You think I can’t climb a tree without mana, don’t look down on the heir of Emberwind ”Lisa glared fiercely accepting the challenge.

A second later she fell over and over unable to climb a tree as Ren watched over her sitting on a tree branch. “It seems like I’ve won the bet”

“We didn’t bet on anything! I haven’t given up yet!” she shouted embarrassed by the fact she couldn’t even climb a tree.

After a few more attempts, she gave up, Ren laughed quietly, “I guess not all nobles are bad” 

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Nothing of importance” Ren was glad to have someone talking with him if he didn’t, he would be lonely as usual.

The Novels he had were finished, The supplies he had were drained faster by the fact that it was only meant for 1 person and not 2, It would only last for today.

a week is almost finished, 3 more days left before they would be teleported back to Starfall Academy.

they haven’t encountered any setbacks in the days that passed but he was Saddened by the Monster Material that they could have sold off if he had a dimensional Storage Bag

Well, he was the only one Saddened by it, Lisa wasn’t suffering from any Financial problems. ‘She wouldn’t mind if ask for money I think?’

“AHAH! I have done it” Lisa triumphantly declared as she sat on the same branch as Ren.

As Ren and Lisa sat on the same branch, Ren quickly realized that it might not be able to hold both of them. 

He glanced at Lisa and said, "I don't think this branch can support both of us-“

With a sudden snap, the branch beneath them gave way, and Ren and Lisa plummeted to the ground. Their descent was brief As the wind Stopped them from failing.

“Isn’t this a waste of mana?” 

“It was on impulse” Ren felt the change of temperature in the air. ‘Why is it warmer?’

As the wind slowed their fall, Ren and Lisa found themselves safely suspended in mid-air. 

The air started to swirl around the two, Making a small Air Barrier around them.

“Is something coming?” Before Ren could reply A burning Club to the side sent Ren flying towards a tree snapping it in Half. 

“REN!?” Lisa swiftly formed her gauntlet blocking a crushing strike from the Attacking monster, Sparks scatter in the air setting a small fire on the nearby trees.

Lisa face to face with the monster, Recognized it as an Evolved Ogre. It had the Fire Affinity as it had flames all over the body.

She was at a disadvantage, all of her attacks would be futile, it had Fire resistance even with her Mana enhancement her strength can’t be compared to an Evolved Ogre, She stayed in a defensive position as the orc relentlessly attacked her.

Ren barely conscious from the hit, Groaned in pain as he tries to stand up, as he looks in the direction of the Ogre.  

She saw Lisa being thrown towards him.

“Give me a brea-” Catching her, the two of them lay on the floor, he ached from the Previous Attack and now he has another.

The Ogre Started running towards them.

Ren gritted his teeth, and the wind gathered Around his feet, Quickly putting Lisa over his shoulder.

He swiftly moved but the Sounds behind him were getting louder and louder.

Ren Jumped on a tree branch and continued to jump to another, hearing the Tree being cut down, He was Terrified.

‘What can I do? Think Ren think, Lisa is Unconscious and I can’t do shit against an Evolved Orc’ Ren went into Deep thought, and His body moved on its own.

As the Ogre chased after him, it fired off

Balls of fire towards Ren.

He dodged but was Hit on his Right arm, Using wind to Distinguish the fire, Snapping himself out of the Trance ‘This might just work’

Ren Changed Directions going towards a Cave that they stayed in Before.

The Evolved Ogre followed, Not letting go of its newest prey and a fine trophy if it Succeeded in its hunt.

Ren didn’t know how long has passed while he was running but it felt like everything was slowing down, Reaching the Cave entrance.

He suddenly stopped.

The ogre who was chasing after Ren was Caught off guard by his action Went inside the cave as it couldn’t Stop itself from Running.

Ren Gathering wind in his palm threw a high pressured wind attack inside the Cave.[ Air Impact ]

the Cave collapsed burying the ogre ‘A cave collapsing can’t kill an evolved monster but will hinder it for a moment’

He moved away from the Area, The adrenaline he had was fading away.

With each step, his body grew heavier, and with the injuries he had attained Ached. ‘We would have both died if that didn’t work, it was a long shot for it to work but it did’

Ren carefully examined Lisa’s injuries, worried about the extent of the burns on her arms. He knew they needed medical attention soon, but their current situation made it challenging. They were deep within the forest, far away from any help.

He took a deep breath, trying to steady himself and think clearly. “Lisa, can you hear me?” he asked softly, hoping for a response.

Lisa groaned weakly, her eyes fluttering open. “Ren…is this the afterlife?” she murmured, her voice filled with pain.

“Not yet, still kicking” Hearing that, She closed her eyes.

after some time of careful exploration, Ren stumbled upon a small stream. He gently washed Lisa’s burns, trying his best to provide some relief. 

However, he knew that this wouldn’t be enough, They needed proper attention.

As the night approached, Ren decided to create a makeshift shelter using branches and leaves to keep them hidden and safe from any Monsters 

He kept watch throughout the night, making sure they remained undisturbed but His body wasn’t taking it well, he could collapse at any moment but if he does they could die.

As Ren’s exhaustion finally caught up with him, he struggled to keep his eyes open. ‘Damn it’

Despite his best efforts to stay awake, sleep eventually overcame him, and he drifted into a restless slumber.

Unbeknownst to Ren, a mysterious figure had been watching over them from the shadows. 

silently ensured their safety throughout the night, keeping any potential threats at bay.