Chapter 11 – The librarian
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Hello! It’s the author here, haven’t found a right update schedule but have no plans on dropping, Also for the fake hero Novel thinking between another academy novel or going after the demon king kind of novel, well that's about it happy reading!

In a dimly lit room, A Cloaked person Appeared in front of the Principal.

“I have successfully Disposed of them”

“Good, Payment will be sent as usual”

“May I ask a Question?”

“Go ahead”

“Why Dispose majority of them? We could have disposed all of them”

“I wanted to set an example. Plus the ones who were left alive will suffer the consequences, ” Putting down his Cup of tea. He grabbed the pile of papers and took a look at each student who didn’t make it.

“They took away people who could have grown into promising People” he sighed, He finally had a reason to dispose of those people but at the price of Losing Students. ‘I Should have done it sooner’

“I’ll take my leave”

“Wait before you go, grab me another cup of tea”

“...Do I get Extra payment?”


The cloaked person Vanished from the office leaving the principal with no tea.




“Well..where I’m?” Ren didn’t know what happened right after passing out but he was 100% sure that passing out wouldn’t send him to a library.

‘My love for books may have affected where I went to the afterlife?’

“Strange to see a guest here”

Turning around, Ren saw no one, he kept looking around the place but only saw shelves of books.

“Where are you?” he asked in response to his question, the entire place started to shake as the shelves started to form a straight path towards a table.

As he walked towards it, a girl with black hair waited reading a book sitting on a throne.

Arriving in front of the table, the girl in front of him removed her gaze from the book with her clear blue eyes. “Welcome Ren”

“Thanks, so can I know where I’m? Also, who are you?”

“The one who manages this library, the librarian but I’m known as Fate”

‘That’s enough of a clue to know what you are’ Ren realized that the one in front of him was a Goddess.

“It should have been obvious since earlier and yet, you aren’t affected nor intimidated.”

“Should have known she can read minds, wait. What do you mean by that?”

“Every Divine being has an authority and depending on the authority a normal person could be temporarily removed from existence”


“But let’s not talk about such boring topics, Come take a sit, read whatever you want”

“Wait I’m dead?” 

Fate With a snap of a finger brought several books into REN’s hand,  the books were titled The Deaths of Ren. “I guess I didn’t die?”

“Having company is a rare occurrence so do enjoy your stay Ren” Fate returned her attention to the book she was reading.

Ren having a book in his hand, had no reason to refuse. ‘I wonder how I die in this book?’

As he opened the book, a bright enveloped his entire body.

When the bright light dispersed, Ren was left in a familiar place.

The academy was on fire. “Neat, I’m never reading a book given by a Goddess again” he tried to move but he couldn’t.

A structure of the Academy collapsed, looking at the sky. Ren sighed. “I don’t feel the pain right?”

After being squashed by debris, “AAAAAAAAAA” He felt the pain of being crushed to death.

“If you can still shout then that means you’re still Ok” Ren quickly took a look around to see himself in a prison cell with the one person he didn’t want to confront.

“What? Remember something?” Hecate being tied up, asked nonchalantly as her white hair was in plain view with horns and a dark halo.

“Ah...I got spoiled.”


“Nothing, I got amnesia, how do we know each other?” Ren couldn’t control his body but he could speak just fine.

“That’s not funny Darling, how can you play that card when we’re about to get executed”

“Hah? Pardon?”

“Oh Ren, to think you would forget when we’re about to die”

The doors to the prison opened with a bang, and a dark knight holding a cursed sword stood in front “I can finally kill you” the knight clad in the darkness said as it approached Hecate.

The knight pulled out the sword, taking a thrust at Hecate, she moved but was unable to dodge the blow. she was stabbed near the heart.

She gritted her teeth. The knight twisted the sword into her. “I couldn’t wait any longer, traitors should be dealt with.”

The halo slowly started to fade, Ren forcibly Moved but was unable to as several chains restricted both his mana and movement. Gritting his teeth, he was about to shout but a black aura wrapped around his mouth.

“You dare touch my beloved!”  a burst of fire erupted surprising the knight, The sword that was plunged into Hecate Burned, and before the knight could react his entire body was engulfed in blue flames.

Hecate dropped to the ground as she burned the chains. The chains Ren had were also burnt off

As the halo faintly had little light left, Ren hurried over and carried Hecate. “Let’s get out of here” Ren didn’t know what occurred to have them be in a relationship but this body was reacting strongly.

Carrying her out of the cell several more guards came in, and a gust of wind blast blitzed through them. ‘I can do that?’

Moving along the halls Hecate pointed at a Wall. “there’s nothing there”

“Take that route it has a hidden passage, It leads to the courtyard."

Ren followed her instructions, navigating through secret corridors until they reached the courtyard. “I used to hide here.” Hecate weakly laughed. weakened but alive. "You really don't remember anything?"

Ren shook his head. "Nope, it's a blank slate. But right now, escaping seems like a priority also how did you break those chains?” He knew that those chains were meant to restrain mana and physical enhancements of any race.

“It’s a secret” she whispered.

As they reached the courtyard, Hecate muttered an incantation, and the portal expanded, revealing a serene landscape on the other side.

"Step through. It'll take you away from this place, I can only open this once" she urged as she got off his back.

Ren hesitated for a moment, glancing at her wounds and halo "What about you? Are you coming with me?"

Hecate managed a faint smile. "I can't leave just yet. There are things I need to take care of, this will be enough for you to reach them”

Ren frowned, reluctant to leave her behind, Hecate was limping and the halo kept flickering “I see, so this is how I died” his body moved pushing Hecate into the portal.

“Darling?!” Her last words before the portal closed ‘Hm, seeing as I pushed her would that mean they had something attached to me to track me down’

“The king should have put a tracking magic on that bitch” 

“I guess he has a soft spot for his daughter” Ren replied, a second later he was pierced in the chest

Ren moved to dash away, wind started to cover the area “that fucking hurts”

“I can finally get my revenge on my sister” Ren couldn't see anything as his vision was getting Blurry but the last thing he could see was a white flash.

As his head was decapitated.

Drifting into darkness, the entirety of the scenery turned back into the library with The goddess still reading. “Did you enjoy it?”

“You know i didn't think I would die like that also who would enjoy dying?” 


“No, expected it, don’t really wanna die a slow and painful death but it’s shocking to know I was in a relationship with the demon king's daughter” Ren couldn’t rattle his brain on why they would be together.

“It seems like your time is up” 

“Before I go, are you the one who gave me those books” he looked at his hands as they started to disappear.

“No, I’ve only recently found out about you, whoever gave you those books was able to bypass me” Fate had a grin on her face. “It’s been so long since I’ve had company, so I hope you don’t die”

“I’ll do my best” As he vanished from the library, Fate stood up from her chair and walked over to the bookshelf.

Taking a look at the collection of books, a few books had no writing on them but soon started to have new writing “To think I would finally see myself in a book” she smiled.