Chapter 18: Feeding the Dogs
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As I was returning to my chambers, a familiar voice echoed from behind the walls. “So, this is where that brat is staying...”

   Stopping in front of the wooden entrance, one maid in my entourage walked to open the door; however, my arm rose, stopping her from doing so. I wanted to see how far down these two snakes would go.

   The sound of the closet doors being opened rung before a faint gasp sound left one of their dirty mouths. “Nessa! Look at all these dresses!”

   “Ah! I’m sure this one would suit me.” Vanessa chuckled with her obnoxious voice. “Let’s take them, they’re too good for the likes of her... besides, no one will notice if there’s one or two missing.”

   Penny giggled loudly, probably twirling around the room, forcing the wood to shriek under her feet. “Indeed! And even if they do, that snuck up bitch won’t say anything.”

   Cautiously, I glanced at the maids surrounding me. The majority appeared to be blind, deaf and neutral, not showing any type of expression. However, three of the lot glared at the entrance with hateful disdain in their thoughts.

   “I’ve heard enough.” After my words, one of the unbothered maids opened the door. Even though they were trying to keep their composure, all of them gasped at the sight in front of their eyes.

   My two handmaids, Vanessa and Penny, were each wearing a dress offered by the Duke. On the floor, rested their maid uniforms, in a state of complete neglect. Around their wrists and necks, several jewels stood, all taken from the pink-colored box, which contained Edgar’s gifts. The clean bed was now crumbled because of their small moment of relaxation and, to top it all off, the chamber items and decorations were all out of place, as if a hurricane had been granted safe passage.

   Even though they had been caught red-handed, the duo simply chuckled, forcing a maid to speak up. “How dare you do you this!?”

   Vanessa pulled her large shoulders back, straightening her body in order to look more menacing. “And who are you supposed to be?”

   Penny, on the other hand, remained quiet in her corner, hiding her dark blonde colored hair behind her ear as if she was nothing but a naïve child. Even then, she couldn’t hide the smirk stretching far and wide on her filthy lips.

   “I’m Alphie, one of Lady’s maids.” She stated, resolute with her words. The maid’s thin eyebrows furrowed down, almost drawing a line through her forehead. Her light blue iris was so bright it appeared to fade against the pearly white part of the eyes.

   The voluptuous woman, with her large breasts, snorted loudly. “Well, Alphie, we are Ophelia’s personal handmaids. The only person who can order us around is her.”

   “You...!” The maid’s cheeks became flushed, not from embarrassment, but from pure frustration. She wanted to speak up, say more, but she couldn’t. No matter how obnoxious they were, in the hierarchy, they were still her superiors.

   As Vanessa had a wide smile stamped on her slightly crooked lips, Penny chuckled behind her, watching everything unfold like a hawk. Finally, she intervened. “Now that everything is sorted out, we will just...”

   As the frail, golden-haired girl approached me, brimming with confidence, I smirked.

   “I’m afraid you won’t be going anywhere so soon, Penny.” My cold tone made her stumble back on her feet. Her deep brown eyes blinked a handful of times, staring at me in complete disbelief. Vanessa observed me, shocked. “You two dared to remain in the Criswell’s mansion for days and now, I caught you touching the gifts Father so kindly prepared to me...”

   Noticing how ominous the environment had become, they traded guilty glances. Their little minds were trying to find a way out of this situation. With the deafening silence in the room, I continued. “You even dared to soil my good name with your greedy mouths.”

   “What are you talking about, Ophelia?” Vanessa said, a wavering doubt lingering in her voice.

   “Since you are so eager to live a life of extravaganza, then so be it. Ladies, let’s show how beautiful they look to the Duke.” At my words, they both fell to their knees, reality finally embracing them fully.

   “Please don’t do this! We regret our actions deeply!” Penny stated, her arms trembling slightly.

   I grinned, understanding that this pitiful display they were putting on was nothing more than a means to an end. They truly thought they would be spared if they shed a couple of crocodile tears.

   Seeing how none of the maids were moving, my voice roared through the silence. “What are you waiting for? Bring them along!”

   Even though most of them appeared reluctant, Alphie and four other maids immediately lowered their bodies, grabbing the young women by their arms.

   “Get your filthy hands off me!” One of them said as the maids forcefully dragged them outside the room.

   No matter how much they squirmed or tried to fight back, none of the servants were losing their grasp. Just like eagles who had carved their nails onto the fresh fish in the river, they weren’t letting go of their prey.

   It was only when we began passing through the library, several meters further down the hall, that the snakes finally settled down. Everyone in the estate was looking at them, judging them from afar. Nerves darted through my veins knowing that my performance was also under the ambiguous glares of the curious servants.

   After fifteen minutes of walking through the long corridors, we finally arrived at our destination. The Duke’s aide announced my arrival and soon after, the large doors obstructing our sight moved to the sides.

   “Ophelia, dear, what brings you...” Edgar’s warm expression turned as cold as the Icy Mountains on the north. “What is the meaning of this!?”

   Vanessa and Penny fell straight onto the floor, and I tiptoed a couple of steps to the side, allowing him to see the beautiful display of disrespect at its fullest. Sweat dripped from their foreheads as their eyes became tainted with horror, not daring to even peek at the man in front of them. Their breathings were unstable, their bodies trembling slightly.

   “Are you mute!? Answer me immediately!” With Edgar’s loud yell, they shuddered in place.

   The brunette glanced at me, hoping to find a boat in the middle of this storm; however, her eyes filled with anger once she saw the enormous grin on my lips. I couldn’t help it. Seeing these wicked women down to their knees, suffering in pure fear of the punishment that was bound to follow, was making me ecstatic. A thrilling sensation flew through my body, forcing my skin to crawl in pure amusement.

   “Your Grace, I...” Penny was about to find a measly excuse but was quickly interrupted by her colleague.

   “Everyone knows how merciful you are, Your Grace. Please forgive our insolence and poor judgment.” Even though Vanessa was terrified, she lowered her body even further, forcing her head to press strongly onto the floor. “We will take any punishment you see fit.”

   Seeing their honesty and frontality, Edgar relaxed slightly. After letting out a long sigh, he glanced at me. “Ophelia, they are your maids. I’ll let you decide.”

   “Yes, Father.” I bobbed my head and pushed my raven hair back. Knowing him, this was one of the first tests he would make to discern my character. Even yearning to order the harshest cruelty nobles could oblige commoners to, my punishment was far too tamed. “Vanessa, Penny. You are both revoked from your duties as my handmaids and hereby expelled from the Wharton’s estate.”

   Without even letting me finish, they glanced upwards, eyes filled with relief and wide smiles stamped on their faces. “Thank you, milady!”

   “But since you damaged the dresses, you are to repay their full price within three years. If you refuse or fail to obey this command, you’ll have two fingers removed.” Their eyes widened and their mouths opened in complete disbelief. “Pack your things and go.”

   “That’s impossible! You know we can’t pay that amount!” Penny yelled as the rest of the maids grabbed her strongly by the arms. Tears flew down her face, cheeks becoming completely flushed. She was being dominated by her fear and anxieties, not aware of the environment surrounding her. “You are dooming us to fail, Ophelia!”

   “Shut up!” Vanessa pushed the blonde girl hard, forcing her to glance around. The Duke was standing at the corner of the room, looking at them as if they were nothing but mere ants, ready to be squashed at a moment’s notice; however, reality only sunk when they saw the wide grin on my lips. It was satisfying, so satisfying.

   “Penny, I don’t recall giving you permission to address me so casually.” My figure leaned forward, approaching her desperate expression with a certain pleasure irking within the erupting volcanoes on my skin. “You’ve raised me since I was but an infant, however, my mercy won’t be tested any further.”

   In a complete state of loss, Penny’s body turned to jelly, her spirit completely broken. Vanessa, on the other hand, simply glared at me with her hatred filled brown eyes. It was clear this matter wasn’t finished for her, even if I’d given them such a light punishment. Thieves have both hands removed, after all.

   After the sound of the door closing echoed, my soul forced my heart to settle, allowing my face to regain a calm and composed expression before turning to the Duke. “I’m sorry for disturbing you with this matter, Father.”

   He approached me and patted my hair gently. I glanced at him, not comprehending the reasoning behind his actions, but he simply smiled.

   “I understand why you did it, child.” After this small moment of kindness, he returned to his desk and grabbed a handful of sheets. “Now go, you still have a ball to attend, have you not?”