Chapter 33: Family Affair
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Eventually, Bradley arrived at the Wharton’s mansion, yet no one expected him. Servants hastily walked up and down the stairs, running to warn the Duke of the sudden visitor.

   A calm, young looking maid with bright blonde hair, paler than his, approached him. “I’m sorry, milord, but her ladyship isn’t here. She went out but told me to deliver this upon your arrival.”

   In her hands, a pearly white envelope carrying the scent of roses lingered. Without replying to the maid, he quickly snatched the item from her hands. Quietly, the young girl bobbed her head and left.


[Lord Bradley,

I am glad you are finally settling down with my sister. She is so very fond of you.

Sadly, I am deeply allergic to tea. Just the thought of it makes me nauseous. Forgive me, but I must decline your invitation.

Have a safe trip home.                

Ophelia Criswell]


   He grabbed the letter strongly, forcing the thin paper sheet to crunch between his fingers. A frustrated laughter left his body. Ophelia... you make me insane...

   “I shall prepare the carriage milord.” Bradley’s servant stated, hoping to prove himself useful after noticing how frustrated his master’s expression truly was.

   “Who is going home?” He grinned, as if he had already plotted a rather wicked plan on the spot.

   Simultaneously, a servant from the mansion walked down the stairs, stopping right in front of him. “Lord Bradley, Duke Wharton is ready to see you.”

   “Lead the way.” He politely smiled, anxiously waiting for his rival’s upcoming arrival.




   Night started to settle in the land, allowing the green fields to slowly lose their color, becoming one with the darkness surrounding. It wouldn’t be long until the only light source available was the one falling from the rays birthed by the grand moon above.

   “Where are we headed, Master?”

   “I’m living in the Wharton’s estate, so that’s where we’ll go.” He looked at me, clearly confused as to why a noble lady was staying in another family’s house. “I am to wed Terrel Wharton, the Duke’s first son.”

   “I see... is he a good man?” My eyes widened at his unexpected question.

   A rather awkward laugh left my being, snorting at the possible thought of that man ever possessing something resembling humane. “You cannot call that thing a man. Right now, he is in the palace, but he will rape me once he returns. That’s how much good he has in him.”

   The carriage turned silent. Jade was obviously surprised, probably because noblewomen shouldn’t speak so freely about such topics, but there was no roundabout way to say what needed to be said.

   Eventually, he spoke, still threading lightly with his own words. “Did that happen... in your other lives?”

   “Yes.” My answer was quick enough to make his eyes widen, completely taken aback. “There is another troublesome man too, Bradley Trace. He is my older sister’s fiancée.”

   “What did he do?” Jade was becoming rather comfortable, maybe because in his head this was me opening up, but little did he know that this was merely my rational side taking a stand. There was no need for me to show all my cards, but he should at least know the crucial parts of the game he was going to play in. That was why he was purchased after all.

   “Knowing him, you’ll see soon enough.” Deep down, my gut knew he hadn’t left the estate after reading my letter as his pride was far too stubborn for that – like a freaking mule who didn’t know when to give in.

   Even then, Jade’s gaze focused on me, strangely preoccupied. Maybe I should feel honored to have someone harboring such kindhearted feelings for me, to have someone actually worrying if relieving certain memories would cause me to remember pain and despair; however, happiness and gratefulness were far too broken to return.

   Understanding the conversation had grown stale, as my attention gradually moved to the window, seeing the last remaining rays of the day shower the land, Jade’s fists crumbled his shabby trousers, filled with holes and threatening to rip at the slightest movement.

   “I will heed all your commands, Master. I am yours so use me to my fullest potential.”

   It was easy to read between the lines of such beautiful words, so all he got in return was a faint smile. This deep care he showed was nothing but cordial, a fake, forced illusion from a man who was nothing more than a tool for my success.

   So, you will do everything, even carry the burdens of murder or listening to my worries, is it?

   “We’ve arrived, milady.” At the perfect timing, the coachmen spoke loudly and the light coming from within the mansion peaked through.

   Moments later, the horses stopped galloping, and soon the carriage came to a halt. Jade’s eyes widened when my torso straightened, my expression stiffened, fully embracing the noble mask I had to wear so often.

   “Bradley might be outside. Watch him closely.” The click of the lock was heard. “The rest, I’ll leave to your judgment.”

   Jade left first and the moment I placed a foot outside, two hands stretched far and wide, hoping to escort me.


   “Lady Ophelia.” Bradley ignored the slave’s presence completely, as if he was nothing more than the ghost of a man who once lived. That man was so confident that his attitude came out as cockiness – becoming nothing more than obnoxious at best.

   Without hesitating or even sparing him a glance, my fingers fell on Jade’s hand, making the noble’s attention shift towards the man he had previously failed to acknowledge.

   “And who are you?” Annoyed, the nobleman’s eyes voyaged through the slave’s body.

   Yet, none of us replied as we entered the mansion, causing him to disgracefully follow us like a sad puppy, eager to gain some attention from its owner. Jade’s hands let go of mine and took away my cloak before doing the same to his, moments before placing them on Olivia’s hands. The girl blushed slightly – even though he’d seen better days, the slave held quite handsome features.

   “Wash them thoroughly.” I told the young maid, who quickly returned to her senses.

   “Shall I prepare a bath? I’m sure it would do wonders after your busy day.” She was aloof, but sometimes attentive, always when the moment called for it. Once my head nodded, she rapidly bobbed hers and left towards my chambers.

   “Hey, I’m talking to you.” Bradley grabbed Jade’s wrist, being greeted by his haughty glare. “Who are you?”

   “I don’t respond to you.”

   “You little...!” As things were about to escalate, my hands cupped his, understanding that, with the wounds the slave carried, there was no way he could escape this all by himself.

   “He is my personal guard.” I coldly smiled, forcing him to finally let go of Jade’s wrist.

   “If you needed a guard, I could’ve sent one of my own, Lady Ophelia. There was no need to...” Clearly this man held in high regard his charm, yet his better judgment seemed to fail him, as if there was a possible competition between a noble and a slave.

   “But that wouldn’t be proper, would it, My Lord?” My hands caressed the slave’s cheeks. “Besides, I’m sure none of your guards could be as handsome as my Jade, wouldn’t you say?”

   “Your bath is ready, milady. Please come this way.” Alphie arrived, forcing me to leave the young men to their business. However, as I was about to make a turn at the corridor, a butler from Edgar’s personal batch appeared, escorting Jade to his new chambers while Bradley simple watched our figures disappear - an annoyed tick resting on the sides of his frustrated smile was slowly spreading its domain.