A Game of No Hands Chapter 46
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As the husky sisters returned for the platters and their disorganized snacks, Steve envisioned hulking Tina in her quadruple breasted bikini, fem cock escaping out the side of her thong and leaking her clear fem juice from its tip. One of her lower hands toyed with her cock in an almost unconscious motion.

“What’s with those tongues hanging out of your mouths?” The vision of Tina asked with a deep giggle. “Is that prim and proper for our guest to see?”

The softest of clicks sounded and the vibe whirred to life inside them. The realization that Tina actually stood before them, hammered their sensitivity into over drive. Mewling, whining, they stretch up as tall as their legs allowed, tail blurring into motion. Every muscle tensing in preparation for a massive orgasm.

The buzz of the vibe stopped leaving the maid sisters hanging there.

Tina’s grin contained both equal parts amusement and mischievousness. Steve would beg, promise, anything, in return for one lick of her massive tongue across their swollen spade. That’s all they needed, all they’d ever want. But the grin only whispered, “Not yet. Good girls don’t come until their told. And you’re my good girls, aren’t you?”

“Yes mistress.” The pair of them squeaked, the speaking of their trigger brought them close… so achingly close, but refused to push them over.

Tina plucked the platter of food off the cart. “Here, I’ll help you with this. Why don’t you pour the tea?”

“We can do it Mistress.” The inside of Steph and Steve’s ears flushed red as they stretched out their paws toward the platter.

The platter, its golden knob pitched between two of Tina’s massive fingers, floated out of reach. “Steven, Stephonie,” She growled, “Heel and fetch the tea.”

The pair emitted a high-pitched whine as they cringed under the weight of the rebuke. Somehow it only increased the need between their legs. Quivering, they managed a stiff curtsy, lifting their skirt to display their dribbling spade ever so briefly before fleeing down the stairs.

“I see the quality of the help has declined during my long… slumber.” Madam Kymopoleia drawled as she and Tina watched the maids lift the tea pot with trembling hands.

Tina casually sauntered down the stairs, “I’d appreciated it if you didn’t speak ill of my husband. She’s still learning her role.”

Steve shivered hard as they tried to pour the tea, spilling quite a bit on the saucer and a drop on the table. Steph took control of their body, fighting off Steve’s effort to bury her face in her paws. Instead, they poured Madam Kymopoleia’s cup without spilling.

The platter clinked onto the table and two massive hand paws enveloped their heads, thumbs rubbing their ears.

“Good girls, my very good girls. Good job.” Tina Cooed.

The praise, the softness of Tina’s pads, her overwhelming scent combined with their sheer arousal to gently lift Steve’s words away. Tina piloted them to a spot ten feet away from the table.

“Stay.” Tina commanded

The maids did as they were told, adoring eyes on their Mistress as she went back to the table and invited the octopus woman to join her. As the Madam heaved herself out of the fountain, Tina took one of the entire platter levels off the rack and tossed all the treats on it into her maw, then licked it clean. The madam huffed before the pair launched into a conversational sparring match. Only snatches of it penetrated the thick haze of Steve’s arousal and pining want.

“They’re whining again…”

“I do love the scent of bitches in heat.”


Steve vaguely recalled filling tea cup and pushing the cart, laden with dirty dished back to the kitchen but didn’t have the focus to wash the dishes. Yet they were driven to serve, to be useful. In their haze, they found the ballroom at the end of the ground floor hallway. Stacked up tables and chairs awaited under a thick coating of dust. The floor, white tiles interlaced with smaller diamond gold, was a mess of scuff marks. As if the attendants of the last dance had all worn army boots. The mop wouldn’t touch the marks, so Steve and Steph got a course brush and scrubbed it on their hands and knees. That motion thrust the brush forward and pulling it back produced a lovely swing to their breasts. The weight of the chains on their nipples swung them like pendulums. It was easy to imagine the mistress or Angelica thrusting to the same rhythm of their scrubbing.

“Yes mistress. Yes please!” They murmured to themselves when they backed into a table leg. Grinding against it only strengthened their want. They clenched around the still form of the vibe and begged for the mistress to call on them. 

“I want a cock inside!” Steve moaned out her frustration.

“Me too! Or a tongue or tentacle or anything!” Steph near howled.

“Wanna lick mistress’s cock until it shrinks down into a pussy and then grind our spade against it until she spews.”

“What if she knots us to Angelica and ties us together, like that time in the car.”

“Yes!” Steve mewed eagerly.

Together they traded sexual wishes back and forth, working themselves back up to the point they could feel their sex throb.  They continue their scrubbing, losing themselves in the repetitive motions of their brush and the vague impression of progress as they inched their way across the floor. Upon reaching a wall or obstical they’d grind against it briefly before choosing a new line to scrub.

Later, after countless turns, the end of their shift approached. They could hear the harsh mechanical ticks of the time clock reverberate through their skull. With minutes to go, the vibe gave a brief pulse.

“Mistress!” they cried as that small bit of stimulation finally gave them the orgasm they had been seeking for hours. The vibe clattered on the floor between their skirted knees as they moaned with relief. They had no time to luxuriate in an afterglow, and lurched to their feet. The Mistress had called for them! Staggering forward on unsteady legs they crashed into the inward opening ballroom doors with a thud. Scrabbling at the handles, they managed to pull the door open and nearly fell through them.

“Mistress?!” They called out with desperate tone.

Steph sniffed the air. “She’s on the ground floor!”

Steve grimaced, tasting traces of the mistress’s musk. She’d been here! Had she’d seen them? Had she heard them swapping fantasies? It didn’t matter. They just needed to find her.

Led by Steph’s nose they zig zagged their way down the hallway, sniffing at the cracks at door’s edge for the mistress’s scent. No. No. No. No. No. YES!

They licked at the door’s white painted surface as they fumbled with the handle. Finally it open and revealed the gorgeous hyena chimera.

“Mistress!” Steve and Steph howled like a pair of lost children, tail wagging. A ringing chime sounded in their heads and all compulsion of restraint fell away, they charged, their voices rising into chorus to barks and excited chirps.

“Girls? Oof.” The mistress caught them beneath their armpits, stopping them at half her arms length. Regardless, Steph and Steve’s tongues flew, kissing excitedly at the underside of Tina’s muzzle. 

“Fuck us! Fuck us please!” Steph begged.

“We’ve been waiting all day!” Steve mewed piteously, “Please mistress.” 

“Promised us cock! Cock cock cock!” Steph chanted.

“Nak nak nak!” The mistress laughed happily, “Hold on, let's get those clamps off first.”

“Cock first!” They shouted, their tentacles futilily attempt to reach their desire, but the ankle-length skirt blocked their path.

“Then hold still.” Tina laughed as lifted them from the floor and carried them a short distance. Then, sitting down, she turned Steph and Steve so they were facing away and put them on her lap. Steve saw themselves staring back from the wall they now faced, a mirror and immediately closed her eyes. Focusing instead on the stiff rod pressing against their buttocks and the base of their tail.

Whining with need, hitched up their skirt up to their waist and impaled themselves upon it. The warm femcock parted their hungry pussy and finally, after so long, reached that unanswered need deep inside. When they attempted to ride it, the mistress firmly pushed them down, forcing it deeper, not allowing them to do more than grind against its base. The wonderful stretch cascaded out into sparks of pleasure that shook their body. Yet, it provided only brief release, they could feel the edges of a mind breaking ocean of bliss lurking near, like the one in the grocery store but even bigger.

“Let us go!” They pleaded, grinding against the mistress with quick thrusts of their hips.

“Patience girls. We have to take these off first.” The Mistress reached into their apron, retrieving the forceps. “Steve, open your eyes.”

“Mrrf.” Steve winced as her name entered her ears. It felt sharp and unpleasant. Avoiding looking at the too pretty slut in the mirror, she directed her gaze down their front. Watching as the mistress carefully removed the top left clamp. It hurt as the silicone peeled out of the red lines where it had bitten. With another hand, she applied a cool cream, massaging the tortured nipple as it swelled between the pads of her fingers. Achingly slowly, she repeated the procedure on each of their breasts while a third hand gently played with the liberated nipples.  It felt wonderful, entirely differently than the cock inside them. The care evident in the way the mistress applied the motion warmed their chest.

“I’m going to fuck you now but…” The mistress cupped Steve’s jaw and raised her face toward the mirror. “You have to watch.”

Steve’s eyes immediately went to the side. Looking at the room for the first time. They were in a dance studio. The long wall one continuous mirror with a banister at hip height. Hardwood floors had been swept, but needed a good mop and polish. Over the door hung a painting of a satyr in a white tutu and his arms arched gracefully over his head.

She nipped her ear with a laugh and chided, “That’s not watching yourself Steve. Be a good girl and look at yourself.”

With a blend of a meow and a whine, she looked. Looked at that disheveled two headed, ten breasted woman in the mirror. The rumpled skirt, hunched up around their waist almost covering the mussed fur of their thighs. Lust boiled out from her shining eyes as they sat, impaled on the psuedocock of their mistress, excitement painted on their mismatched faces. Their bestial mistress slid hands beneath their legs and lifted them up. Just far enough to free her hips to thrust up into them, bouncing the maid along the length of her cock.

Steve watched the way their breasts swung with every well timed impact of the mistress’s hips, two rows of swollen nipples. How their own back arched against her. Steve used their arms to cling to Tina’s neck, giving them leverage to drive themselves down onto the shaft. Saw the feline’s face’s tongue curl within her open mouth with the pleasure her mistress’s cock brought to her body, and her mistress to her life.

The mistress ripped away the maid’s skirt, leaving only their tattered fishnet stockings and their lacey headbands as the remains of their clothing. Exposing the thick black cock driving up into their engorged pussy, lewd fluids squeezing out between it and the thick, trifold lips. She heard herself, this lust crazed, no, lust driven creature in the mirror beg for more as the mistress growled, strained, and stuttered. The feline whipped around to kiss her sister and body mate as their mistress erupted within them. Steve watched her reflection out of the corner of her eye as her rough tongue entangled Steph’s smooth one, corkscrewing together as they rode through a cataclysmic wave of pleasure together. Her vision wavered and sparkled, but held. Her sister’s cute husky eared head fell away from the kiss, slack, eyes rolled back into her head.

Yet, the feline muzzle on grinned at her reflection, beaming not mere pleasure but happiness. In their arms their mistress panted, her hips stilled but no matter. The sisters levered themselves up and down her cock with her help, using their knot trapping muscles to squeeze around it.

“I…” The black lips tremble as they formed the words, “Love this!” Joy shined in her deep brown eyes as she felt her mistress thicken inside of them. “My name is Stella.” It wasn’t a switch, or a buried identity, just a simple realization. There was no point in clinging to who she had been. Steve no longer fit this happy, part dog, part cat, all sexy creature in the mirror. “I jumped a pizza delivery guy because he was a handsome foxy man. I seduced Angelica away from her books for fun. And I came so fucking hard in the middle of a grocery store!” A roar poured forth from her throat. The mirror shook and Stella laughed.

“Bout time.” Steph grinned around her hanging tongue.

“Stella huh?” The mistress managed a breathy laugh of her own. “I-yeeeee!”

The pair had lifted themselves from her thickening cock, only for a tentacle to whip around it and dive into the widening slit. They spun around, slammed back down not onto the cock but Tina’s sack and her false spongy balls.

“My queen! We’re going to make you cum like an atomic bomb.” The newly rechristened Stella proclaimed before savaging her mistress’s nipples with her rough tongue.

“Yee! Yee!” Mistress clamped down the armrests of her chair and the wood groaned in warning as they drove their tentacle in deeper as the cock opened into a dripping vagina. Shifting sideways, they kissed it with their own sex, grinding the tentacle between them.

The mistress barked and bucked as her crevasse fountained like an awakening volcano. Stella, and belatedly Steph, howled in victory before two very strong arms crushed them to the mistress’s chest.

“Thats enough… Stella.” The mistress laughed. “Down girls.”

“Aww but I…” Stella protested, but now held still, with the adrenaline draining, a well of exhaustion opened within her. She fought the yawn, but it came anyway. Besides, the mistress’s breasts made for good pillows.     

The grip on them relaxed, Tina stroked their furred backside. “I didn’t realize want I really want until years after we were married. For all the other things I did, I couldn’t quite ask you to be a woman for me. Although I dreamed of it. Dressing you up. Making you titter. Then I saw the deck you drew, and I knew. Knew deep down you wanted it too. A bit ago, I promised I wouldn’t make this permanent. Still want me to keep that promise?”

“No.” Stella said simply. “I don’t think we can handle every day like today but… I never want to go back to before. I dunno how much of this is the cards, and it doesn’t matter. I love this me. I never had that before.”

“Duh!” Steph giggled sleepily, nestling deeper into a shaggy bosom.

“Hush you,” Stella licked her sister.

“Ow. Mistress, Stella is murderating me with her tongue.” Steph whined.

“Bad.” Tina gave them a light pat on the bottom. Stella protested but sleep took her mid mumble, turning it to quiet mew.




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