A Game of No Hands Chapter 52
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Angelica emerged from her haze to witness a Kymopoleia squeezing herself into a tanker truck. With a wave she invited all of them to stop by for tea sometime, then departed for her home in the ocean.

Three days passed and the trio’s bovine features receded. Tina’s once empty sac still contain two throbbing balls and cum turned milky white. Steph and Stella each kept a pair of tiny horns that poked through their long hair. Angelica’s breasts retained their four teats and a pair of hooves on her front legs.

Steph and Stella spent those days in a combination of lusty play and battling back the decades of neglect in the ballroom. Stella had never before experienced such a thrill of accomplishment when she first saw their ghost like reflection on the tile floor. The others were a little perplexed when Stell and Steph herded to the ballroom to look at the newly waxed floor. Once the pair of them calmed down enough to explain, the mistress called them very good girls until words became difficult and let the Princess knot them while they watched their own expressions in that polished tile. Then, when they didn’t think it could get any better, the Mistress commanded them to polish her cock. Still knotted, they took turns deep throating her psuedo penis until it collapsed into a slit and together they made the hyena yowl like a barncat.

Stella couldn’t remember a more forefilling day as Steve or her new self. A bitter part of her quibbled that polishing a floor didn’t hold a candle to her old ambitions as a software engineer but she tried not to give it space in her brain. He had been then, she was now.

The space prepared, Tina, recovered from the epic Moo session, threw herself into the heavy lifting of rearranging furniture. The undamaged statues moved themselves if you asked nicely but they had to haul out the ones ruined by Tipper’s last stand by hand.

Angelica’s front hooves were even more useless than paws and couldn’t help much more than fetch small objects in her mouth. She made several sojourns into the library intending to teach herself telekinesis, but manipulating the pages proved to too frustrating make much progress.  She settled further into her pet role. While Tina primped, she got a morning milking, followed by a flight in the garden before she produced too much milk to fly. The rest of the day alternated between naps and trying to get either Tina or the sister’s attention. She got quite good at sneaking up behind Steph and Stella, then startling them with a well-placed tongue. Sometimes she got chased, sometimes she got put to “work.” On the occasions they were laboring on a direct order from Tina and couldn’t deviate, Angelica really had fun, teasing them to utter and occasionally udder distraction.

Tina’s latest card made her basically capable of doing one of three things once the primping compulsion was satisfied, eating, fucking or sleeping. To avoid wearing her subs out completely, she ate nearly constantly. Crunching on bones was her favorite thing while she multitasked. Still the longer she went before a servicing the easier she became to distract. When Angelica drew out a flirty chase session too long, Tina literary fucked a hole in the wall.

Despite their play, they decorated the ballroom together with various faded ribbons they found in closets. They brightened as soon as the trio put them on the wall. They set tables with up turned top hats in the middle for groups of six people, chairs or stool only on one side so no one needed to turn around to see the small raised stage. A vague feeling guided the decorating. Feeling a little rebellious at the game’s and the Jackalope’s unseen guiding paw, Stella and Steph set a bowl of magic plums on each table. A silver buffet was wheeled out of the separate kitchen attached to the ballroom, but nobody had an inkling what to cook, if anything. 

Still, they weren’t quite done. Something was missing. All of them stood in the ballroom, decorated with colorful streamers radiating out from huge bows on walls, while the tables were formal, white, gold and a bit of black from the up turned top hats. Stella thought it appeared to be some sort of upscale magic themed birthday party.

“We setup for the party.” Stella voiced her thoughts. “Shouldn’t the cards be here?”

“Oh! Mew know. Mew be back.” Angelica perked up and ran from the room. Within a minute, she returned with a stack of stationary carefully held in her mouth. She set it on the nearest table. “Mewvites!”

Immediately, Stella blushed hard. The prospect of showing people what she’d become caused their heart to stutter.

“Its gotta happen sometime.” Steph whispered.

“Heeeheehehe.” Tina’s laugh climbed high as she eyed the paper. “Makes sense. Have to show the world in grand fashion what we are now. We have to send the invites to finish the quest. The game will be over by the time they get here.”

Stella nodded, “We’re still not inviting our parents.”

“The quest didn’t say who we had to invite. Simply we had to invite guests.” Tina picked up a pen from the guest book by the entryway and with it pinched between two fingers knelt in front of the stationary. “Although we maybe should start with your aunt.”

“Meow! Yes!” Angelica’s tail rose with her excitement.

“Auntie Willow would be a lovely guest.” Steph seconded.

Stella whimpered softly, but nodded. Then asked, “Could we invite Tony and her girlfriend? I’d like to see how she’s doing.”

“Sure, let me make one for your Aunt first.” Tina grimace with the force of her concentration and set pen to paper, writing in jagged scratches: Dear Isabell, You are cordially invited to witness the grand finale of our Game of No Hands at Elfford Manor. The show begins at 9PM Tonyght. You may bring a guest or two.”

“Mewnight?!” Angelica exclaimed.

“Watch the finale?!” Stella squeaked as Steph giggled.

“Nak! It just came out like that!” Tina huffed, then squinted at the pen tip as if it contained a hidden wire or something.

The paper fluttered, removing itself from the pad before folding itself into neat thirds. In a flash of golden light, a silver seal appeared. From it an embossed jackalope head winked.

“You! That’s not funny.” Tina growled at it.

“Its been so long since this house has hosted proper entertainment, you should start your formal residence here with a bang. Don’t you think?” The seal said.

“Haven’t we been doing enough of that?” Stella asked.

The jackalope laughed. “Ah no getting cold paws now. You loved playing in public. No hands is game that’s meant to be shared.”

“That was different, nobody knew!” Stella's voice climbed but she could already feel the tingling warmth of their arousal as the memories of the supermarket replayed through her head. Then her thoughts skipped to serving drinks, maybe inviting guests into darkened corners for additional servicing.

“Think how many people we could drag beneath the plum tree.” Steph whispered with lusty eagerness.

Stella shivered, “Not if we’re on stage!”

“Then we can sign autographs after the show with our tongues.” Steph licked Stella cheek.

“This isn’t part of the game.” Tina protested, her mane bristling.

“Its part of the finale! Its part of the restoration of Elfford manor. Your right, that’s not part of the game as Tipper designed but neither was I. As one of their few sentient creations, finding stewards for their legacy falls to me. It is one thing to embrace change and hedonism in the dark. Its another to live it. To show others their born shape need not trap them.” The Jackalope chuckled, eyes flicking to the maids and Angelica, “Or boldly introduce the reluctant to new possibilities.”

Tina arms curled around the girls and Angelica protectively as she rumbled uneasily. “What do you say?”

All three of them laughed.

Steph spoke first, “If you ordered any of us to fuck a stranger on stage, we do it.” Stella nodded in agreement, not trusting her words.

“Mew thinks this is meird spot to draw mew’s line on mewibition.” Angelica said as she nuzzled the mistress.

“Hehenak. There’s no escape on a stage.” The big yena’s nose darkened, “Can’t escape a stage, can’t see outside a spot light.”

“Sounds like you have some drama club trauma to process.” Stella patted Tina’s fur. 

Tina’s hackles fell with a huff. “If you both fine with it.”

“So long as its a appreciative audience.” Stella said, “Which means most of our family are not invited.”

“Mom would shrivel up and die.” Steph agreed. “Dad would probably go blind.”

“My family mew, too.” Angelica nodded. “But those in kinksters mistress introduced mew to? Mewbe mew tailor would like it?”

With a heavy breath, Tina rolled the pen to the edge of the table where she pinched it between the pads of her thumb and finger.

“Hehehe. Then fast as fast can be I deliver this with weeeee!” The invite shot toward the door and disappeared.

“Right, who else?” Tina asked.

First they went through the easy invites, the people they’d met on their journey here. Tony and their girlfriend. That real estate agent. The Tailor Couple. Each invite folded itself and zipped away without a word. Then things got a bit tougher as they went through the people who knew them all from before. A few members of Angelica’s and Tina’s kink circles where chosen. When the Jackalope offer to fill the seats with some of Tipper’s old friends, they all readily agreed.

With the invites done, there was a heavy thump from the stage, the poker table and the cards were waiting for them.




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