A Game of No Hands Chapter 53
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Stella stared at the stage and the waiting game. “I thought we were waiting for the party?”

“The Jackalope said the party was for the finale!” Steph grinned. “We get to do the last turn in private.”

“Except for him.” Tina stretched out from hunching over a table to write the invitation and yawned.

“Mew!” Angelica bolted for the table, front hooves clacking on the tile. She reached the table long before the others, who approached it with caution.

As soon as they took their chairs Angelica’s thick bulky collar fell away. With a feline murr, she cracked her neck and brought a hoof up to her lips. After few flicks of her tongue, the hard keratinized claws cracked and dissolved, the two digits multiplied into five stubby but functional fingers and a thumb. She waved it at the others.

“Meow! I’ve got hands again! And I’m talking mewmal.” Her ears halfway turned as she snorted in annoyance. “Mostly.”

“Awww but you were so cute talking like that.” Steph cooed.

“Hehehe. Oh, she will, you’ll just have to rile her up a little. Right, Princess?” Tina chuckled and scratched her head.

“Mewf.” She humphed.

Stella barely watched this exchange, her gaze falling on their sole remaining face-down card and her perma maid card. What lurked beneath that? How would this alter them now? Only one way to find out.

As silence fell on the table, they slid a claw beneath of the card and flipped it over. 

Husky Howlin, the title read. Below it, the husky maid threw her head back and howled as her tail wagged happily. Stella breathed a sigh of relief. That was one she could live with. She gotten used to feline muzzle but it did look a bit odd with the ears.

“I finally get my face!” Steph barked. 

“Glad someone’s happy with their card.” Tina grumbled. “I have wearing the wealth of the kingdom. Finally found my outfit compulsion.”

“Oh mew’s, I mean, mine’s horrible. Too.” Angelica said, even as she kneeded the pillow she sat on, a purr rising in her throat before she suppressed it with a swallow. “I mean, it doesn’t make any sense with the theme. Mama punk? Mrrowl.”

Steph tittered softly, and Stella smiled as Angelica struggled with her obvious want.

Meanwhile, Tina cackled with laughter, leaned back in her throne like chair and hefted her very full scrotum. “Hehehehe! Guess these royal oysters of mine stuck around for a reason. With a card like that, it might take.”

“Mewbe I should play it on mew then!” Angelica responded with more whine than growl.

Tina merely grinned. “I’m going to play my card on you. So go right ahead, Mama.”

The Sphinx broke contact, her nostrils flaring with her rapid breaths.

“So you can decide if you want another random card or not.” Tina continued. “You’ll be a very pretty kitty, all knocked up with a big round belly.”

“Mrrroooooowwl. Sssstop.” Angelica shifted uncomfortably, beads of milk appearing at the end of her long nipples.

Tina pointed her token at Angelica, then covered it.

throughout this exchange, Stella and Steph stayed silent. Body bending enchantments made it nearly impossible to get pregnant and being a slutty servant would be far less fun if they had to worry about consequences. They pointed their token at themselves and covered. neither of the others noticed.

Angelica curled her fingers around her token. Glanced up at Tina, adjusted it and bared her teeth.

The massive head cocked slightly in silent question.

“Mrrrrew.” Angelica chirped, changed her token and then covered it. Everyone watched her chew her bottom lip.

“Reveal.” Tina said with a chuckle and everyone’s paws raised.

Angelica’s Token pointed at herself and her eyes widened as she gave a soft meow. The changes started subtle, her lips plumped up, the predatory features of her face softened, gaining a new fullness and maturity.

“Oh my meeEwww!” She cried out, throwing herself onto the back as her hips emitted a loud crack. Her narrow, feline hindquarters regained a human like curve although her torso remain extended. “Ooo gawd!” Her cock, half hidden beneath her udder, quivered once before spitting a gob of white cum on to the black fur of her stomach. It recoiled into its sheath and disappeared, the slit sealed. Her balls disappeared without ceremony, the already juicy pussy expanding into the spot they had hung from. The nub of a thick clit poking out of the wet folds

Both Steph and Stella sighed with the loss of their favorite knot.

“Mewp!” Angelia squeaked as a gold ring appeared in the septum of her nose. It glittered there, small diamonds studding its surface. Two larger rings appeared in her ears, their gemstones matching the pink and purple of her spots. More piercings appeared, Angelica marking each pair with a new sound of surprise. Three ruby studs marked her eyebrows, a pair of rings marker her lower lips. A jewel encrusted collar encircled her neck.

“Me-me-me-me-meeeeew!” She pawed at her huge breasts and pressed them together as heavy silver bars appeared at the base of each teat. Then her back arched as each of her thick udder teets gain a line of five rings along their inner lengths. “Wait mew! Not Eeeeee!” Her protests were for naught, small gold rings spread around the lips of her pussy. Juice gushed from within it as a ring, twice the size of the others pierced her clit. “Holy meeeeeew.” Angelica moaned as the magic applied finishing touches, thick gold bracelets, almost manacles clapped around her wrists and ankles.

“That’s so- Awwwooowowow!” Steph howled in Stella ear, making her flinch.

“Ow! St-” Stella started to scold her sister but stopped when she saw face stretch out into a canine muzzle in the span of a single howl.

“Sorry,” Stella sagged for breath. “It just so- Awwoooo wowowow!” Her head snapping skyward midsentence before falling into a happy pant, “ya know.”

Stella would have told her she didn’t know but the warm tingling sensation of spreading fur distracted her. It traveled down Stella’s lengthen neck to swiftly coat their breasts with softness. Its thickness made the bras they were wearing tight.

Their tail stopped wagging as Steph gave a sudden whine. “Awww why do you still have a cat nose?” The full lips at the end of her muzzle pouted.

“I guess I’m just cattier than you. Mow!” Stella waved their cat paw at her doggified sister and flushed with a pleased warmth. She’d predicted this. The cards tried to avoid overwriting older ones.

“But… Wuff.” Her pout deepened.

Stella opened her mouth to comfort her sister but a soft whump that made the table jump drew her attention across it. Angelica’s paw hand, each digit now equipped with a gold ring, gripped the edge and she hauled herself upright.

“Thats… mrowl.” She panted. “Gonna take some getting used to.”

“Did it hurt?” Tina asked.

“Not at all.” She cradled one of her four nippled breasts and rowled softly, “But, its like I’ve got a little vibe held to every sensitive bit. I thought this would be a clothing complusion! Not a-”

Fthip. A card flipped off the main deck and glided Tina.

“My turn.” Tina giggled uneasily as she squinted down at the card. “Gorgonly Gorgeous? What?”

Her eyes squeezed shut in a grimace as the fur of her mane started rippling as if something crawled through it. A chorus of soft hissing radiated out of the mane as the heads of dozens of emerald green snakes slithered out of it. Stella mouth went dry as their shared stomach did a barrel roll. Snakes weren’t high on their list of favorite animals but most importantly Tina had a near phobia of the danger noodles.

“Issss that what I think it issss?” Tina’s huge body shook, a forked tongue flicked from her mouth and nearly hit the table. The snakes continued to multiply, their long bodies crowding out all the fur of the mane. Slithering down both sides of Tina’s head and neck, their mottled yellow eyes gazing unblinkingly at either the maids or Angelica, they were all about a foot and a half long. They draped over each other like scaley dreadlocks, with a part down the center of her head.

“I can s-s-ssssee out of them.” Tina hissed quietly. “Itsss not ssstopping.” Several of the snakes rose up to join their fellows at the base of her neck in peering down her spine.

Stella started as Steph stood them off their stool to circle around Tina to watch. Diamond shaped scales, the same vivid green as the snakes spread down toward Tina’s tail. They encircled it and the entire tail gained even more girth, lengthening further, sliding around in a sinuous curve. 

“Bark! Bark! Its pretty Mistress!” Steph bounced back and threw themselves at Tina.

“Girlsss! SssStop.” Tina hissed between clenched teeth.

“Sorry Mistress but its after hours. We don’t have to obey unless we wanna.” Steph gave a small awoo as they flung their body into Tina’s lap and hugged her manic abandon.

The snakes gave a collective hiss of alarm and rose out of reach of their paws, hiding on the opposite side of Tina’s neck. Her eyes opened and fixed the maids with golden slitted eyes.

“I don’t want them to bite you.” She growled.

After glancing at their paws to make sure they weren’t turning stone, Stella snuggled up to her mistress. “Then don’t make them bite us silly Mistress.”

“Two heads is better than one.” Steph pulled her nose out of the boob window of Tina’s gown. “So like thirty or more heads is like, divine or something.”

Tina groaned, “Its not done…”

Stella felt something throb against their thigh, she glanced down to find Tina’s cock straining against the fabric of her dress. The wet spot of it appeared to be even wider than usual. Reaching down she slit the sheer fabric with a claw, and the black cock sprang free. Its tip had split.

“Ooooh!” Both Stella and Steph cooed simultaneously. “Hemipenis!” They sandwiched it between their paws. With a single downward stroke it split entirely into two identical peens. Tina bucked beneath them as the pair of erupted, spewing out two great streams of cum at a forty-five degree angle to one another.

Angelica ducked one with a chirp and the other decorated the maid’s stool.

Steph howled with excitement as their tail kicked into wiggle butt speed. “One for each of us!”

“Definitely gorgeous.” Stella agreed, already leaning down toward the cocks.

Then darkness and soft pads enveloped their heads, strong fingers trapping their muzzles closed.

“Mmmph!” They protested.

“Hold it. I have to pick your modifier cards first.” Tina turned their noses toward the table and released the sisters. At their spot three cards waited for them. “Pick what your getting rid of and then I’ll decide your fate.”

Angelica peered over the table at the cards. “This is the last turn, so are these permanent then? Or do they only last to the end of the game?”

“End of the finale.” The Jackalope’s disembodied voice said from the air.

“Not really fair.” Angelica drawled without a trace of venom, more a sly purr of amusement.

“Well they will be under its influence for the party, so other people will see them like that.” Tina said.

Steph and Stella struggled to get a clear look at the choices but Tina held them on her lap with her unyeilding strength. Gods, we really are a doll to her now. Stella thought as they gave a brief whine.

“No no,” Tina chided with a manic giggle, “Tell us what your getting rid of first. Is it my royal battlements card?”

It took Stella a moment to remember the card, then:

“NO!” She shrieked loud enough that everybody flinched. The thought of waking up in a male body every day drove a spike of cold ice into their heart. She panted and forced herself to calm down. “I mean, no mistress.”

Tina gave them a gentle squeeze as she laughed with amusement. “What then? Tell us.”

What were the options? Anything from their own deck was out. That left, the random cards and the ones played on them.

“You could get rid of the cat muzzle.” Stella suggested hopefully.

Stella mentally listed her options. The paws, and cat muzzle both came from Angelica, the tentacles and second head were from the random deck. The tentacles were fun with little downsides and there was no way she’d want to get rid of her sister. The paws though, while they’d gotten used to them, developed work arounds and the mistress enjoyed watching them struggle with them, they were the one change that made life harder. It been kinda fun but they weren’t pets, they were maids, they had to work and it be nice to hold a phone or pen again.

“We’re getting our thumbs back.” Stella decided, firmly cheek bumping Steph to head off her complaints. She still whined like a kicked puppy though.

“Still the person I married. Always practical.” Tina giggle nak’d and hug grew to near eye popping pressure as Tina rubbed her muzzle against both Steph and Stella’s heads.

“Mistress…” Steph wheeze.

“…Crushing us.” Stella squeaked.

“Let see what we have here.” The hug eased but instead off letting go Tina rose from her seat, kicked their stool out of way and settled in the girl’s spot, coiling her tail beneath her to sit on it.

Stella blinked the stars from her vision and focus on the cards. They gulped.

“Beastial.” Tina tapped the first card with a massive claw. As before, cards only had text, no illustration hinting at the implementation. “Would you still be subby? Or would you be a slavering two headed beast?”

“It will be active through the finale,” Angelica laughed softly, “Might make it a little hard for them to understand the instructions.”

“If I were chosing based on shear fun, I might go for cthulhulonic.” Tina pointed at the next one.

“Mmmm tentacles? More mouths?” Angelica nodded.

“Although I think this last card will be best for the party.” Tina said.

“It sounds more subtle than all the other modifier cards we’ve seen.” Angelica cocked her head. “And they already love cock.”

“Which makes me rather curious to see what a cumivore is.” Tina giggled. “What do you think girls?”

Steph barked once then, “All three sound super!”

“Whatever you desire mistress.” Stella said in a tight voice. “If it were up to me I’d choose cthulhulonic.”

“I know you would, you little hentai beast but I think it's your turn to be a little cum slut.” Tina tapped the cumivore card. It shot into Steph and Stella chest with a burst of golden magic.

Another card leapt out of them, Down with thumbs, flashed its text and dissolved into the air. Stella and Steph looked down at their paws and watched a thumb emerge from the dog’s paw, the cat’s already had one, it had been simply as useless as the other digits. They swung away from the paws. Yet the rest of the digits didn’t lengthen, nor did the paws shrink from their ridiculous size. Their thumbs could touch the pads of their “fingers'' but an invisible boot to their stomach cut further exploration short.

They clutched their belly as their innards twisted. With a deep gurgle, their waist narrowed, their new diet needed far less intestines to process. A pang of hunger rang through them, a fierce ragged need, that only one substance would answer.

“C-c-cum…” They both chattered as their mouths flooded with saliva. “Need mistress!”

Steph howled as the hunger clawed at their inside.

“Hungry Mreow!” Stella cried as they pushed at Tina's arms, which might as well have been fur covered steel for all it yielded.

“Could make them wait till the party.” Angelica suggested.

“Better if they’re hungry, not starving.” Tina chuckled.

“Mease Misstrp!” The maids tongues suddenly spilled from their mouths, narrow tendrils extending a foot downward. “Pleee coock!” They pleaded, the long tongues twisting at air. Their tentacles shot from beneath their skirt and entwined both of the black cocks, their tips diving into the slits.

“Naaaak!” Tina jumped in surprise, releasing her hold on the pair. They turned with a strange trilling sound as they plunged their mouths down at her paired cocks. The tentacles barely withdrawing in time as the cat and dog muzzles engulfed them.

Stella’s wrapped her tongue around the base of the cock and squeezed it tightly, causing the mistress to rumble appreciatively. It tasted scrumptious, as if it were coated in honey that she could taste with the inner surface of her mouth. She moved to coat every inch of inner skin with that flavor. Chewing on her half of Tina’s cock. Her teeth, while they looked sharp, they’d turned soft and rubbery, adding more stimulation as they dragged across the surface. Up and down Stella and Steph’s head’s bobbed.

“AAaagrrr-grK!” Tina grasped as her hips began to pulse. She would have burst right there as she received double the stimulation she’d grown used to, but the tightly wrapped tongues held the orgasm captive.

Steph and Stella acting on a strange instinct. They didn’t want one little spurt, they wanted a meal. They wanted every ounce of cum Tina contained. Cradling her heavy balls in their paws they squeezed them together to feel their throbbing vigor.

“Nrrrak! Nrrrrrak! Nrrrrrrak!” Tina breathed with a drawn out hyena laugh, fighting for air as Steph and Stella slowly guided her off of the stool and down to the floor, where the pair of them aligned their throats with the twin cocks. As soon as her paws and knees touched the floor, their pair of muzzles scissored open and sheathed both cocks in their throats. The sudden engulfment caused Tina’s huge muzzle to gape open in a breathless scream. She grabbed the pair’s thighs with her lower hands and thrusted once, twice and on the third stroke, the constricting tongues fell away.

Tina’s eyes widened as the blockage that had been holding her back disappeared. She came with the force of a double barreled firehose, spraying cum deep into Stellan and Steph. “Naaaaaak.” She sighed as she felt herself deflate, innards pumping. The pair’s throats undulated somehow, milking squirt after squirt from her.

Below her, the burning in Stella and Steph’s lungs finally became too much and pulled themselves off the cock with a pair of sated moans. Panting, they fell onto their back and let their paws rest on their distended belly. Stella felt her tongue reeled back into her mouth and suppressed shudder when the sensation continued all the way down into her chests.

Overhead, Tina slowly collapsed onto her side. “Hehehe. Now I need a nap.” She chuckled sleepily, pulling in Steph and Stella to serve as her little spoons. “I enjoyed that. Good girls.”

Stella had no complaint to a little cuddle now. Their meal, warm in their belly, made soft squishing noises.

“Hope you saved some for mew.” Angelica said.

“Uh… heh. Heh. Give me a moment?” Tina chuckled weakly.




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