Kigal-Note/Skills/Unique Skills: Orcus, Subduer of Death
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Skill: Orcus, Subduer of Death
Skill Type: Unique Skill
Attribute: Death
  • Touch of Orcus
    • Grants an X% chance to inflict Insta-Death upon physical attacks.
      • X is equal to the skill level multiplied with 5.
  • Subduer of Death
    • Immunity towards Death-attribute attacks, skills, and similar, that can harm the skill holder.
    • Resistance towards attacks, skills, and similar, that can harm the skill holder, that is of an attribute that is a composition of the Death-attribute.
  • Rule over the Non-Living
    • Allows the skill holder to turn the corpse of something to an undead, then store it in another dimension. 
    • The undead-turned-corpse can be used as a way of attack. The corpse is used up after a single use.
    • One can only hold so many undeads as the skill level.


[Orcus, Subduer of Death] is a Unique Skill that is granted after someone clears the Trial Quest, [March of Death]. The entrance to the Trial Quest appears in areas with large amounts of miasma, which makes it a gruesome Quest just to participate in as if the contents themselves weren't horrible enough.

The [March of Death] takes place on a large, empty wasteland, where undeads keeps on spawning like there was no tomorrow. The Quest takers must travel through the wasteland for at least a week without rest, and after the sixth day, a transport gate will appear, leading to the boss of the Trial Quest.

Another point to mention is that the Quest takers cannot sleep while in the wasteland. Also, skills that reduce stamina loss and the need for sleep is negated, while species that do not need to sleep normally, like undeads and golems, are forcefully given the need for sleep. The final challenge is Orcus, Lord of the Dead. The boss of the trial that will summon legions of undeads to fight the Quest taker.

As a lingering will, the difficulty of the Trial Quest depends on the strength of the Quest takers, giving everyone a fair shot to clear the trial... if they can survive not sleeping for a week.

Garami's comment: He was serious about this...

Marc's comment: No! Anything but the deadline! NOOOOO!!