103: Finding out
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I go about my normal routine until I hear Jessica pulling up the drive.

I greet her at the door: "Are you ready to find out which of us is carrying?"

She chuckles, "Yes. So how does this work?"

"I just cast the spell, touch you, and know."

"Yes, but how does it work? I mean, you have one spell to ensure pregnancy, and another to test, but it's been maybe a day; a fertilized egg won't have implanted yet, and it's not like either of us were ripe with sperm at the time."

"... magic? I honestly have no idea, but based on everything else, the spells should work as advertised. One to ensure conception and a healthy pregnancy, and one to detect."

"Didn't you mention something about using two different spells?"

"Well… yes, I wanted to be sure," Mostly because there's a spot in the write up for Solars saying they can't carry children, but one of the spells we used says it bypasses anything short of magical contraception - including natural sterility, "But let's check you…"

I cast the third party spell Detect Pregnancy on Jessica, and get a result: Fertilized egg, on the way to be implanted. Well, that's a load off my mind. I give Jessica the good news, "Congratulations, you're a mother."

"That's good to hear sweetness. What about you?" She's smiling at me so encouragingly….

"Well… the spell only specifies one pregnancy…"

"You used two, sweetness."

That makes me pause. I did, didn't I? Well… at least I'm immune to pain, and nausea, and fatigue… mood swings will still apply, as do the various body changes… but I should check…


"Sorry beautiful, I just was lost in thought. I'll check…" I do, and yes, I am. Same place in the pregnancy, even, "So two babies, one for each of us."

"At least two. One of us could be carrying twins." There’s a twinkle in her eye … and I'm reminded of what I saw when I looked inside myself.

"Well… at least help and space is plentiful; I can get as many Conjuration Sphere Companions as I want, and Create Demiplanes and portals for any extra room we need."

"We're in a very good place to start a family, yes. Speaking of… yes, I do want to meet yours."

"Great!" She gives me a kiss, and wraps her arms around me. I start feeling warm, and return it with tongue… pulling mine out from her a little when she starts to choke. My tongue is really long, and while she's got a supply of air wrapped around her… she still needs to breathe, and can be choked out. I can fix that, but it would compromise her ability to pick her own form…. I mean, she still could, it'd just be harder, so she might not be able to do so when stressed. And you know, if she's trying to change while stressed, she needs the new form immediately. I might want to use some of those shapeshift options from the Alteration sphere myself, because it doesn't interfere with my own ability to change my shape. I'll wait until after the baby, of course. Babies? Whichever.

… but now's not the time for thinking, as Jessica's hands have slipped under my skirt. Hmm…

We head inside and close the front door, laying down on the couch as we tear each other's clothes off… literally, because they’re completely replaceable, and we both have the strength for it. I am so glad her libido matches mine. With neither of us being good to shapeshift right now, we start by running into her bedroom and scissoring, laying down, locking our legs, and rubbing against each other. As our lower lips kiss, that warm feeling builds up, and soon enough I'm calling out her name as an earthquake rocks me.

Of course, neither of us is satisfied with just one, and Jessica hasn't had a turn yet.

So my lady breaks out a very adventurous harness, and fits me into it. It has four prosthetic members: Two inside, a big and a small, and two outside, similarly arranged. My tunnels are quite relaxed, of course, so they slide in easily and give me a pleasantly full feeling. Jessica then lays down on the bed and spreads her legs. Of course I dive right in. What red-blooded man wouldn't?

…not that I'm sure I even have blood anymore.

Lining up the two exterior rubber rods with Jessica's holes, I pause, and dip the smaller one into her very wet love tunnel first: I don't want to make her sore down there, after all. I then pull out, realign to fill both of Jessica's holes, and plunge in properly… which rewards me as well: The mounting portion of the harness is solid, and every movement I make in her causes movement within me as well.

Which of course, makes pounding her double the fun.

I pound and pound, and this time we both go off together. I forgive her that she's screaming "my goddess" as it fits here, and I did tell he she can on occasion.

Basking in the afterglow, I lay down on the bed to cuddle… but Jessica isn't done. She rolls me over on my back, and pulls a pair of remote controls out of a drawer.

"What do those do?"

"Oh, I'll show you…"

She turns a dial on each, and I hear a buzz as the rubber rods inside me start vibrating. She keeps one in each hand as she climbs on top of me, lining her holes up with the prosthetics.. and turns up the dials as she starts bouncing up and down.

I lose myself to pleasure.

When I eventually come down off my hormone high, I find Jessica has me strapped into my milking machine, the pumps running. I'm still in the harness, and the batteries haven't run down yet; I can think a bit, but I'm still pretty out of it. Blindsight tells me there is a bucket collecting my juices under the harness. It's about three quarters full.

"How long was I out?"

"Ah, you're coherent! Welcome back sweetness, how was la la land? You've had a twelve hour trip."

"Hmm… I think I'm still there, more or less. And yeah, amazing. But there is work to be done… mind helping me out of the harness? Kinda hard to think with it buzzing away like that."

"Certainly sweetness…" I feel a bit empty as she takes it off and out of me.

I have to wonder, though… "How’d the batteries last that long?"

"Oh, they didn't. I changed them three times."

Well … I now know my critical weakness, at least, "Next time I'm that out of it, please limit the time and don't change the batteries, all right beautiful? Mindless pleasure is nice, but it really shouldn't be a constant state."

"Certainly sweetness," Yeah, I don't like giving orders, but it would be far too easy for me to be lost without that one.

"So… if I've been out for twelve hours… what did you do with the milk?"

"James is handling distribution; I figured I probably ought to keep an eye on you, and I can trust my partner, even if he's quitting the force."

"Right, to take over Afghanistan and stabilize it as the new ruler." Is that why he wants the milk? I wonder how he plans on using it.

"Well, the place could certainly use some stability. He didn't exactly announce that when he put in his notice, though. Right now he's training the new guy to take over, getting him caught up on current cases."

So he did put in his two weeks’ notice. Nice of him.

“Well… I figure I’ll distribute this batch like I normally do.”

“Certainly sweetness. Anything I can help you with?”

“Sure… if you’d like, you can run the bottler, get started with the half-ounce bottles I’ve been using….”

Things go a little faster this way, as the bottler can go about as fast as the pump can. So we milk me dry, and I send out the little bottles with Minnie to my worshippers.

Jessica and I quickly fall into a routine: She helps me with milk and Minnie distribution, we both work eight hours (me granting flight, her tracking down criminals and solving crimes), she helps me with milk and Minnie distribution again, we spend a few hours together on a date of some kind (shows, movies, walks in the park, and so on), we spend a few hours on our own pursuits, she helps me with distributing milk and Minnie again, we watch the news and TV together for a while, then enjoy each other’s bodies for a while. Then the cycle repeats.

We keep that up for a few days, until it’s time to gather the family together. I make a demiplane specifically for the meet up… which isn’t that big of a deal for me anymore. Create Demiplane once to make the place, a second time for Structure to set it up with a nice building, a third time with Bountiful to give it a garden. With my action economy abuse, that takes less than six seconds.

I then mentally contact my mother, Beatrice Carlson, my brother Joe Carlson, my sister Samantha Smithson, and of course my brother in law, making sure they’re ready to come… and then I use Attuned Mysticism on Greater Planar Binding to bring them.

So much to go over….