Whiskey (3)
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Feeling a sharp sensation on my right shoulder. 

I instinctively flinched.

As I turn my head due to the sudden pain.

A syringe with black fluid flowing through the glass took in my sights.

I hastily tried to think a way out but before I could even gather my thoughts.

"Do you know what I injected you, junior?" 

Carn's voice snapped me out of my mind.

A loud thump then echoed in the room.

As I turned my eyes to where it came from.

Stored in a bottle the same black fluid from the syringe lay on the desk.

As I watch the dark liquid swishing around the bottle.

I didn't need to be a genius to know it was dangerous.

But hearing what it was actually was.

Made me widen my eyes.

"Blood of a Hymoth," 

A Hymoth!? 

My mind immediately flashed back to the novel. 

The thing that this f*cker put in me. 

Had the same face as a creature that came from my world.

Appearing only at night and attracted to light. 


But that is where their similarities end.

Hymoth grows the size of a truck and bears jaws that can cut down bones with ease. 

But the main reason why they are feared and why they are classed in A-Tier. 

Was because of how they hunt. 

The poison they bear once ingested can break the minds of their prey. 

And when they are consumed by the immense pain that their blood brings. 

That's where they feast.

But in the novel, there were these mad f*ckers. 

Who sought their blood. 

For if by sheer will a person is able to resist the pain and not die from mental shock.

Their body will adapt. 

And strength will be gifted to them. 

But even then those mad f*ckers only took a single drop.

My eyes gaze back to the professor, I could tell from his face he was waiting for me to die.

"Junior, in just a few minutes,"

"Fear will break your mind,"

"And the entire academy will know, that an Honor Class student died a pathetic way in trying to attain strength he did not deserve,"

[Mind of a Murderer has been activated] 

Instantly I activated my skill. 

One that shoves all my emotions down my throat. 

But even then. 

I could feel it. 

My skin started to feel like they were burning. 

My vision started to spin. 

Gritting my teeth as I feel every nerve in my body scream in misery.

I held in the urge to scream. 

The pain was so immense that my skill could not hold them all back. 

The sensation of a thousand needles punching through my brain overcame me. 

I could barely breathe. 

But even then I refuse to give this f*cker the satisfaction of hearing me scream.

But even then my eyes did not gaze away. 

My mind started to race through the pain. 

Why did he target me? 

Why did he call me here? 

There must be a reason. 

As I looked I saw his eyebrows started to furrow.

Was he angry that not a single sound came out of my mouth? 

I inwardly sigh.

He's f*cking insane. 

I don't know what reasons he did to target me but still, I am just a student to others eyes.

No matter what he's motives were. 

Doing this to a student? 

As a grown f*cking man?


He's f*cking pathetic. 


He's a villain. 

He may be a lot stronger than me but I have the element of surprise. 

If I can put a bullet to his head before he uses his aura. 

I can kill him.

Just one bullet.

Feeling the immense pain again I clenched my teeth.

How the hell am I going to cover my tracks?

Those two students from earlier knew that Professor Carn called for me. 

If I did kill him here I would be the main suspect. 

There's even a camera outside the door. 

But before I could figure out my course of action. 

The anguish that I was feeling from earlier grew even stronger. 

My white teeth were grinding with each other as I clenched my jaw harder. 


It was only for a second. 

A calming breeze. 

Started to flow through my body. 

Then a cough escaped my mouth.

It was quiet at first but the next grew louder. 

And so the next. 

But I was not in pain anymore.

With each cough, I could feel agony in my body escape through my throat. 

Is this? 

Was this the doing of my aura? 

Through my clothes and through my skin. 

I could feel the wind that came from my aura swirling within me. 

Free from the pain I could clearly hear the yapping of the professor in front of me.

"Is the pain unbearable?" 

"Does it feel like a thousand swords cutting your body each second?"

Free from the pain my mind went overdrive. 

"You can scream to your heart's content," 

"But only these soundproofed walls will be able to hear it all," 

Free from the pain I raised my head.

"Does it feel like needles seeping throu-"

For a moment, 

Professor Carn and I looked at each other. 

His mouth was open,

Shocked at how my eyes stood true. 

I didn't waste such opportunity.

And beneath my breath.

I utter a word.


In but a flash. 

I leave an image and before it turns to dust and is carried by the wind.

I reached into my chest. 

A dim purple light shines ever so slightly as the thousand eyes that lay asleep awaken.

Through them, 

I grab the handle of a weapon long forgotten. 

I caressed the gun as I imbued the aura of termination to its very springs. 

Soon I take aim.

To the side of the professor's gleaming head.

Finger on the trigger. 

No hesitation in my mind. 

I opened my mouth. 

And let out a whisper. 


Professor Carn jolted and tried to reach for his bracelet. 

Followed by a scarlet energy hastily trying to envelop all of his body. 

But before it could reach his head. 

A loud and deafening sound.

Shook the room. 

And the once star-shined floor. 

Became tainted in red. 

As his lifeless body lay motionless. 

A translucent screen then appeared before me. 

[You have gained 8000 XP]

I kept blinking as I re-read the floating screen. 

8000 XP!?? 

Just how powerful was this man!?? 

I wanted to celebrate but my skill did not let me to. 

For I wasn't done yet. 

My mind raced once again. 

As I needed a way to hide my tracks. 

Then I thought of a plan. 

Holstering my gun within the mark on my chest. 

I left Carn's office while making sure I was seen by the camera outside and all the others leading back to my room.

Then as I entered my dorm.

I immediately opened the window. 

And activated a skill. 

[Companion of Crows] 

Soon 3 feathered friends appeared before me. 

It's been a while since I saw these crowkeeters so my hands were eager to pet them but this was not the time.

"Mcfly, Cotton, Maggie, find the best path towards Carn's office where no cameras would see me." 

Immediately they chirped in unison and soon flew from the window. 

Meanwhile, I took the black trenchcoat and gloves from within the mark on my chest.

After changing into them I sat still on the chair in my room. 

I should be anxious for if a person went inside Carn's office right now. 

I'm f*cked but probably due to the skill. 

I don't feel anything. 

Soon a sound in my head rang within. 


They had found a path. 

I donned the metal mask and activated two of my skills. 

[Discreet Steps] 


Blinking through the academy I managed to get to Carn's office undetected. 

I went through the window.

The same lifeless body of Carn met my eyes. 

I grabbed his right arm and looked inside the bracelet on his wrist.

I was trying to look for his sword and evidence.

For I remember earlier him yapping about congratulating me being able to beat his students strengthened by dragon tears.

Just how rich was this pathetic professor?

Dragon tears had the same price as a supreme-grade potion that was able to heal all wounds.

And he was able to buy that and the blood of a hymoth.

I let out a sigh. 

Then my eyes gaze to a notebook aptly named.

A Noble's Oath to Myself.

Instantly I took a look at the pages.

A tinge of anger overtook my mind before my skill washed it away. 

His plans, and his motives, were all there. 

- A student named Troi Leobrera showed potential. 

- Upon further inspection, he has no backings. 

- Family dead. 

- Break him.

On another page were his plans to secretly put dragon tears to the students of Class-A.

I had found it.

Before putting it down on the desk. 

I tore the page where it mentioned what he was planning to do to me. 


Calling out one of my crows, he went through the window and landed on my arm. 

"Can you swallow this?" 


I ordered Mcfly to go back outside while I set the notebook down on the table next to the bottle of black blood.

I reached into Carn's bracelet once again. 

I didn't need to look too hard for a sword forged with adamantium steel soon appeared before me.

Upon inspecting it, I could feel my wallet cry.

After taking it from his corpse I deactivated my [Discreet Steps]

Feeling my breathing no longer hushed. 

And my presence uncloaked. 

I made my way to the front door of his office. 

Turning the handle of the door. 

I walked through. 

With the metal mask hiding my face I stared at the camera. 

Before raising the adamantium sword and using all my strength to throw it. 

It easily pierced through the camera and now stands stuck onto the wall.

Seeing how useful that sword could have been I kind of regretted not taking it but the risk was too much. 

Hearing the circuits of the camera fall to the ground I immediately walked back to the office and used the same path I took to return to my room. 

After using every [Mirage] token I had for today. 

I finally made my way back with no hiccups.

Having done what I wanted it to do. 

My [Mind of The Murderer] deactivated on its own. 

I could feel my emotions rush back like a wave having been unbound.

I lay my weary body on the bed. 

For all that I could hope for now was for my plan to work. 

Feeling the sleepiness from earlier return to my mind. 

I close my eyes. 

"F*cking attention, man."