Wind (3)
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My eyes widened in surprise as I heard what came out of President Braum's mouth. 



I stood there for a good second with my jaw left wide open before my skill reeled my composure back.

With my mind now clear again I proceeded to open my mouth.

"Sir, what do you mean by ancient aura?" 

Instead of answering right away, President Braum stood up from his leather chair and made his way towards me. 

His muscles that defy the limit of humanity towered over me and his presence of raw power reminded me of the thousand eyes of Theos albeit slightly. 

Soon I felt his heavy hand touch my shoulder. 

He held it firm and I flinched for if he put even an ounce of strength more my bones would feel the same pressure of the jaws of the forest wolves from before. 

"It's faint..."

"But I can feel it." 

He was currently trying to sense something inside of me.

I stood there feeling extremely uncomfortable as he did.

Thankfully he let go after a couple of seconds. 

And so I opened my mouth once again. 

"President Braum?" 

As I raised my head, his sharp golden gaze met my dull eyes. 

But soon he turned his head and started to walk back to his leather chair. 

As he sat he gently caressed his forehead. 

And finally, he spoke.




"Do you really not know anything about ancient auras?" 

I didn't need to act on this one. 

Because truthfully I didn't know jacksh*t on what the hell an ancient aura is. 

"No, sir." 

"Alright, sit down." 

He gestured for me to sit down on the sofa next to his desk. 

I complied with my head full of questions. 

"Do you know the difference between aura and mana, Troi?" 

"Yes, sir, mana is achieved by tuning with the world, and aura is gained by mastering the body." 

"Exactly, looks like Ms. Rebecca taught you well." 

"But, are you aware that there are two more versions of it?" 


"They are called Ancient Aura and Mystical Mana." 


Should I just burn the f*cking notebook at this point?

Why does it seem like almost every single day I learn something that wasn't in that pathetic dogwater of a novel?

I inwardly let out a sigh as my skill reeled my composure back once again.

"How are they different with normal aura and mana, sir?"

"The Mansion of Mages tightly locks information about Mystical Mana, so I'm afraid I don't know what exactly that is," 

"Crazy old fools, they care more about-"

I stopped paying attention for a moment to President Braum for I had someone I think had the information.

[Hey, Theos.] 

[Why have you awoken, me, human?] 

[May I ask what is a Mystical Mana?] 

[They are simply mana, beyond this world human.] 

[What do you mean?] 

[They are power beyond the stars,] 

[Into the cosmos itself,] 

[In words your mind can comprehend.] 

[They are mana that have transcended.]

Wait, they might be useful. 

[So they're powerful right?]

[Yes, they are.] 


[Where can I get them?] 

Theos let out a loud laughter in my mind. 

[I admire the flames of ambition inside you, human.] 

[But you are limited by your mortality.]

[For even a single touch of that cosmic force would annihilate your flesh body.] 


Oh well, 

"Hey, are you listening, student?" 

"Oh, sorry, sir, I'm just having a little trouble taking it all in." 

"It's understandable, only hushed places in this world know they exist." 

"As such things have been lost to time."

[Such as I......] 

Hearing the solemn voice of Theos in my mind my face contorted. 

I shook my head and spoke again. 

"So what about Ancient Aura, sir?" 

"They are auras that refused to fade, student." 

"what do you mean, sir?" 

"All auras in this world are connected to the body" 

"No, to the soul." 

"And when we die," 

"The aura that we have trained and sharpened." 

"Dies with us."

"But there are some," 

"That even when the soul of their creator returns to dust." 

"They live unowned and uncontrolled," 

"As a remnant of a person that almost reached the realm of gods."

"And your aura," 

"Carries a faint trace of such phenomenon." 

I gaze back at my blade. 

To the blue energy that envelopes the simple steel. 

In the novel none of that was ever mentioned. 

I remember Nathan. 

All it ever did was give him the push to the next tier. 

Never once was it written. 

That it carried the wind within. 

I take my eyes back to the president. 

"How do you know about this, sir?" 

"I met a dame back then," 

"And even though yours faint, and her's raging."

"Both of your auras."

"Were unyielding." 

"Both hated the thought of dying."



I hesitantly open my mouth. 

"Sir, is-is, my aura special?" 

"Yes, because as far as I know, only those who reached the peak,"

"No, not even then since not all Grandmasters can achieve to make their auras ancient." 

"I must inform Ms. Rebecca, she will help you train that aura, Troi." 





Before I could inwardly scream more curses at myself in my mind. 

I felt the transparent chains of my skill take it all back. 

Now my anger cooled, and my mind cleared.

I started to think. 


I can still wriggle my way out of here. 

Getting help training this supposedly special aura would be a great help but.... 

Attention in this accursed novel never goes well. 

That damned professor was cold evidence. 

"Si-sir, may I say something." 

[Aura of The Wanderer has been deactivated] 

"Yes, student?" 

"Can you keep this a secret?" 



Both Ms. Miranda and President Braum titled their heads. 

"What do you mean, student?" 

Scratching my cheeks and looking to the side. 

I opened my mouth. 

"I-I'm a bit shy...." 



Wanna feel like a villain guys?