Chapter 7 – Freya
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*City of Orario*

3rd person Pov

At the top floor of the Bebal tower is the living quarters for the head of the most strongest Familia. The Goddess Freya.

The said Goddess was right now in her room enjoying a glass of wine. With Long Silver hair flowing down with red flower hair ornaments, She was naked and had some sweat rolling down her breasts and navel as if she just finished some rigorous 'exercise'.     

Looking down from her window she was doing her usual people watching seeing if there was any mortal that can catch her eye. As she was taking a sip of her wine she noticed in the distant two people falling down from the sky, a man holding on to a woman.

At that instance she made eye contact with the falling man. Shocked that someone could see her from such distance, with curiosity she decided to use her 'Special' eyes to look in to the soul of the man.

The moment she peered into his soul her surroundings changed. She found her self in the darkness. The sky was full of stars, Galaxies and nebula's. As she took a step back from the shock the ground rippled as if she was walking on a layer of water.

Recovering from her shock she furrowed her brows and wondered where she was.

'Where is this that mans soul?...'

As she looked around confused she came to face to face with an huge eye. The huge eye had white sclera and pure black serpent-like slit for a pupil a with crimson outline. 

She felt pure and oppressive power from that eye. The Mysterious eye blinked and moved to the sky. As it moved high she saw who that eye belong to.

It was a huge Western Dragon. It was 500 meters in height and as it was too big Freya couldn't even see the back of the dragon. The dragon had two pairs of wings one large pair that seemed bigger than it self and another a bit smaller. The dragon was black in color with red markings on the hand and its under scales color was silver. 

Laying on the ground the dragon looked at Freya. Freya meeting head on with the gaze of the dragon admired its majestic look. Any normal person would loose conscious at the terrifying power it was giving off. But Freya didn't. The power didn't rob her of conscious it only brought Ecstasy. The power and aura dominated her telling her how insignificant she was. Yet all she felt was extreme sexual simulation making her nether region wet, the vaginal fluids flowing down her legs and making a small puddle.

"Ah~ thi-s is that mans soul...Ahhhh how wonderful how majestic , such power... it doesn't seem its from this world Ahhhh~"(Freya)

With a look of Ecstasy she held her nether regions with legs looking week. Suddenly the dragon raised it tail snapping her of her daze. The dragon dropped its tail on the ground and instantly she found her self back in her room in Orario. Her nether regions being wet was proof what happened was real. she looked towards the man and found him looking at her and giving a flirtatious smile. He gave a wink and disappeared. 

'That man.. he is not from this world...Ahh~ he is definitely a god from a higher world otherwise I wouldn't feel so insignificant in front of him Ahh~ I want him~'

"...If I cant....ill make my self his.."

Normally a proud goddess like Freya would never harbor the thoughts of becoming someone else's but the pure majestic power she felt and how it made her feel so insignificant has been carved into her very being.

"Ottar." (Freya)

"Yes, My goddess?"(Ottar)

At Freya's words a Naked tall and heavily muscular man with rust-colored hair and eyes, along with a pair of boar ears appeared behind her. 

"Cover yourself up and find me this young man."(Freya)

Giving Ottar the description of that man Freya left for the washroom to clean herself up. With his Goddess sudden command Ottar seemed confused but did not question it and went to find the man her Goddess commanded him to find.




Ryota Pov


For a bit of Childish prank on her I decided to teleport us in the sky. At the sudden loss of the land and finding ourselves up on the sky falling,  Kuroka panicked forgetting that she could fly. If we weren't so high up people would have definitely heard her scream.

"Relax Kuroka we can fly remember"

"Oh- you are right Nya. But Fuck you could have warned me nya."(Kuroka)

Shrugging my shoulders I told her I did.

"But I did warn- OWW! Stop biting me! Your gonna miss the view look below us."

At my words she looked below us and was fascinated at the different sight she wont see at her home world, even while appreciating the view she didn't forget to bite me.

Below us were the Labyrinth City of Orario. It really looked like a labyrinth. The city had no symmetry what so ever, everything was different in different location. In the middle of the city was the Babel tower.

When I was looking at the tower I made eye contact with a silver haired woman.

'Hmm considering that's the top floor she has to be Freya. She looks beautiful living up to her Divinity of Beauty.'

As I was looking at her I saw her eyes glow a bit. She used her eyes didn't she. When she used her 'Special Eyes' she went into a daze but her reaction after honestly baffled me. She got aroused after seeing my soul... I guess only a freak like her would get aroused by seeing a soul of a primordial god. I guess only a freak like me could actually like her knowing she is a freak.

Seeing how she came out from her daze and had enraptured expression, I gave her a flirtatious smile and winked at her.

'Ill come back for you Freya and I will conquer you and make you mine.'

With Such Thoughts I teleported us to a random Roof top.

*Random Rooftop in Orario*

"Okay Kuroka stop biting me and look."

I patted her on the head to sign let me go. Letting go of her bite from me she looked at me weirdly and asked a question the honestly baffled me as well.

"Why do you taste like strawberries nya?"


'That's because of your charm stats Ryo'

'Ahh Wait are you two watching me all the time??'


'What about your work?'

'We can do both.'


"Its related to a skill of mine.."

"A what nya?"(Kuroka)

"Sigh ill explain it to you later. Don't mind how I taste come look at this."

Grabbing her hand I led her to the Edge of the rooftop and showed her the area. We were in some kind of common business area, there were shops and stalls everywhere with people from different races living their everyday lives. 

Looking at Kurokas' fascinated face I turn to her giving her a smile with one hand behind me the other hand reached out to her and with a slight elegant bow.

"Oh would you my dear Neko Princess accept this humble dragons invitation to a date within this wonderful city?"

"My I don't think any one who calls them humble would ask a lady out on date from their first meeting nya"(Kuroka)

'True.' Giving her a smirk I replied back continuing our little skit.

"True words there my fair lady but this dragon has taken a liking to you on our first meeting. and besides not everyday you get to go on a date in another world."

"That's true nya. Give me a memorable first date nya and you may get a second one nya."(Kuroka)

Saying so she took my hand and intertwined her hands with mine.

"With such high stakes I will give you a wonderful first date to never forget."

Taking her to side with an ally way, with a snap of my fingers I changed our clothes to fit this worlds resident and Jumped down to begin our date.




Picture of Freya