I changed there name
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there names is meant to be jams but I realize when righting this that a young girl yelling out "OH, James" just sounds creepy as fuck since that's my cousins name. So back to the generator.


"Oops forget to set it to male or should I do something interesting." (Slaps self in face.) "Thank you Left hand. Right was to busy wanking off to stuff to be able to remind me that i need to keep them as bland as possible so the "Readers" can put themselves into the position of out Protagonist. Never got how someone can do that but...


"no, I ain't having them shout out. 'Fuck me harder, Bernie.'"


"Nope. I just have a picture of the prince coming into my mind."


(Silence as I click the regenerate responses button.)


"No, do you want people to think I'm just a dumb Pesudo-neckbeard with no personality who lacks human interaction since they are in hiding from there significant other."


"Good name but, I don't care pick something that is unique but everyone will be able to pronounce in there head."


"I'm pour tea on you in a second."

Google it.

"Fuck. How big are the documents that guy must have. They should at least be A3 size. Next."


"Fine. I need to get on with writing before tiktok starts trying to make me download it again after that whole debackle with uninstalling it and the shotgun."

Goodbye, go drink some tea. The cup your holding is cold already.

"Goodbye and Fuck Me"


(I hope you enjoy the second episode of novice writer is slowly driven insane by chatGPT. Goodbye.)