Chapter 5: Valeria
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Chapter 5: Valeria

As Valeria opened her eyes, a wave of exhaustion washed over her, and the memories of recent events flooded her mind. She recalled the preparations for childbirth, the intense pains, the arrival of her mother, and the escalating agony until she received the revelation in her heightened state.

As she started to regain composure and stabilize her thoughts, Valeria heard the door creak open and saw both her husband and her mother entering the room. Yet, her focus remained fixed on her newborn baby. A profound sense of calmness washed away all her worries, and a surge of pure, unconditional motherly love enveloped her being.

Valeria didn't even tear her gaze away from her child, oblivious to the presence of her family. She reached for her baby from the crib beside her bed, cradling him as if he were the most precious thing in the world. Only then did she raise her head, offering an incredible smile to her husband. He reached out, gently embracing them both and planting a tender kiss on their child's forehead.

"It seems you have no regrets, my daughter." Valenya said with a sigh, a hint of lament in her voice.

"Of course not mother." Valeria replied, her eyes shining with an indescribable joy as they moved from her mother to her husband and then back to her baby. "My choices have led me down this path, a path where I've spent the last decade with the man I love, and a path that has blessed me with this beautiful son of mine."

She spoke with conviction. Even if her life were to end tomorrow, she would harbor no regrets. Even if she didn't knew the future, she found solace in the knowledge that her precious son was in the care of his loving father.

But there was something else she now knew about the future, something she had discovered during her prophetic trance. It pertained to her extraordinary son, and Valeria was filled with a sense of awe and wonder as she contemplated the incredible destiny that lay ahead for him.