Ch:16 – Cycle Two
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While standing still, faced with her, I read the skill name, focusing on it with all my might. To my surprise, my body took a seat on the ground crossing my legs and placing my hands on top of my knees. My fingers took an oval shape with the index and the thumb leaving a gap inside. My eyes then closed and I delved in the darkness of my own mind. 

A long while passed by, enough to lose track of time, and even for the daylight to vanish.

As my senses returned I heard some voices and noise altogether in a strange mix.

"Get her already!"

"No! Leave my spirit alone!"

"How dare a mere peasant think she can own such a precious being?"

There was a group of three men who were mistreating Lucia. They looked like guards in their blue uniforms, almost like policemen but a more medieval version in leather and silvery helmets. Their weapons were swords with sheathed cases on their waistlines. Armed and dangerous men made me get up as fast as I could. 

Their gazes quickly got hold of me and one of them attempted to grab my hand which I dodged to the side: a perk of being small.

"Don't run away spirit! It's for your own good!"

"We'll deliver you back to your rightful owner!"

At the last man's words, I pointed at the black bracelet on my arm and then to Lucia, attempting to indicate that she was the one. 

At my actions, the men's faces became red, filled with fury at my demonstration that went against their wishes.

"I see. I understand now." 

The two other men grimaced at his words. 

"This spirit has been brainwashed."

'What? No!' I complained to myself, still unable to voice any words.

"Kill the girl, liberate the spirit!"

"Yes!" The two men unsheathed their weapons and when they did, my eyes faintly grasped dark silhouettes approaching from the shadows of the narrow pathways that led to the deepest and steepest parts of the slums.

Painful groans and blood spilled over to the ground, drenching their uniforms and skin. Their deaths came quickly as they were caught by surprise.

"Take them before more guards show up."

Without allowing any of them to get hold of me, I ran closer to Lucia checking if she was alright. At my caring behavior, she smiled, grabbing my hand, "thank you, Lea."

I patted her hand, intertwining my fingers in hers, showing this girl that I was there for her and that I would do what I could to keep her out of harm.

"Run! More are coming!" 

Just like he mentioned, small lights from torches began approaching, whatever was going on, didn't make me want to take part in it. I ran with Lucia and the thieves who had come to our rescue. My opinion about them hadn't changed in the slightest but I was still grateful that they had come for us.

From their sinful deeds, I came to understand that they weren't mere thugs but also cold murderers. They were men whose glint in their eyes caused the common folk to shiver, especially so at night with silver in their hands and a vivid red crawling down on their skin.

'A brotherhood...' I faintly smiled, feeling strangely amused at this cycle outcome. It made me wonder if I was fit to become one of them. Killing others was not something I wanted to do but certainly, if they had a proper cause, then giving them a hand wouldn't be so bad. Of course, at planning supplies or something less dirty of the sort. But on Farnese side, I supposedly needed to defeat some creatures. Were they on this land as well?

'Is it normal for humans to chase other humans?' Every time I had a thought an inner hint of resentment grew for not being able to communicate. It bothered me more than I thought possible. To be mute was really painful, the non-ability to express ourselves freely to others was despairing, and it was slowly driving me insane.

"This side!" Another silhouette shouted up ahead, waving an arm at us. 

After a few turns, and some ups and downs, we managed to get into the hideout. Many of us stood in a room hidden and in silence, for these walls were thin, and they were close.

I and Lucia were taken to a more secluded corner where a sheet and two pillows made of straw awaited for our heads to rest on them.

Despite wanting to rest, I also wanted to take a bath, but it was clear that there was no bathroom. I would be lucky if there was even any clean water in this putrid and dark place.

Therefore without refusing their offer, I made my way to Lucia, laying next to her. 

It didn't take long for the bits of dust to fall upon us, such was the fury of the steps on the outside: from those who hunted and the feeble prey that ran for their pitiful lives.

I could tell she was afraid of those men from the way her body shivered. With my own, I glued myself to her softly as if she was a turtle and I the shell.

Time passed and her shaking stopped, her breath and heartbeat calmed down. Lucia was sound asleep, possibly dreaming about something good, or so I hoped.

'Should I wish for a chill place to live in?' as much as I didn't mind helping others, this seemed outrageously out of place. I was by far not altruistic enough to be a hero, much less to save every single damsel in distress.

I just wanted a new life in peace. But whoever those men up there were, they were clearly in my way, and that left a sour taste in my mouth.