Chapter 4
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For the most part, this is based on my interpretation of omegaverse after reading a lot of omegaverse stories myself and wanting to add a little bit of my own flavor to it.


Shion stood in front of the mirror in her bathroom. Although she didn’t have access to one in her old world, she still roughly knew what she looked like. But other than the fact that she still had cat ears and a tail, there was nothing she recognized.


The girl that gazed back in the mirror had snow white hair, with a matching set of ears standing at around 1.35 meters tall. Shion noticed that she now had purple eyes and that all of the scars she had on her old body had disappeared. Looking downwards, she noticed a moderate swell in her chest, but she was skinny. Just as skinny as she was in her old body. Her hips gently flared out leading to a similarly skinny pair of legs.


Remembering the weird feeling from the day prior, Shion lifted her arm to touch the back of her neck. She immediately flinched, it felt sensitive, incredibly so. It was something that she was absolutely certain didn’t happen before, so she wondered if something changed. It might’ve been because she was a girl now, or maybe it was because of the “omega” thing. Shion wasn’t sure.


The maid had taught her how to use the toilet the other day, so she took care of her business quickly, before washing her hands and leaving her room. She found Ayano standing nearby, sweeping the floor, and spoke up.


“Ayano… can you take me to the library?”


“Of course Shion-chan~ And Aya-chan’s fine, there’s no need to hold yourself back!” (Ayano)


“Ummm… It’s okay” (Shion)


Ayano gave Shion a little pout before gesturing for her to follow. Shion had never seen a library before, and the Kojou estate’s library certainly wasn’t one to disappoint. It was a two story high room with tall shelves; each shelf completely filled with books. There was a table in the middle surrounded by ornate comfortable looking chairs and sofas.


Shion’s nose twitched as she appreciated the smell of paper and ink. Ayano led her to a pile of books on the table.


“Hirokichi-sama wasn’t sure of your reading level, or if you were able to read at all, so we’ve taken care to arrange an assortment of books for you. We have some picture books, easy novels, and if you wish, some physiology books that Hirokichi-sama strangely told us to add to the pile.” (Ayano)


Shion looked at the books, letting out a relieved sigh as she saw that she could read the words. She picked up the physiology books because she was far too curious about her current situation. She didn’t know anything about the omega thing and wanted to know what else was different from her previous world.



In Shion’s previous world, there were many different sentient humanoid species. Humans were of course the most common, having the highest rate of reproduction and the shortest life span. Afterwards, there were the Elves which split into the Dark and Forest Elves. Then there were Dwarves and Beastkin. The Beastkin actually had a lot of different subspecies, and Shion was previously one of the Catkin, although it seemed it was still the case in this world.


Reading through My First Differentiation Shion blushed as a few intricate diagrams appeared in the pages. On Earth, it seemed the only sentient species population was that of humans. But contrary to the humans Shion remembered in her world, humans here had 6 different sexes. The two main ones were still male and female, but each differentiated into 3 different types when they turned 13.


There were the male and female alphas; typically tall, strong and handsome by nature, they were the most dominant of the three. After them were the male and female betas. The humans that Shion remembered most closely resembled the “beta humans” of this world, and they didn’t seem to have any particular trait in this world either. Lastly were omegas. Shion was told that she was an omega girl, so this was the part she was most curious about.


If alphas were tall and strong then omegas were weak and small. They were usually delicate and cute, invoking one’s desire to protect. In terms of relative population, betas were the most abundant, taking up roughly 75% of the human population. The remaining 25% of the population were pretty evenly split between alphas and omegas.


The next part of the book covered a bit more detail about the various new things that a newly differentiated teenager may encounter. All newly differentiated individuals develop something known as a gland behind their neck. They were very sensitive and private, and typically only loved ones would be allowed to touch them.


Alphas and omegas in particular have the ability to spread pheromones through the gland. But they all are able to sense and perceive the pheromones, usually as some sort of scent particular to each individual. Alpha and omega pheromones are particularly attractive to each other, especially during periods of estrus or rut. But said attraction, at least outside of estrus or rut periods, doesn’t go any further than attracting interest or curiosity.


Alphas and omegas don’t find their own kinds’ pheromones particularly interesting, but occasionally if one is being more defensive of their partner, they can drive others away through pheromones. However, occasionally alphas or omegas may spread their pheromones subconsciously or consciously as a way to communicate with others about how they feel. Shion blushed lightly as she moved onto a more detailed section of the book.


Alphas have the ability to mark omega partners by biting the gland on the back of the omega’s neck. This is an extremely intimate process and because it causes the alpha’s pheromones to combine temporarily with the omega’s, it broadcasts to others who the omega’s partner is. However nonconsensual marking is an illegal act that is heavily punished, so always keep this in mind. Betas and alphas glands can be bitten, but if done so, is only for the act of pleasure, rather than marking in most cases.


Permanent marking takes place during intercourse, when the omega is in their estrus period. However, permanent marking is even more intimate than the act of marriage, telling others that this omega is your forever partner. Due to innovations in medical technology, however, permanent marking can be removed, but only after a long, tedious and painful process. It is not recommended to permanently mark unless one is absolutely sure that they will spend the rest of their life with this partner. In addition, permanent marking creates some sort of psychic connection between an alpha and omega that isn’t fully understood yet.


When it comes to having children, female and male alphas, as well as male betas have the ability to impregnate their partners. Female and male omegas, and female betas can get pregnant. Female alphas, male alphas, and male betas are always fertile, but female and male alphas specifically have periods of rut roughly every 60 days that cause them to become particularly aggressive. However medication exists to suppress this heat, so it does not impact their day to day life.


Female betas have a menstrual cycle roughly every 28 days, but female and male omegas, instead of a menstrual cycle, have an estrus period every 28 days. The estrus period causes female and male omegas to heat up and desire a partner to mate with. And it is only during this period that omegas can get pregnant. However, similarly to the alpha’s rut, medication in the form of patches exists to suppress the estrus period so it does not affect their day to day life.


Shion closed the book and saw Ayano’s teasing gaze. She blushed again slightly, before grabbing another book titled Diversity in the Modern World. Reading through it, it described that strangely enough, there was typically no discrimination against alphas, betas or omegas. There were a few stigmas attached to them, such as alphas being strong and independent or omegas being weak and dependent, but typically alphas had an instinct to prevent harm to omegas.


Even though alphas made up roughly 12.5% of the human population, they were typically much stronger than any others normally, and as such any wars or movements discriminating against particular groups didn’t usually succeed. And racism in general had become extremely uncommon due to innovations in technology allowing easy travel hundreds of years ago. People got used to each other and now racism was looked down upon. The world was relatively peaceful.


Shion let out a small sigh of relief. Where she had been living prior, at least in the country she was in specifically, beastkin like her were typically looked down upon for their more “primitive” ways. It was due to magitech being a “human” innovation, so they thought any other species that lacked an equivalent technology or power as inferior. This had resulted in a lot of discrimination and harm coming her way when she lived on the streets. But thankfully, it seemed like it wouldn’t happen here. She hoped.


The day slowly passed by as Shion continued to read, familiarizing herself with her newfound home. The maid had brought lunch to the library earlier, so that she could read while eating. Mysteriously enough, there was once again a glass of warm milk served with the food. Not that Shion minded though. Eventually dinnertime approached, and Shion grew slightly excited at the thought of being with Hirokichi again.


She tried not to show it, but she didn’t really succeed, so Ayano could clearly see Shion’s excitement and could only think how precious. Shion gave Ayano a confused expression as she was led into the entrance hall.


“Well~ you looked so excited for Hirokichi-sama’s return, so I thought I would bring you here to wait~” (Ayano)


Shion got flustered as her innermost thoughts were seen through by Ayano. Ayano definitely had mind-reading magic, Shion didn’t believe there was any other way for Ayano to find out. But as the door opened, Shion’s tail curled up in a question mark shape despite her more stoic facial expressions.



When Hirokichi started preparing to leave the company at a normal time, his secretary had asked him if he was sick or not feeling well. He thought nothing of it at first, but as he walked through the company, there were quite a few others that repeated the same thing, irritating him. He knew that he usually stayed overtime, but it didn’t mean that not doing so meant that he was ill or anything…


Hirokichi stopped by Hideki’s place on his way back home, picking up the medicine, vitamins and inhibitors as well as a few other things he needed for Shion. His cold aura receded slightly as he thought of the female omega waiting for him to come home.


“Wow~ So this is what the Hirokichi Kojou looks like when he’s happy. I never thought I would see it in my life. You aren’t possibly in love with the omega or anything like that, are you?” (Hideki)


Hirokichi let out a cold snort,


“Don’t be disgusting. She’s a child and I adopted her, nothing more.”


He immediately turned away to leave as Hideki called out from behind.


“Waitwaitwait! It was a joke! I swear! I didn’t mean any harm by it, I’m just happy and surprised to see you finally cheerful for once. After we both graduated from university you just threw yourself into your work and it was as if you became a robot from then on.”


“Don’t say or suggest anything like that again.” (Hirokichi)


“Yes yes, I understand. She’s now your precious daughter, so of course you love her right? I can see you batting away all the attention she’ll attract in the future~” (Hideki)


Hirokichi ignored Hideki, walking back to his car with the supplies in hand. He didn’t disagree with what Hideki said however, prompting a few more words.


“Let me visit often to play with her, I’ll become her uncle and offer the warm words and attention that an ice block like you would never dare to give~” (Hideki)


“I’ll kick you out myself if I see your face near Shion.” (Hirokichi)


“Awwww, don’t be like that. So protective of her already, and it’s only been two days. She’ll end up forever single at this rate.”


Hideki laughed to himself, he knew at this point that Hirokichi was just putting out a cold facade once again.


“Well, as I said earlier, it’s just nice to see you like this again. It’s like the friend I lost has finally come back. I’ll definitely come see you again soon, I’m not letting you hog Shion to yourself like this.” (Hideki)


Hirokichi finished loading the car and got in, prompting Tomoya to drive off. He could see Hideki’s stupidly cheery face as Hideki waved goodbye to Hirokichi. And soon enough, he arrived home, and after he ordered Tomoya to put away the other supplies, he grabbed something as he walked through the door.


He noticed immediately that Shion was nervously waiting with Ayano by her side, although her tail was bent in the shape of a question mark. But after she saw what Hirokichi was carrying, her nervousness disappeared as her tail began swaying gently.  She composed herself as she approached Hirokichi,


“Thank you for bringing it back Kojou-sama”


Her eyes never left the item as she talked, and when she finished, she grabbed it before dashing back to her room. Hirokichi was left in the entryway, frowning slightly as he felt a sense of loss as Shion scampered up the stairs.

tbh, I expect most readers to either continue with curiosity or drop the novel after this point, especially given that ABO/Omegaverse settings are what they are. For those who decide to continue though, welcome to the ride, and I promise I won't go on hiatus or stop writing this without at least a proper explanation.