Chapter 11
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The day before Shion’s first day of High School started, Hirokichi personally woke her up. He gently roused her from bed by lightly patting her head and rubbing her ears, before speaking in a gentle but deep voice.


“Good morning, Shion…Wake up quickly so we can go pick up your school uniform together?” (Hirokichi)


“...nyaaa… five more mi-” (Shion)


Shion’s brain took a second to start up, but as soon as she recognized Hirokichi’s voice, she immediately stopped her usual spiel towards Ayano, and hugged Hirokichi’s arms immediately.


“Papa! You don’t have to go to work today?” (Shion)


Hirokichi froze for a second; recently, his daughter had become even more clingy, and with her messy hair and softer-than-usual morning voice, she was becoming incredibly dangerous. He swore in his heart that he couldn’t let any alphas or betas approach his daughter carelessly. He would hire a secret bodyguard to take care of her during school… wait, if Shion found out, she would resent him so he better not.


“Papa?” (Shion)


“Ahem… I took the day off so I could pick up your school uniform with you. I wanted to see my precious daughter in her uniform before anyone else.” (Hirokichi)


Shion’s eyes slightly teared up as she looked up at Hirokichi.


“Really?” (Shion)


Hirokichi couldn’t help giving Shion another headpat.


“Yes, really. Now hurry up and wash up so that we can go out for breakfast before picking up your uniform.” (Hirokichi)


“Mm!” (Shion)


Shion quickly wriggled out from under her covers, before dashing to her bathroom and getting ready to go out with Hirokichi. Although she wanted to be finished as soon as possible, recently Ayano had taught her about skincare, and told Shion that taking care of her skin would make everyone love her more so she took her time with her skin specifically.


Once she was done, she dashed to her closet, before picking out a cute sleeveless blouse and blue skirt, along with the beret she had started to love so much. Donning a light jacket for the spring chills, she stepped out to the awaiting Hirokichi.


“A little excited for our outing together?” (Hirokichi)


Hirokichi couldn’t help but tease his daughter slightly, after noticing the frantic rush she had been in.


“I mean… Papa’s always so busy and I barely get to go out with you…” (Shion)


Hirokichi’s heart was filled with a tinge of guilt; he couldn’t help it, his company had recently contracted with a couple other mega corporations and he had to take care of it all. It was only recently that it had started to calm down and he could finally take a breather.


“I’m sorry, Shion, I promise that I’ll spend some time going out with you every week from now on then, okay?” (Hirokichi)


“Hmm… for the whole day?” (Shion)


“Yes, for the entire day.” (Hirokichi)


“Yay!!” (Shion)


Filled with joy, Shion grabbed Hirokichi’s hand before running ahead. Hirokichi had a slight smile on his face; he had realized long ago that he couldn’t help but spoil his cute daughter.


Shion dragged Hirokichi through the estate as she cheerfully greeted all the maids she passed by. The maids were infected by her atmosphere and couldn’t help but put a little extra effort into what they were doing.


Eventually they reached the entrance, where Tomoya had taken out the elegant black lamborghini that Hirokichi had previously driven Shion with. The falcon doors opened as Tomoya stepped out and handed Hirokichi the keys. He gently helped Shion into the passenger seat, before seatbelting her in and taking the driver’s seat.


The two of them set off towards Tokyo once again, this time for Shinjuku. The tailor shop that took care of most of the Kisshoin uniform orders was located here, and Hirokichi decided to take Shion to a breakfast cafe nearby before heading over. As soon as they parked and got out of the car, Hirokichi gently held Shion’s hand and led her forward..


“I’ve never tried this place before, but the maids recommended it to me when I asked about where I could take you to breakfast. Since today is gonna be the start of our weekly outings together, feel free to order whatever you want.” (Hirokichi)


Hirokichi’s smile had become increasingly gentle and kind when dealing with Shion, and it seemed that at this point he had finally surpassed his parents. There was no doubt that if an employee from the past saw him today, they would directly collapse and be convinced they saw a hallucination. There would be no other explanation.


However, over the course of the past year, all of the employees close to him now knew that he had a precious omega daughter named Shion, and that praising her in front of him would result in kinder scoldings and frequent bonuses. Shion didn’t know this, but she was worshiped as the Kojou company’s goddess.


The two of them opened the door to the cafe and stepped in. It had a beautiful and pretty design, with plush seats, hanging lights and pretty blue tables spread throughout the interior. There were a couple cute paintings that were obviously fanmade of the cafe and staff, and a small board with a few photos of famous people who have visited.


“Welcome to our shop! Please take a seat at any free table you see, and I will bring your menus shortly.” (Server)


Hirokichi led Shion to a decently large table by the window, looking out at the peaceful street. They were handed menus, and Shion opened hers as she started drooling slightly at the pictures.


“Hmmm… strawberry shortcake, tiramisu, assorted fruit tart, rare cheesecake, black forest cake… Papa, I can’t decide! What are you getting?” (Shion)


Hirokichi gave a slight chuckle at his daughter’s indecisiveness,


“Hmmm… if you can’t decide, how about we get one of everything? We can send the leftovers to the maids to enjoy after we finish.” (Hirokichi)


“Mmm, sure!” (Shion)


Having decided on what to order in his usual domineering CEO way, Hirokichi called over the waitress.


“Hello, can we please have one of every desert on the menu? And then a warm cup of Hojicha (roasted green tea) for her and a house coffee for me, no milk or sugar. Thank you” (Hirokichi)


The omega waiter was heartstruck at Hirokichi’s handsome appearance combined with his gentle and charming personality, but he managed to shake it off, remembering his job and bowing to Hirokichi before running off to the kitchen to deliver their order. Soon enough, they delivered their drinks and the entire spread of deserts to their table. Shion started to drool as each dessert was placed. Hirokichi chuckled before handing Shion a fork.


“Feel free to dig in Shion” (Hirokichi)


Shion immediately cut off a tiny portion of each desert, before taking a bite. Her ears wriggled in happiness, before she gave a bite of each of her favorites to Hirokichi to try as well.


“Papa, try this! It’s really good!” (Shion)


“Okay… it’s quite delicious, thank you” (Hirokichi)


Hirokichi usually didn’t like sweets too often, but when it was his daughter that fed him, he thought that it tasted 1000 times better than usual. There was nothing more delicious than this. He took a sip of his coffee before continuing to eat with Shion, his black eyes filled with a gentle light.



After they had finished, Hirokichi asked for the bill, and for another waitress to help pack away all of the leftovers to send back to the maids. He called for one of the maids to pick it up, before picking up the receipt and falling speechless at what was written on it. The omega waiter had left his number and name. Shion looked at what was shocking her father, before giving off a soft and endearing laugh.

“Does this mean Shion will get a Mama?” (Shion)


Hirokichi expressionessly crumpled up the receipt and threw it away, before answering.


“...Do you want a mother, Shion?” (Hirokichi)


“Hmmm… I think Papa is good enough for me! But… Aya-chan wouldn’t be a bad mother I think…” (Shion)


Hirokichi had a helpless look after hearing his daughter’s blatant attempt to set the two of them up.


“Shion, I’m sorry, but your Papa doesn’t feel love for anyone in that way. But I think Ayano has been treating you as her daughter for a long time now…” (Hirokichi)


“Mmm… It’s okay, Papa. I already said that you are more than enough for me, and besides, now that I’m thinking about it, I don’t want you to spoil anyone besides me!” (Shion)


Hirokichi gave a laugh, before patting Shion on the head once again and walking over to the tailor shop.


“Ah, Kojou-sama, let me grab Shion-sama’s completed school uniform for you right now.” (Clerk)


The clerk ran to the back of the shop, before presenting a packaged uniform to Shion. She then spoke up,


“Try this on so that we can make sure that we have fitted you properly; the uniform is made so that it can be easily readjusted to fit your growing self by anyone experienced with a needle and thread.” (Clerk)


Shion excitedly grabbed the uniform and Hirokichi’s hand before rushing over to the dressing room. Telling Hirokichi to wait for her, she stepped in and immediately started changing. After a little while, Shion told Hirokichi to come look, and slid the curtain aside.


There were two varieties of the Kisshoin High School Uniform. One was a blazer and blouse, with a ribbon tied around the collar, a knee length skirt and comfortable looking loafers. The second one was still a blazer, but instead had a button down shirt and tie, with slacks and the same loafers. Students were allowed to freely mix and match the uniform pieces as they wished, but they had to wear the tie/ribbon color of their year.


Shion was incredibly cute in her uniform. She had a slight nervous look in her eyes, as if awaiting Hirokichi’s response, but his attention was dragged away by his daughter’s appearance. The tan colored blazer accompanied a simple but soft looking pure white blouse with a red ribbon tied around its collar. Due to the past year of proper eating and moderate exercise, Shion’s body started to look more healthy, and a moderate swell filled out the blazer.


Further down, the uniform was accompanied by a cute pleated skirt. It was mainly blue, but had red and purple stripes that criss crossed it and created a lovely pattern. Shion wore pure white thigh highs underneath, with the dark brown loafers completing the look. Combined with Shion’s cat ears and tail, itt was once again dangerously cute and displayed 200% of Shion’s lovely omega physique and countenance.


Shion held her hands nervously as she spoke up,


“So… how is it Papa?” (Shion)


“You look cute in that outfit… by the way, whenever you make new friends in school, let me meet them as well. I wanna see what kinds of friends my dear daughter will make…” (Hirokichi)


Hiding away the darker thoughts of preventing alphas and betas from approaching his daughter with any ill intentions, Hirokichi gently smiled at Shion as he spoke, making her incredibly happy.


“Mm! I thought the uniform was cute as well, but I’m happy you approve, Papa. Everything seems to fit okay, so let’s go and finish paying for all the uniforms.” (Shion)


Shion changed back, and the two of them stepped over to the clerk once again.


“Is everything satisfactory?” (Clerk)


“It was perfect, thank you!” (Shion)


Shion shared a bright smile towards the clerk, as she staggered slightly at the sheer cuteness that was emanated by the omega. Hirokichi gave a small frown as he pulled out his wallet while stepping in front of Shion. 


“Here’s the payment for 3 sets of the summer uniform, winter uniform, swimsuit, and everything else that Shion needs.” (Hirokichi)


The clerk regained her composure, as she bowed down.


“Thank you for doing business with us! Please have a nice rest of your day.” (Clerk)


Hirokichi glanced at his watch, before speaking up.


“It’s almost lunch time already, so let’s find something to eat before we explore a bit more of Shinjuku. How does that sound, Shion?” (Hirokichi)


“Okay Papa!” (Shion)


The two of them found a lunch spot serving hot plates with hamburg steak, steak, and other similar dishes. It wasn’t as amazing and decadent as their breakfast, but Shion enjoyed it regardless. After they finished, Hirokichi asked Shion if there was anything she wanted to do for the rest of their afternoon together.


“Hmmm… can we go to a cat cafe together then?” (Shion)


“Okay, cats do need to stick together right?” (Hirokichi)


Shion gave a small snort of dissatisfaction before looking up at Hirokichi. She saw the mirth in his eyes, and the two of them started laughing together lightly. Hirokichi looked up a nearby place with good reviews before grabbing Shion’s hand and leading the way once again.


Arriving at the cat cafe, Hirokichi paid for a few hours of time before sitting down with Shion. Once again, Shion was quickly swarmed by cats. But this time, she didn’t fall asleep immediately, instead patting and playing with them. But eventually, the warmth won against her, and she laid her head down on Hirokichi’s lap before slowly falling asleep, accompanied by several cat loafs.


Hirokichi gently started patting Shion’s head as he took out a tablet and once again started on a few work related matters. The two of them spent their afternoon together like that peacefully until it was time to return to the estate for dinner.





As soon as Shion stepped through the front door with Hirokichi, she was immediately assaulted with thrown confetti and balloons all over the entrance. There were no poppers due to the sensitivity of Shion’s ears, but it was an amazing surprise regardless. Shion turned around to look at Hirokichi in confusion as he smiled warmly and spoke,


“Happy Birthday Shion” (Hirokichi)


Shion was still confused, but Hirokichi continued to explain.


“Today marks one year since I found and adopted you Shion, do you remember that I registered this day as your birthday?” (Hirokichi)


Shion’s eyes widened as understanding finally came to her. Her eyes then filled with tears, as she jumped to hug Hirokichi.


“Mm… thank you Papa! Thank you Ayano! Thank you everyone else for giving me a birthday party like this… I didn’t know that anyone would bother celebrating my birthday…” (Shion)


Hirokichi put down Shion as Ayano came to hug her as well,


“If it’s your birthday Shion, it’s always worth celebrating~ Now come over to the dining room. We just finished making all your favorites and I’m sure you’re hungry, so come and enjoy dinner!” (Ayano)


Shion was led by everyone to the dinner, where she witnessed the extravagant spread. There was A5 wagyu that Ayano remembered Shion enjoying when they went out, Sushi, and a couple other things. She saw Makoto and Yuichi waiting in the dining room for her, so she ran over and gave them a hug as well.


“Grandpa Mako! Grandpa Yui! I didn’t expect you here either, thank you for coming!” (Shion)


“Well, we couldn’t miss our favorite little girl’s birthday, could we?” (Yuichi)


“We wanted to go out with you today as well, but Hiro insisted on keeping you all to himself today…” (Makoto)


Shion let out a light giggle before taking her seat with everyone as they started to dig in. After the dinner, the chef brought out a huge cake and placed it in front of Shion.


“It’s your favorite tres leches cake Shion~ Hirokichi noticed that it was the one you enjoyed the most this morning, and we quickly prepared it while you were out.” (Ayano)


Shion was still a bit overwhelmed by everything, but the 15 candles were lit up as someone turned the lights off, and everyone began singing.


“Happy Birthday to you~ Happy Birthday to you~ Happy Birthday dear Shion, Happy Birthday to you~”


“Now, blow out the candle as you make your wish!” (Yuichi)


Shion was crying at this point out of happiness, but she still closed her eyes and made a small wish.


 I hope I can spend every day with everyone like this in happiness. 


She blew out the candle and everyone clapped. She was given a knife, and made the first slice before the chef took over and gave everyone portions of cake. As Shion ate and looked around at everyone, she realized that this was the happiest moment in her life… no, this was the happiest moment in her life so far. Shion smiled,


“Everyone, thank you and… I love you!” (Shion)



Later on that night, Hirokichi tucked the incredibly sleepy cat girl omega into bed. Her stomach was full of cake and she was smiling in content happiness. She would finally start High School tomorrow, and it was the start of a new chapter in her life.

Since I'm going into surgery tomorrow, I'd thought I'd release a little batch for you guys cause I don't know if I'll release any while drugged up :D... As you can probably tell, we're about to head into the main arc of this story, but I'm not gonna give it to you yet, you gotta wait for me to get back mwahahahaha. Attention has dropped on my novel recently, probably since I haven't uploaded, but even still, I have 100+ readers and 100+ favorites, so I'm super mega happy, I didn't think my writing would get this much attention on scribblehub so fast. Please leave a review or comment or anything, I do enjoy reading your comments and maybe you'll get a funny pain med filled response from me while I'm in the hospital.