Chapter 13
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After the last bell of the day rang, Akira wanted to go out to buy class materials with the rest of the group. Everyone seemed to like this idea, so Shion quickly messaged Hirokichi and told him, so that he wouldn’t have to worry.


The four of them walked over to a nearby shopping district, before entering a stationary shop. It was Shion’s first time going out somewhere with friends, so although she was excited, she tried to hold herself back so she wouldn’t make her friends feel awkward.


“Oh! These pens are so cute! It comes in a set with notebooks, come look!” (Akira)


Akira called out to the group, clearly finding something that suited her tastes. It was a bright pink pen set and notebooks. Trying the pen out, it wrote smoothly and clearly while feeling nice in the hand. The price was surprisingly affordable for how high quality it was; the store was obviously catered towards Kisshoin students.


Shion came over to check out what Akira was so happy about, and noticed a matching stationery set to what Akira had picked out, but in a lavender color instead. She quickly grabbed it and hugged it to herself, her ears wriggling in happiness.


“You know~ You don’t have to hold back Shion-chan! I can see your hands and eyes twitching every time we walk by something cute~” (Akira)


Shion was surprised as Akira hugged her and whispered in her ears, tickling it slightly. Shion tried to maintain her stoic face, and spoke quickly,


“N-no… I’m not that interested in this stuff, I just want to see what you guys like…” (Shion)


As Shion spoke, Akira had an evil smile on her face, and whispered once again,


“You know, naughty omegas who lie… get this!” (Akira)


Akira started furiously rubbing Shion’s head, taking advantage of her height to fully enjoy the sensation of Shion’s ears. Shion let out a cute “Kya!” as she was attacked by the taller beta.


Yuuga noticed the commotion after Shion’s cute shriek, and quickly separated the two.


“Hey Akira, don’t take advantage of her like that…” (Yuuga)


“I mean… who told her to lie and hold back with us?” (Akira)


Shion ran behind Yuuga’s back and hid behind him, looking tearfully at Akira. Upon meeting Shion’s eyes, Akira suddenly felt an immense sense of guilt crush her heart.


“Um… I just wanted to see you have fun with us Shion-chan! I’ll only bully you if you try to hold yourself back!” (Akira)


“You can’t do that Akira, bullying is bad in general~ Even if Shion’s this cute~” (Arisa)


Arisa gently pulled Shion away from Yuuga and started patting her head gently as she spoke. Shion started narrowing her eyes in pleasure, before Akira spoke up again.


“Hey! I can see you’re just saying that so you can pet Shion too! That’s unfair” (Akira)


“Well, who told you to tease her like that?” (Arisa)


Yuuga started laughing over the group’s antics, causing everyone else to start smiling too. But Arisa still held onto Shion.


“Hmmmmmm~ Does our big bad alpha plan on taking advantage of our poor cute little omega like that…?” (Akira)


“Hey! You can’t just turn it on me like this, I just like how cute Shion is, I don’t have any other ill intentions…” (Arisa)


“Why does it feel like you’re missing a ‘yet’ at the end of your sentence…” (Yuuga)


Having some of her intentions exposed, Arisa blushed lightly as Shion once again escaped from her captors arms. Yuuga giggled slightly himself, before speaking up.


“How about we finish buying our things and then go to karaoke before we go home?” (Yuuga)


“Oooo, that sounds fun!” (Akira)


“Sure~” (Arisa)


“I’ll come too… I’ve never sung karaoke before though…” (Shion)


“Are you some sort of sheltered ojou-sama or something Shion-chan? I can’t believe you’ve never gone to karaoke and your defenses against us are so low…” (Akira)


“Mmm… I trust you guys, I’m not like this with anyone else!” (Shion)


Shion puffed her cheeks up slightly as she spoke. Akira ran over to hug her once again as she “aww’d”.


The group finished grabbing their supplies, with Akira choosing the pink set she originally had her eye on, Shion choosing lavender, and Yuuga and Arisa surprising the group as they chose grey and light blue respectively.


“Hmmm~ I would’ve thought you two would choose the other colors” (Akira)


The two of them blushed slightly as Arisa spoke up,


“Is there something wrong with us liking these colors? I know it’s not very alpha-like but…” (Arisa)


“Nope! There’s nothing wrong at all, it’s just unexpectedly cute of you Arisa! I can’t believe that behind that prince-like exterior you usually show you’re hiding away such a sweet inside~ And Yuuga’s choice is unexpectedly cool despite his cute appearance!” (Akira)


The group laughed and talked as they packed up their purchases and started walking to a nearby karaoke bar. Shion looked around in wonder as they entered. The karaoke bar had a cool and futuristic aesthetic, with neon lights and sleek decorations throughout the building. After the four of them paid for a private room, they entered and Akira immediately grabbed the tablet before pushing it towards Shion.


“Shion-chan~ Please sing for us! Ever since I heard your voice during our testing, I wanted to hear you sing!” (Akira)


Shion flushed lightly, not thinking that she would be coerced into singing so soon. But not wanting to disappoint, she looked through the tablet and chose a song she recognized Ayano had sung before.


Playing: Chiisana Koi no Uta (A song for small love)


Shion began singing after the little intro melody finished, her sweet and soft voice gently tickling the ears of everyone present. After she finished, everyone was dazed for a second before Akira exclaimed out,


“I knew it! Your voice is so good Shion! I bet you could be a really famous singer if you wanted to~” (Akira)


Shion flushed lightly at the compliment, before taking the seat and letting the others start singing as well. Her phone then suddenly let out a notification, reminding Shion that she had to do something. She pulled her inhibitor patch and stuck it on her gland.


Akira had chosen an upbeat song that suited her appearance. It was the new Aidoru song that had been released recently by Yoasobi for the anime Oshi no Ko. Akira sang powerfully, dancing along with the beat to everyone’s cheers. After Akira was Yuuga, singing a classic meme song, Baka Mitai, from the yakuza game series, although his own soft voice gave it a different atmosphere than usual.


Arisa sang last, choosing another cute song in contrast to her appearance and gender. It was Kawaiikute gomen, and although she was slightly embarrassed while singing, she had a happy expression on her face since she didn’t feel the need to keep up appearances with these friends. She sang it elegantly with her slightly deeper voice, giving it an edge of cheekiness.


After she finished, everyone once again clapped, before Shion spoke up.


“Everyone’s so good nyaaaa~” (Shion)


Hearing her words, the other three froze in shock, before looking at Shion. She had a slightly more loose expression than usual, and she started to cling onto Yuuga’s arm. Arisa’s initial suspicion was Shion’s drink, but she checked it and it was nothing more than water. Yuuga then spoke up,


“Shion… Are you in heat..? But I don’t smell any more pheromones than usual, and Arisa isn’t acting up…” (Yuuga)


“Nya? It’s my time of month, but I already took inhibitors so it’s okay…! Just for some reason Papa and Aya-chan said I act a bit different from usual around this time nya… Is it bad?”( Shion)


At this point, Shion’s cuteness was too much and Akira started to get a nosebleed. The smell of camellia flowers filled the room slightly as Arisa also reacted.


“Arisa, you’re letting your pheromones leak… And no Shion, you’re fine the way you are” (Yuuga)


Yuuga reassured Shion as Arisa wiped up Akira’s nosebleed while restraining her pheromones at the same time. But upon detecting the smell of Arisa’s pheromones, Shion started clinging onto her instead.


“W-w-w-what do I do?” (Arisa)


Arisa was flustered in a rare moment, although she’s had plenty of omegas and betas confess to her in the past, she rejected them all and hadn’t really had any close contact with any of them. But Shion directly climbed onto her lap and took her place there, refusing to get off. Arisa struggled to hold her physical reaction back as she was panicking, holding back her own urge to bite Shion’s gland.


“Umm… Since Shion said this happens every month, c-can we just keep her?” (Akira)


“Akira, Shion’s not a pet… Also Shion, come here, Arisa’s struggling to hold herself back already, you don’t want her to suffer right?” (Yuuga)


Shion looked up and saw Arisa’s flushed countenance. She didn’t want to hurt any of her friends, so Yuuga’s words had convinced her to finally get off of Arisa’s lap. But then she went to sit in Yuuga’s lap instead. Shion had grown a little bit over the past year, but she was still incredibly short at 1.42 meters tall. As such, she still managed to fit in Yuuga’s lap despite him being already shorter than average.


“Well… at least you two are both omegas, so it’s more harmless than letting her continue to sit on Arisa’s lap. But I wish she would come to me insteaddd…” (Akira)


“You already take advantage of her enough, she’s probably wary of you because of that.” (Yuuga)


“Aww… but I wanna hold the cute and cuddly Shi-chan…” (Akira)


While the two were talking, Arisa crossed her legs to try hide something before speaking up,


“H-how about we start singing again? We paid for the room after all, and we don’t wanna waste the money…” (Arisa)


“Hmmm… alright, I’ll try to lure Shi-chan over another time! Let’s continue!” (Akira)


The group continued singing and enjoying their time together, even managing to get Shion to sing another song, although for some reason she directly replaced a lot of the lyrics with “nyas”... but cute is justice after all!


The group felt a bit hungry after they finished singing, so they thought of going to a family restaurant to have dinner together. Shion called Hirokichi to ask him for permission.


“Papa~ can I go out and have dinner with my friends nya?” (Shion)


Hirokichi took a second to respond,


[Hmmm… Shion, who are the friends around you?] (Hirokichi)


“Mmmm… Yuu, Akira and Arisa!” (Shion)


[Are they all omegas?] (Hirokichi)


“Nope~ Only Yuu is an omega, Akira is a beta and Arisa is an alpha!” (Shion)


Hirokichi seemed to clearly struggle with something over the phone, before speaking up in a slightly restrained tone.


[Make sure you stay around Yuu okay? If you can do that, I’ll let you eat out with your friends.] (Hirokichi)


“Yayy!!! I love you Papa!” (Shion)


Shion hung up the phone afterwards, unaware of the monthly heart attack she had just inflicted upon her father, and told her friends that she could join them. The four of them quickly found a restaurant and ordered a couple of things to eat, enjoying their time together. Shion didn’t leave Yuuga’s side until they had finished eating, where Hirokichi came personally to pick her up.



Hirokichi exited his car and walked over to the family restaurant, where the group was waiting for him. They seemed to be taking care of Shion, which was good, but his eyes slightly narrowed in displeasure as he noticed the alpha standing in the group. Actually, even the beta wasn’t safe, as he knew in his heart that Shion’s cuteness would make anyone fall for her.


“Papa!” (Shion)


Shion immediately ran over and jumped into Hirokichi’s arms. He gently smiled at her, before giving a slightly cold stare to Arisa and Akira.


“Hello, I’m Hirokichi Kojou, Shion’s father as you can see. Thank you for taking care of her.”


Since his stare wasn’t pointed at Yuuga, he managed to calmly step up and introduce himself first.


“Umm… Hello sir, I’m Yuuga Fukuhara. We’ve become friends with your daughter, and we’ve been in her care. Please take her home safely!” (Yuuga)


“Ahh, you must be the ‘Yuu’ that Shion mentioned. Thank you for keeping her safe and being a good friend to her.” (Hirokichi)


After hearing Yuuga speak, Akira and Arisa managed to regain their own composure and introduce themselves in turn.


“I’m Akira Akasaka, and I’ve also been in the care of your daughter. Thank you for picking her up!” (Akira)


“I-i’m Arisa Kobayashi, and I promise I have no ill intentions towards your daughter despite being an alpha…” (Arisa)


“Honestly, the one you should be worried about is Akira…” (Yuuga)


“Hey! You can’t just expose me like that! I swear I have no other intentions besides wanting to snuggle and cuddle and feel Shion’s ears… I’m totally innocent!” (Akira)


Hirokichi gave Akira a side eye at her words,


“Fukuhara-san, I’ll give you my number to contact if Akasaka-san ever acts up. Please keep my daughter safe. And I’ll trust you for now Kobayashi-san… But don’t think I’ll let you have my daughter without a fight.” (Hirokichi)


“Papa~ stop bullying my friends nya…” (Shion)


Hirokichi’s cold aura immediately stopped at Shion’s protest, as he turned to her.


“I’m just trying to make sure you’re safe Shion, I don’t want anything bad to happen to you.” (Hirokichi)


“Mmm… I know, but my friends are trustworthy nya… even Akira, even though she sometimes acts weird.” (Shion)


“Hey, what do you mean ‘acts weird’!” (Akira)


Both Yuuga and Arisa immediately turned to Akira at her words, and gave her a side eye.


“I-i mean… Shi-chan’s just too cute…..” (Akira)


The two of them laughed at Akira’s antics, before the three finally bowed towards Hirokichi again.


“Thank you for picking her up, and we’ll see you tomorrow Shion/Shi-chan!”


“Thank you for being Shion’s first friends… We’ll be going then. Have a good night and make sure you keep Fukuhara-san safe and take him home first.” (Hirokichi)


“We’ll be sure to do so! Have a good night too! Byebye~” (Akira)


Hirokichi carried Shion into the car and drove off into the night, leaving the others behind on the sidewalk.


“So… Shion is an ojou-sama after all. I recognized her father from a magazine… he’s the CEO of the Kojou group and they’re one of the richest families in Japan. I never thought I’d see him in person.” (Yuuga)


“That won’t change how we treat Shi-chan though, she’s still our cute catkin omega friend…” (Akira)


“Hey, it’s not that you won’t change how you treat her, but you’re unwilling to because you still want to hug and cuddle her, no?” (Arisa)


“Ah! How can you expose me again!” (Akira)


The three of them laughed and talked together as they walked home, heading to bed and falling asleep right away, awaiting the next day.

I still haven't managed to pump out a full chapter since I had my surgery... writing's tough when you're in pain yo. But I've been writing some at least, and hopefully once I start cranking it up again, I can increase my release rate for you guys too. Some more personal/icky stuff (TW: gross)


Turns out the rashes have now made my skin start to peel all over my body... it's really gross but also kinda satisfying peeling away huge pieces of your skin, kinda like taking the plastic off of new electronics :P
