10 – Is this Stealing?
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My luck ability was weird. It worked only if I had an inkling of what I was doing. Before asking Sensei to show me how to throw all my shots just missed or hit the logs but just didn’t embed themselves. It seems that as long as there was a chance that I could do something my luck would almost always make it happen. It was why I had died that night almost several times.

I was happy today since I got a work visa for Japan somehow. It was rare for foreigners to get a work visa, but it was probably due to luck. Sensei had hired me as an assistant since almost all of his students were floored within ten seconds when sparing me in any of the four arts he taught.

Right now, however I was on a flight to America. I had pawned off another coin and decided to go again. I had texted Rachel saying I was fine and my parents saying I was on a trip of self-discovery. They had asked if I wanted money, but I had just said I had my own source of income at the moment and was fine.

I was going to vegans. Why may you ask? Because I have the power of luck in my hands, and I am going to take everything from these casinos. I was smart enough to realize that almost all forms of gambling were a scam from lottery to casinos. But after I had played with a six-sided die and a D20 for a bit I decided to try my luck.

I had the ability to manipulate which side it landed on. If I thought, ‘I want it on 17. My twenty-sided die would land on a seventeen. It was pretty broken with out of about a thousand throws only one not being the number I was going for.

Once in Vegas I got a taxi and asked for the scenic route. I had just decided to go with it and pawn twenty gold coins. I directed the driver to stop at a fitted tuxedo place. I got out a paid him a hundred to wait twenty minutes.

After the time was up, I came out in a casual tuxedo that fit my now athletic figure perfectly. The driver seemed to drop his expression of shock when I smiled and spoke. “The Bellagio please?” He just nodded and turned back to the road as the car began to move.

It was only reasonable. I had gone in as a teenager wearing tracksuits and a hoodie and came out dressed like that. Once we arrived, I booked a room which only cost four hundred a night. For a normal person that was still a lot per night.

I then headed down to the casino to exchange my cash for chips. In my casual British accent, I said to the lady behind the cahier’s office. “I’d like thirty-thousand in chips please. She just nodded and as she was about to say something I just hefted my duffle bag onto the counter and pulled out the eight stacks of notes.

She seemed surprised someone would handle that much cash around but just seemed to go with it. She then handed me a tray which had a rack which held forty-one-thousand chips. I rubbed my hands together as I got prepared to fleece this place for everything it got.

After a few hours and about twenty million later I went back up to my room. A few ladies tried to join me, but I was pretty exhausted. I played a few rounds of each game and then moved on. I played baccarat, poker, roulette, craps, and blackjack. I made sure to make a few mistakes and lose a few million towards the end to make it seem like I quit while I was ahead.

I got it all put onto a card after I showed proof that the cash, I had handed in was legitimate and not from some money laundering scheme. For the next week I did this to a dozen different casinos before anyone caught on. I smirked as I saw the three guys following me. It was as if I could feel the killing intent radiating off them.

I decided it was time to get out of here. I had gotten over a hundred million from all the casinos around the city. I would now hit all the other major casinos around the world. I had used a fake name for the hotel bookings and the card was set up to keep it to my initials which would make it very hard for them to find an A. Tye. Hopefully anyway. I occasionally hopped back to Hiroshima to help with lessons and made my way around the globe hitting, Paris, Macau, Monte Carlo, London, and Atlantic City and continuing to hone my sills by killing monsters and sparing with adventurers.

 I’m now back in London staring at the black card before me. I had seen my parents use this card occasionally. I simultaneously stared at the balance in my account on the phone. When the bank had heard that they would get a customer who would like to keep three-hundred million in their account the guy on the phone had literally fell out of his chair and forwarded me to his manager.

My next stop after picking up the card was an accountant. Oh, and the best part. I didn’t have to pay tax on any of it. Hehe. After the accountants is a trip to a real estate agent and then to a café for a cup of tea.