13 – The Winds of Change Taste like Syrup***
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I turned around to see the origin of the voice and was shocked by the figure before me. Before I could fully realise what, I was looking at the voice said. “Those not of this realm should be unable to enter it. How peculiar.”

The voice was calming and melodic. Whoever she was, even though her figure was obscured by the mist I could tell she was a spirit of somekind. I then said while trying to not act threatening, I was inside her domain after all. “My name is Alex Tye. I lack the ability to control mana but have some different kind of energy which allows me to travel to places I’ve been before. I was experimenting with the ritual circle and Apported myself, but instead of going to my intended location I ended up here. I would say accidentally. But that would be a lie since I had a hunch this might happen.”

The spirit made a humming sound which signalled she was in great thought. “Very Well. I will contract with you since I am curious. Next time though, don’t activate your ability while mind linking with another place. For every being such as myself there are a myriad of ones that would consume you on the spot.”

I was shocked that she decided to help me. Usually, it would take years to attract a spirit. I then piped up and spoke. “What kind of spirit are you? And if it’s not too much trouble, may I know your name?” She let out a brief chuckle of mirth before responding. “I am Ariel, a Wind Spirit.”

Of course, a wind spirit would be named Ariel. I just shook that thought from my head and just waited as the sounds of footsteps approached. As she got close enough for me to see her, my mouth hung open at the sight of her. I quickly turned my back to her and shut my agape mouth.

She then said in a slightly begging tone. “Am I that ugly to gaze upon?” I almost choked once I heard her words before saying. “No, it is that in the physical realm, it is not right to gaze upon someone without their permission when not clothed.”

After a few seconds she let out an ‘Ahhhh.’ Sound and spoke. “Sorry, you may look towards me now.” I turned around but I froze again as it dawned on me what she meant. I thought she had put some clothes on. Her skin was like a light green with a hue of ethereal glow. Her pupils were made of hundreds of different shades of emerald and jade. Her long green hair flowed all the way to her feet in the same shades as her eyes, wrapping her body randomly.

Her feet and hands contained four digits with her arms and legs being extremely thin. Her whole figure while about half a head shorter than me was petite and look fragile. Her wide shoulders went down to a pair of coconut sized breasts with dark green nipples standing firm on the lower part of the boob forming a teardrop shape.

It then descended to her waist which was half the width of her shoulder and then to her hips which were the same as her shoulders. Her legs then went down with her thighs each taking a third of the space on her hips with a huge thigh gap the same width as her thighs between them revealing a slit with enflamed lips that are the same colour as her nipples.

She is panting slightly before saying. “Since you are in this realm and I am, and not communicating through a telepathic link we will have to bond another way. She then pounces on me and says between straddling me and kissing my face and neck. “It has been so long since I had the release of a companion.” She then let out a slight moan when my leg rubbed against her pussy.

Within a few seconds the set of clothes I had been wearing had come off and I my rod was rubbing up against her opening. She continued to suck on my face as I did the same. Then without any notice she raised her hips and thrust down.

I felt as a slimy warmth encompassed my whole cock. It was slightly different from a human and felt a bit spongier. So, she wrapped her arms around the back of my neck while shoving her tongue down my throat with her hips raising and lowering at a pace of about twice a second. She was screaming as she moved her hips slightly. I was also moving my hips slightly and using my tongue while one hand was clasping onto her bubble butt with the other on her boob, pinching her nipple between gropes.

She soon began to tighten as her moans became more frequent eventually happening with each drop of her hips. After a few minutes of intense pleasure, her relief finally came as a thick treacle like green fluid escaped from within her running down my shaft and between my legs. As she climaxed her back arched and she let out a loud scream which was like a mix of pleasure and pain.

She continued to thrust at the same pace as she rode out the orgasm and after a few minutes I blew. I had been holding it in for a while and it almost sent her hips fling off my penis from the pressure of the first burst. It finally popped out with a ‘wet thwap’ sound as I continued to ejaculate, and it ran down the back of my cock after the first few shots.

She collapsed on top of me and seemed to be in a dazed state. I put my finger down and tasted her nectar. It was more like maple syrup in flavour, and I immediately wanted some. I flipped her over and began to lick all around her thighs and bum while making sure to explore every inch of her body thoroughly. Ariel seemed to enjoy it as I occasionally rubbed past an erogenous zone.

Once she was entirely clean on the outside I moved to the inside. My cum was tasteless unless I wanted it to be so after a few experiments I had conducted so all I tasted was tonnes of the best maple syrup ever as I lapped up almost a litre of the bright green stuff. I then created a vacuum with my mouth and began to suck all the juices out of her vagina.

At the same time, I was probing and playing with her clit. She was completely collapsed as her lags now rested on my shoulders. She let out screams if extasy at the increasing lack of air around her groin. After a few minutes of this and having to breathe through my nose she came again. More of the delicious Nectar flowed out and I gobbled it up.

I then collapsed next to her since I was slightly winded. She then moved her head under my armpit and fell asleep with her hands on my chest which had several muscles beginning to show.