Chapter 1
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Let's cut to the chase… I'm a reincarnated person.

I'm from the earth and reincarnated into another earth, but this earth is different. In my previous life, there was no such thing as supernatural creatures. People claim they have seen ghosts, demons, or even monsters, but I have never seen them, so I don't believe it.

However, I believed in them when I reincarnated into this world. Why? Well, I reincarnated. I expected infinite darkness, but I reincarnated as a baby instead. Second, I reincarnated into a supernatural house. What I mean is that I was born into a family that is involved in the supernatural business.

In this world, my name is Kazuma Nakiri, and I am a member of the Nakiri Clan. Nakiri Clan is one of the top dogs in Japan's Moonlight world. They are called the Five Principal Clans, and they are the oldest and strongest human faction in Japan.

I don't know what kind of joke the being who put me in this place was playing, but I don't like it. I don't mind a second chance because of how bad my previous life was, but I want to know the reason why they sent me to this place.

|Sorry about that|

"What? Who?!"

I leave my bed and take the small dagger inside my drawer. I look around the room with my dagger facing forward, ready to stab anything or anyone in this room.

|I'm inside your head, boy|

"Inside my head? Who are you?!"

|Lower your voice. You can talk to me with your inner voice. Anyway, I'm the one sending you to this place|

Like this?


Good, because I have a lot of questions.

|And you will get your answer sooner than later. However, I need to tell you the reason why I put you in this world.|


|I need your help. This world is on the brink of destruction, and I need your help.|

Great. Not only was I born into a world where many weak people die, but I was also born into a world with a time limit. Fantastic. What do you need me for? If you and the gods of this world cannot prevent the world from blowing up, what can I do?

|The gods of this world did not notice it, and only the people like me can notice it.|

Really? That means you are even more powerful than the Gods of this world.

|You can say that. Anyway, this power comes with a drawback, you see? I cannot do anything to a small planet like yours. If I directly do something, your planet will be blown, or worse, the people will kill each other.|

Really? Then how do you move me from my previous planet to this one? They are the same size.

|You are dead in your previous one by the gunshot wound. You have just finished a job and are too tired to notice that man coming from behind.|

You don't need to remind me about that.

My previous life is not a normal one. I worked for a Godfather as a Cleaning Man or the mundane people know it as a Hit Man. The life of Hit Man is not as many movies and games portray it to be. It is not sneaking into a heavily guarded place, killing them, and making it look like an accident, no.

We come, and we shoot. Sometimes we need to follow the target for hours and learn their movement; when they are alone, we come and shoot. As for making it look like an accident? We don't. The Mafia wants to make an example and ensure it is as messy as possible.

The money is good but this kind of job messes with your head. It is a tiring job. Not physically but mentally. I'm not seeing my victim in myself or anything like that, but it makes your mind easily tired. Time might make me used to the sight, but it still makes me tired.

If not for the money and the unwritten rule of a Hit Man, I would get out of that job long ago. Money is one thing, but the unwritten rule is what makes me think twice before quitting. There is only one unwritten rule in the Cleaning Game.

Cleaners never quit until they breathe their last breath.

The cleaner did not have any retirement plans. Once you are in, you are in for life. If you try to quit, your family will be watched 24/7, and if the Don decides you are a risk, they will be dead. I have one and two kids, and I cannot risk them.

I'm rather lucky that I died in battle. Don will make sure my family gets compensated for my service to the family.

|Are you done?|

Shut up, man. I have a flashback.

|Good, you are done. Now we can get back to business.|

Tch. Fine. What do you need?

|I need you to be a freelance Assassin|

What? Do you want me to go back to that kind of work? No! I just got out of it.

|So you reject the offer?|

Yes. Fuck off.

|Even when I said the world would be blown up in about ten years?|

I stay silent for a moment and sigh. Fine. Tell me.

|Great! I need you to build up fame. I will help you with that. I will give you power from one of the past games you liked to play.|


Gaming is something I liked to do in the past. After a hard day's work, I walk home and play games all day. Most of my co-workers use Alcohol and Drugs to cope with their work; some of them go to the brothel and fuck all the women in that place, but not me. I prefer gaming and relaxing at home.

I play many games at home, but there are a couple I always play for at least ten minutes every day.


A second later, a rush of knowledge appears inside of me.

Oh! Ooooh! Interesting.

|Overwatch. I give you the power of Overwatch. You can choose two of the heroes on Overwatch and use their power as your own.|

Errrr, that is good and all, but what happens when I choose someone who is not human? Orisa and Winston, for example.

|Well, you become a Gorilla. The same with Orisa. However, the power I give you has two modes. The first one is Overtake and Summon. You can Overtake the hero and have all their ability, or you can summon them. They will be completely loyal to you and obey your every order. However, every hero has their own personality. The Overwatch hero did not like killing the innocent and will do everything they can to delay your order. As for the Talon hero… Well, they will do anything. You know what? You can use the two modes at the same time. Summon someone to help you in your journey while you possess the other agent of Overwatch.|

Got it.

|As for your job, like I said before, build a reputation in these three years before your main mission appears. This world is different from your previous one, as you can see. Supernatural is active in this world. Gods are roaming the earth, and devils are turning humans into devils. There are many more.|


|There is a guild called The Tarakan Guild. That is the place where you can register as an assassin. The Tarakan Guild is a neutral guild that provides anyone with money and connections with services like assassination information and the like.|

Huh. Is there some kind of assassin guild in my previous world?

|There are a dozen of them, but they are a private guild and will not accept anyone.|

I see.

|Anyway, take as many missions as you can. Raise in rank and become one of the best assassins in the world so you can save the world.|

Urgh. I hate you. I thought I could have a peaceful life in this life, but here I'm.

|Don't worry. Complete all the missions, and you will have a peaceful life. Anyway, the Tarakan Guild can be found in Toba, Mie prefecture|

Yeah. Yeah.

Urgh. I get up from my bed and look out of the window. Now… How can I go to Toba without my parents noticing?


|3rd POV|

The Tarakan Hotel is a five-star hotel that looks normal, but inside this building is a highly trained assassin that gets their money from their client after doing dirty jobs like murder, sabotage, and information gathering.

The hotel has two entrances. The first is where the public goes, and the other is where the special kind of guest goes.

People at this entrance have a pleasant day, eating and chatting with each other without any worry as this place is the neutral ground and anyone who makes trouble in this place will be killed.

The people stop doing whatever they are doing when the door to the hotel opens up, and a unique person comes inside.

The person comes inside wearing a jet-black outfit with a hoodie and wearing a steel mask. This is Kazuma or The Reaper when he is in this costume. When he gets in front of the receptionist, he looks at the middle-aged man and says.

"I want to register."