Chapter Seventeen : Shock and Heart to Hearts
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"Mom, help!" Vanity squirmed helplessly as Ephy planted herself above her, her eyes narrowed while holding the pillow and didn't seem to intend on stopping anytime soon.

"Ephy, can you let Vanity off please?" Lynexia said with a laugh, and Ephy grudgingly moved off of Vanity who stuck her messy head full of white hair out with a pitiful expression.

"Just you wait until I become a goddess! I'll be the one winning!" As if Ephy was used to Vanity's taunt, she scoffed and then grinned, making Vanity shrink back with a wilted expression.

"So with Ephy and I here, the other fellows want to come over as well. Since December is technically ours, um not like a toy or anything..." Cearis said with a wave of her hand and then knocked December's head lightly.

"While we originally didn't intend on doing that, that's also very amusing! Cearis would that work?" Ephy said excitedly, a grin on her face as she stared at Cearis' two different colored eyes.

"We can't make a decision so freely. This is December's world you know?" Cearis reminded Ephy who nodded and then sat down quietly.

"What was it?" December couldn't withhold the curiosity and asked Cearis and Ephy. Cearis began tilting her head and then snapped and began speaking.

"So since we're outcasts in our own world, some of the gods and goddesses wanted to come over to this one. Even though it's small, it's a lot more interesting than ours according to them." Cearis then shook her head with a groan.

"Although they did follow etiquette and ask, this is seriously troublesome." Cearis then closed her eyes, took a breath and then opened them.

"I'll just tell them no, if they slip up and break this world, that would be depressing." Cearis finished and then looked at December's swirling eyes and then explained.

"Unlike our world, your world isn't strengthened by many gods nor is there any laws in place. This place won't support even Extraordinary Rank beings easily, much less gods and goddesses who like to make trouble." Cearis said and then got to her feet and then pointed at the ceiling dramatically.

"Cearis!" Ephy slumped on the bed and shouted angrily, drawing stares from December and Reina while Lynexia hummed thoughtfully.

"How about a rematch!?" Vanity grabbed a pillow and grinned smugly as she approached Ephy who glared, until the pillow smacked her head several times repeatedly.

"Ha! This will teach you to not mess with me!" While Vanity managed to reverse the situation, Lynexia rubbed her forehead with a wry smile and then looked at Cearis with a slight smile.

"You sealed the world. Now even if the gods and goddesses come here, they can't do much." December felt a sense of unease but Cearis smiled at her and Reina.

"Aside from our immortality, we won't have anything special unless it's within our innate abilities, and that's also reduced to almost nothing." Cearis said with a chuckle.

"Eventually they'd come over regardless, so I just limited us before anything crazy happens. Of course, it goes for all the gods and goddesses." Cearis finished while giving Ephy who was under the merciless assault of Vanity a helpless look.

"Vanity, can you let Ephy off please?" Lynexia said while using December's phone, her eyes glued to the screen while she hummed softly.

"December, how about here? Do you think this is a pretty place?" When December saw the picture, she felt as if Lynexia was someone who liked to travel.

It wasn't one place, it was a many places just minimized and cropped. December stared at the screen and wondered how smart Lynexia was to grasp the use of a smartphone without even being shown how. 

"It's pretty." December agreed. Although it wasn't just one place, it was very well made. If December hadn't looked closely, she wouldn't have noticed the ten other places mixed in.

"Great! I'll plan a vacation! You're all coming. Um, Reina your sister's in school?" Lynexia asked Reina who nodded and smiled, then she frowned and tried to decline.

"Oh great! Then I'll ask for leave for her as well. This way we can call relax and have fun." Lynexia didn't give her a chance to decline, and December wanted to speak up, but Cearis interjected with a light tap to Lynexia's forehead.

"Forgive her please Reina, she's so used to being in control, someone's objection to her plans didn't even go through her mind at all." Cearis then pulled Ephy who was hanging off the bed with an expression full of despair on to the bed.

Ephy wanted to squirm free but when Cearis' placed her near December, she stopped resisting and lay down quietly, her moon like irises staring up at December's face quietly.

"Sorry about Ephy December, she has even less people skills than you do. Ephy stop staring, at least so openly!" Cearis' voice sounded and earned a grumble from Ephy who refused to look away, even when December's cheeks flushed slightly.

"It's not my fault, you put me her-" Before she finished, Vanity crawled over and rolled her off the bed, causing Ephy to land with a thump, half tangled in a sheet.

"If you'd like to come, feel free to join us. Oh, you should play World of Myths as well Reina. I can help you choose a race and class if you want to get an enjoyable experience." Cearis then picked Ephy up and then put her on the opposite side of the bed.

"I'm heading back for now. I'd love to stay and have some more fun, but the other gods and goddesses are asking for information." Cearis said with a roll of her eyes and then looked at Ephy and then December.

"I hope you don't mind her antics too much. She's not sure how to interact with you, so she's being awkward. Even I'm feeling second-hand embarrassment..." Cearis' body turned into glittery motes of light that vanished into the air.

"I'm going to go cook! I want to make something!" Lynexia stood up, held Reina's hand and half dragged her out the room, then Vanity got out of bed and rubbed her messy hair, then made a beeline to the door.

"Vanity!" December called after her, but all she got was a sense of encouragement through the link. December took a deep breath to steady herself, then looked at the Goddess of Night, who was wrapped in a sheet and peeking out at her hesitantly.

"Um, can I call you Ephy?" December asked uncertainly, not sure how to address her. Ephy simply nodded with a hum, then hid her face in the sheet.

"It's okay, I'm not very good with people either... I'm really bad in fact." December said with a hint of bitterness, only to have Ephy poke her head out.

"You're not bad!" Then as if shocked by her outburst, she shrank into her sheet cocoon again. Although December didn't feel she was good at reading people, Ephy reminded her of herself when she had a crush on someone before.

"Can you... can you tell me what's so good about me?" December was also nervous, the question a bit too blatant and wanted to take it back the moment she said it aloud.

"I didn't really look at the souls pulled from this world to our own, but then I found yours around the same time Cearis' did, well a little before actually." Ephy spoke from inside the cocoon of sheets.

"I just felt that you were very attractive, even before I gave you the Class. I was happy when you liked it, it was weird for me too." Ephy said with a confused voice and then the cocoon shifted slightly.

"I don't want you all to myself or anything, I just like seeing you happy and feel proud when you grow. Like, I don't know?" Ephy said and then seemed to want to turn away from December's direction.

"I don't really know what a relationship is either actually..." December said and then placed a hand on the cocoon, and closed her eyes.

"Stop!" Ephy shouted and clambered out the cocoon of sheets, her face flushed from embarrassment as she looked into December's slightly playful pink red irises.

"I just wanted to thank you, so I prayed?" December said with apparent confusion, only Ephy knew it was fake! She pointed at December's face with embarrassment.

"Why did you say that? I simple thank you would suffice!" Ephy sputtered and then December couldn't hold it anymore and laughed, her laughter lively and bright.

"When we met, you asked me if you were beautiful. Why can't I address you as my..." Then December's face flushed and then Ephy cackled with excitement.

"So you're that kind of girl! You can think it, but you won't say it! What was that before? I think it was 'my beautiful dazzling goddess who's as beautiful as the starry skies'?" Ephy said while December coughed and then took the sheet and wrapped herself within.

"Okay okay, don't be shy December... Really, it's fine. I'm happy you think I'm beautiful." Ephy said, her moon like irises staring at December who'd hidden herself and gently patted the cocoon.

"Thank you for giving me all that you have Ephy." December said quietly but seriously. Ephy didn't say anything but gently patted December's shoulder, thought for a moment and then spoke.

"Nothing is lost until the end. Cearis' told me what would have been your ending, and I didn't want that for you despite having never actually met you." Ephy recounted with a hint of sadness in her voice.

"December, can you promise me, no matter what happens or what others tell you. You won't try to end it all? Dying is absolute and can't be undone, so please don't think like that?" Ephy said and then removed the sheet from December's head and stared into her pink red irises with her own moon like ones.

"Life is precious, and only by living can you have a chance to change and grow. If you ever need me, just call my name and I'll know." Ephy patted December's cheek lightly and then her figure began to fade, then it stopped and she fell over on to December's body.

"Are you okay?" December's voice sounded panicked, because Ephy looked as if she had eaten something super bitter, and then she looked uncomfortable.

"Cearis! Why did you do this?!" Ephy had a heart to heart with December, and when she wanted to leave, she realized her already limited divine powers simply faded when she tried to do so.

"It's okay, you don't have to run off. I get it." December said knowingly to Ephy who stiffened in her arms, but then slowly relaxed when December patted her back and head lightly.

"Thank you Ephy, for everything you've done." December said, and her mind she also repeated it to Cearis. She felt a sense of amusement and acknowledgement from somewhere while Ephy simply nodded slightly in her arms.