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          -I'm sad to inform you that due to being a pantser writer... Well, there are already plot holes this early on in the story lmao (^3^)

AND it has come to my attention that I seemed to have focused on parts that were unnecessary (I think), but left important factors with little to no detail, like what the game system was based or founded on... So in this case I will be rewriting my drafts and possibly creating a template for the game system so I can go on with the story relatively smoothly... Feel free to point out any mistakes so I can improve on them and also maybe some ideas, all in all, the skills and authority of our MC will still be the same.

     It may take some time though since although I plan to continue this unlike my other works, this is a hobby I do during weekends and I am studying in the field of medicine so I have little time.

Also, if you have experience in writing, how about giving me some tips on POV and immersion *wink* *wink* \(9_9)/