Chapter 27 – Could You Let Her Go?
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Was that why she hadn't answered her calls or messages?

For a man?

Furious, Rita checked her phone to see if she had more messages from her friend.

[The guy doesn't want to leave... he says he'll wait for you]

Rita let out a small laugh.

[Perfect, tell him I'll be there in a few minutes]

She couldn't wait. What kind of man was her sister getting involved with?

"Seriously... couldn't she hold off on her antics until after the wedding? No wonder she didn't answer my calls..."

Rita stopped muttering under her breath when she saw through the car window a tall man carrying in his arms the girl she quickly recognized as her older sister. A disapproving expression formed on her lips as she watched the scene.

How close were they for him to carry her as if she were his princess!?

Clicking her tongue with disgust, Rita lightly tapped the driver's seat to indicate he should stop the car.

With determined steps, Rita approached where her friend was, along with that strange man.

As she got closer, her eyes settled on the boy accompanying her. He was tall, wearing a worn-out black leather jacket hanging loosely from his shoulders.

His black shirt showed a shark print, barely visible under the jacket. Tight, worn-out pants and heavy, worn-out boots completed his unkempt appearance.

It seemed her sister had terrible taste in men.

"Good afternoon. I'm Rita Barker, what's your name?" Rita asked politely.

"I'm Benjamin Bettington, a pleasure," he replied with a smile.

That name didn't remind Rita of anyone important in the city, so as she suspected... her sister had an affair with just anyone.

Not wanting to waste any more time, Rita decided to be direct.

"Would you mind letting her go?" she asked, pointing at Sheila.

"If I let her go now at this height, I doubt she'll land on her feet," Benjamin replied mockingly.

Rita's friend, upon hearing this response, let out a small laugh that she disguised with her hand.

I see my sister likes clowns... Rita thought as she pointed to the car behind her.

"Just take her there, I'll handle the rest," explained Rita.

What had her sister seen in this man to end up unconscious with him?

Did she trust him so much?

How naive her sister was!

"Alright," Benjamin replied.

As Benjamin carefully left Sheila inside that car, he could feel the gaze of both women behind him.

The situation was awkward, and Benjamin understood it because to them, he was a complete stranger taking away an unconscious Sheila. But he didn't know how to explain the situation without coming off poorly, so he decided it was better for Sheila to explain it when she woke up.

Rita whispered something in her friend's ear, and she hurried to get into the car through the other door.

Benjamin turned around and found himself face to face with Rita.

Both were sisters, but they didn't look much alike. Now that Benjamin was seeing her in detail, not even the hair or eye color was similar.

Much less the size of their chests.

"Look, my sister had a slip today, understand?"

A slip?

"As far as I know, she never fell"

"Look, it's not time for jokes. We'll make sure this never happened, understand? She has a wedding, and this could ruin everything. If you want compensation for your silence, just... write to this number. Just forget about her," said Rita as she pulled a card with a number from her pocket.

Benjamin took the card, and with that, Rita assumed she had achieved her goal. This was the best method for dealing with people like him.

"Hey, I think you have an idea..."

Before she could say anything else, Rita walked towards the car and got into the passenger seat. Immediately, the car started moving, leaving Benjamin alone.

It seemed they were really in a hurry.

After seeing them drive away and merge onto the highway, Benjamin headed to his car, and as he was about to start it, his phone rang.

Checking it, he saw it was a message from Ethan.

[How's everything going?]

Reading that message, Benjamin sighed as he thought about what to reply.


"Fresh air!" Emily exclaimed as she stretched her arms out of the hospital.

Luckily, her shift had ended, and she didn't need to stay as there were no emergencies.

Taking out her phone to call a taxi, Emily checked her messages while she waited for it to arrive.

"Ah... him again..." she said with regret as she saw the 25 pending messages from a muted contact.

[Doctor, another day without problems thanks to your excellent operation. You are very talented. I've been talking with friends and other doctors for several days...]

It was too much text, and it was only the first message!

Emily cursed herself internally for agreeing to give him her number when he asked for it upon discharge from the hospital because now he sent her messages every day asking about her day and occasionally asked her small questions about the functions of certain medications for his health.

It was horrible!

It was like working overtime as customer service and without pay!

"Should I block him...?" Emily wondered aloud, but soon the notification came that the taxi she had requested was near.

Being attentive to her surroundings, the taxi arrived, and she got in, greeting the driver before they set off.

After they started moving, she continued checking her messages.

"That's odd..." Emily said when she noticed that Sheila hadn't even seen her messages.

Had something happened?

Hi! It's been a while, I'm going to temporarily change the publication schedule and followed by this chap, 2 more will be published! (1 update per day), and it will go back to "normal" publication from February 7.