Ch 6. The New Home
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     “Why the fuck did I sign that contract?” Cass asked herself. She and Luna nibbled at their early dinner. It had been several hours since their visit to the agency. Cass wrapped her lips around the neck of the beer bottle draining it with a smack of her lips.

     “You should take it easy on the beer,” Luna watched her place the bottle with the four others she had drank already.

     “I don’t want to,” Cass pouted.

     “If you didn’t want to join, why did you sign?”

     “I don’t know! Maybe I got caught up in the atmosphere?”

     “Well, I can tell you now it's too late to back out. Positives it's only a temp position. Six months from now you can back out.” 

     Cass opened another bottle and drained half of it. “I don’t want to go back.”

     “Ok, that's it! I’m cutting you off,” Luna said, removing the bottle from her hands. Luna ignored Cass’s protests as she called for the check. Cass put her head down on the table and groaned.

     “Is she ok?” The waitress asked as Luna placed her card on the offered tray.

     “Just a little overindulgence she’ll be fine later,” Luna smiled watching the woman until she left. “Pull yourself together Cass!” she hissed.

     “I want to wallow,” she said, her voice muffled by the table. The waitress returned with Luna’s card. She returned it to her wallet and hoisted the girl onto her shoulder.

     “Let’s get you back to the Agency. I’ll talk to Daddy and see what he can do to get you out. I still don’t know why you signed it if you were gonna regret it this much,” she said as she led the drunk Cass to her car.

     “After you told me about it.  I was going to, it seemed like it would be fun once I thought about it. But then Celeste said I had to live there, and after seeing the apartments I decided I wasn’t interested,” she put her face in her hands. “Why did I sign that stupid contract?”

     “Well you can't regret it now,” Luna huffed. “Come on let's get you back. They should have moved all your stuff over by now.” 

     “I don’t want to go back,” Cass pouted folding her arms across her chest.

     “You know I don't think I've ever seen you drunk before. It’s adorable,” she teased.

     “I’m not drunk,” Cass insisted. I only had four and a half beers.

     “Cass you’re a girl now and you’re a lot smaller than when you were a man. Your tolerance is much lower,” Luna said matter-of-factly.

     They fell silent and Luna drove them back across town. Cass stared out the windows, her eyes drawn to the many advertisements and billboards. She supposed that soon her image might be gracing one of them. That thought sent a shiver down her spine, from nerves or excitement Cass couldn’t say.

     She knew that she was an attractive woman. One look in the mirror showed her that she was the type of woman who she would be attracted to. She sighed, she knew that she would have to stay for at least the six months she signed for. Although she wasn’t happy she decided to try and make the most out of it. Maybe she’d be able to have an enjoyable time regardless. 

     “I’m ready I guess,” she said to Luna.




     Someone stuffed her mouth with cotton. Someone else was hitting her in the head with a hammer. She wished they would stop. With a groan, she rolled over and fell out of bed. Cass wasn’t sure what time it was or where she even was. Her body was sore and she felt gross. As she lay there on the floor her memories came back to her.

     After Luna dropped her off yesterday the other girls insisted on celebrating their new “family member.” There were a lot of questions and drinking, Cass had thankfully avoided saying anything about her transformation. For all the girls knew she had always been a girl. Eventually, things turned from questions and drinking to playing games and drinking. 

     She wasn’t sure how it was even possible but she drank more than the night she was transformed. Yet she didn’t feel that bad. Sure she had a pounding headache but there was no lingering drunkenness. After getting up off the floor she found a glass of water and a note on her side table. She gulped the water down, savoring the relief from her dry throat, and picked up the note.

     Last night was fun, cutie, you can handle your alcohol. I’m sure you’ll be glad to have this when you wake up. There’s some bath stuff in your closet. I'm sure you’ll want to have a shower. After that, someone will come to collect you so hang out wherever you wish. The note was signed by Cassidy. Cass hoped that she didn’t sleep with one of her coworkers on the first day after being hired.

     She collected her bath stuff and made her way to the communal showers. The hallways were quiet, either the others hadn’t woken yet or they were just being quiet. She opened the door to the showers and was surprised. The most she had expected was several shower stalls and maybe a small soaking tub. Instead, the baths were done Japanese style, just under two dozen stools sat in front of small mirrors and hand-held showerheads. One wall of the room was devoted to a full tub filled with warm water. Several other girls were already present and showering themselves. A few more were soaking in the tub.

     “Hey Cass over here,” Cassidy waved excitedly. Cass blushed slightly and made her way over.

     “Hello Cassidy,” she said stiffly.

     “Awww no need to be like that. And call me Cassi, everyone else does. I'm surprised you’re awake already. After how much you drank last night,” the small girl teased. Giggling excitedly as Cass’s cheeks turned red.

     “I’m a little surprised myself, but I don't feel too bad. A slight headache, but I’ll be better after getting some food in me.” 

     The small girl beside her looked over with a mischievous smile. “That's not the only thing you need to get in you,” she said softly.

     Cass blushed furiously and stammered. “I don’t know what you mean.” Then it returned to her, in her drunken stupor she hit on the petite girl. She even offered to being Cassi back to her room.

     “Don’t you?” Cassi teased, winking and smiling at the mess of a girl next to her.

     “Did we…?”

     Cassi sighed, “As fun as that may have been, I will one hundred percent take you up on your offer eventually. I didn’t want to take advantage of your drunkenness. So no, I had Amanda help me carry you back to your room.”

Cass blushed and began to wash up. wanting to distract herself she focused on her hair, cleaning it thoroughly. It struck her as she began to scrub herself down that she was in a bathroom with a half dozen naked girls. It was a dream that many teenage boys had. Nearly, all her friends growing up at some point tried to sneak into the girl's showers at school. Although she agreed with the rest of the boys she never had any intention of doing that.

Now she found herself in that exact scenario. Except for the becoming a girl part her high school “friends” would be envious. Though her “friends” would probably be very interested in her transformation. Aside from Ben the rest of her friends were your average “horny high schooler.” Even into adulthood, they became your typical college frat boys. 

     “Cassandra?” Cassi poked the girl in the cheek.

     Cass yelped and jumped slightly. “Yes?” 

     “Hi, I lost you for a moment there,” Cassi smiled.

     “Sorry I got lost in my thoughts,” she apologized, her cheeks slightly pink. “Did you ask something?”

     “Yea. I asked if you were enjoying yourself.”

     “Last night was a lot of fun, though apparently, I don't remember all of it,” she answered embarrassed. When she washed the soap off and rinsed her hair off the conditioner she made her way to the bath. Wrapping up her hair so it wouldn't get in the water. Cassidy followed right behind her. “This bath feels amazing,” she said as she slipped into the hot water.

     “It does, it's much nicer than the baths back home.”

     “Where’s home?” 

     “It’s not a happy story, and I can never go back. That's all I'm willing to say, sorry,” the girl said, her cheerfulness dropping like a stone in water. 

     Cass wrapped an arm around the dejected girl and pulled her into a hug. The two of them sat like that for a moment before Cassidy pulled away slightly, Cass removed her arm. The two of them sat in silence for a few minutes before Cassidy stood up. 

     “It’s time to get ready,” she said her excitable nature returning. “Today is a busy day and Madame Celeste is eager to get you started.” She got out of the bath and wrapped herself in a towel.

     “Ok,” Cass said getting out as well. She put on her shower gown and tied it up before making her way to her room. Cassidy ducked into hers and told Cass to be ready in ten minutes.

     She walked into her room. Sometime yesterday her name was attached to the door. She found some of her clothes hanging neatly in her closet. She opened another drawer and found her bras and panties. Opening the other drawers she found the rest of her clothes. She picked a suitable outfit, one of the ones she had picked herself from the store.

     Fifteen minutes later she was standing with Cassidy outside Celete’s office. The door swung inwards as her secretary opened it for them. 

     “Welcome Cassandra. I'm pleased to see you had fun last night. Today we are going to discuss your future here. Please have a seat,” she motioned to the chair.

     Cass took the offered seat, her mood has improved substantially since her bath. Celeste smiled at her, a warm gentle smile that made the room seem brighter. “I’m looking forward to working with everyone.”

     “I’m glad you’re enthusiastic because you’ll need it. For the next month, you’ll be training hard. I believe you’ll be able to handle it, however,” Celeste said her hands folded together.

     “What will I be doing?” 

     “You’ll be learning to model, and act. It will involve tutors and shadowing some of your fellow girls. You’ll follow Cassidy for the rest of the day. She’ll help get you settled in here and show you around the facilities. Get to know your way around and your fellow girls. If you find you need anything then let someone or myself know and we’ll see to your needs,” she grinned.

     “Thank you, Celeste,” Cass said.

     Celeste and Cassidy stood up, Cass following Cassidy out of the office. The girl excitedly told Cass about the facilities as the door closed behind them. 

     Celeste directed her attention to the corner behind her desk. “Belladonna, report,” she said as the woman she set as a tail reappeared.

     “Yes, mistress. Your feelings were correct. She was visited by one of our brethren. I tailed her and Miss Luna to their dinner plans where I overheard them talking about her being a man previously. And when the movers picked up her belongings I went along and interrogated her roommate. She used to be a man known by the name Andy Ravencroft. I will do further research into that name. She knows that she was visited by a succubus, I'm not sure if the one who visited her failed to apply memory modification or not,” she reported from a kneeling position.

     “So Cassandra, what makes you so special? I want you to have one of your underlings attempt to find the succubus who visited her. Anything else to report?”

     “Yes ma’am. Cassandra seems to be resistant to magic. Once she was outside your aura she quickly broke free of the enchantment you placed on her.”

     “Yes I had noticed, it should be impossible. This planet has been without mana for millennia. No matter continue to keep an eye on her and report back if you find anything.”

     “Yes mistress.” the kneeling woman said before standing and disappearing again.

     Celeste went to the window and stared off into the distance, “What are your goals here?” she asked out loud.