Chapter 28: Virtual-Link
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At the lab, Alex waited as the headmaster was talking to the professor about the tests. After waiting for some time, I was called by the headmaster Oliver.

"Alex, here are your test results, Check them and I will explain them to you afterward."

The headmaster had handed over a simple paper sheet, which contained the test results. Now looking through them, the details are:

"Mana level: Adept (Peak)

Mana concentration: Intermediate

Body: Novice (Peak)

Spell comprehension: Basic spell: 'Aqua Blast' (High Mastery)"

Headmaster then starts speaking after I glance towards him,

"Even I was a little astounded by your result. Your body is highly saturated with enough mana to be able to form a mana core easily, this can be explained as you have more mana concentration in your body which makes this possible. For reference only after reaching the Maestro rank can the mana you circulate reach intermediate rank. Now your control of your spell is excellent, only a few can compare to you at the novice or even at the Adept realm. The only reason you cannot be called an Adept realm expert is that your body is not strengthened by mana. Now at the Adept stage, your body will undergo some changes that will increase the speed of mana circulation between you and the world outside which will also strengthen your body, but only to the extent of the weakest mutated animals."

The professor then stepped forward,

"This is the preliminary result, Also considering your unique status, you can visit the lab next weekend for some gifts."

We then left the lab and headed back to the mansion. At the mansion,

"Now that you have mastered 'Aqua blast', we will move on to the other two spells, you should have tried 'Aquatic embrace' a few times, right?"

"Yes, headmaster. But I have no idea of its effectiveness. Also, I have not tried, 'Healing waters' cause I haven't gotten injured or even scratched."

The headmaster called Winston the butler and said,

"Winston, take Alex to the basement and teach him how to use the Virtual-Link."

After which Winston arrived and took me to the basement. I saw a big capsule in which a proper resting place was made where you could lie down completely straight at an angle. After Winston explained how to use it, I made the connection that it was somewhat similar to the virtual reality cabins in my world, but it is only for a single person, not for duels and multiplayer stuff. Also, this stuff seems to use a lot of artifacts or machines, I can't accurately tell, all this stuff is linked to the base of the cabin.

After entering the cabin and doing a bit of contemplation, I selected a water mage at the novice rank. Now in the tutorial, it says that this is a complete mental simulation, with no mana usage from the body. Also, do not use for more than 2 hours per day at Novice rank. No spell mastery increase in real life for basic spells etc etc. So in the end it all boils down to Only the rich can use this, high consumption, only for practicing and familiarizing with basic spells.

Now I can select the spells and I can go through the motion of releasing the spells by calling out the name of the spell.

This is pretty embarrassing. Now let me turn on my Chunni mode, I don't even know what that means, but whatever.

Selecting the three spells I know, I entered the training session for 'Aquatic Embrace'. Now let me manually change the keywords. I don't like the name of these spells like I know aqua can mean water but it kind of doesn't fit with me that well. That's also the reason I changed the spell activation words into 'Water blast', and 'Water Dome' and I guess 'Healing Waters' remains the same.

Now to practice mode for 'Water Dome'.

I activated the spell, if you can activate the spells before your opponent attacks, then why would you wait for him to start attacking? Now as the anticipation within me builds, a loud voice announces,


After which some arrows appear in mid-air and rush towards me slowly and get swept away with the water of the dome. Now, this seems pretty boring, after a few more waves.

A blue panel appears in front of me,

[Do you wish to proceed?]

[Yes] [No]

I selected [Yes], and then the loud and annoying noise again announced,


The arrows keep coming, at different speeds. I don't really get why they are doing this like the shield will block anything they throw. Anyway soon I reached level 3, the average speed of the arrows increased in this round.

Now level 4 starts, Let's see what happens, the first wave of arrows comes. They are fewer than in the last round. This is pretty boring what am I supposed to accomplish through this?

[Fatal Injury: Internal organs damaged]

Now how did this come to be, Well let me recall. The arrows arrived at the shield, two arrows struck at the same place one after another. The second arrow pierced through the shield and struck me in my belly. The good thing is that it doesn't hurt that bad. It's like the injuries you get when playing as a kid.

Another panel appears in front of me,

[Do you wish to restart?]

[Yes] [No]

Now let me restart the round. Now that I am paying attention, I can still somewhat dodge even after it starts penetrating the shield. The previous hit was most likely because of my carelessness. This round passes quickly.

Now for the next round,


This time the arrows come from three directions, the front, left, and right. This makes it more challenging to keep account of all the arrows. After failing in this round about 4 times, I get a notification.

[The limit is about to be exceeded.]

[Logout] [Continue]

I think for today this is enough. It should be around dinner time.