Domirella: The Surreal Succubi – Chapter Forty-Three
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Impure thoughts flow through my mind. I imagine looking at her from behind, seeing her treasure hidden between her intoxicating thighs. Her eyes suck my mind into an endless plummet. My existence spirals beyond what reality is into dimensions man isn't supposed to see, let alone know of. I was fathoming the unfathomable. I see everything and nothing at the same time. In that instant, I was everywhere at once. I was in this universe. The being took her eyes off me for a mere moment. Long enough for me to catch what she was looking at. To my left, a stone rune is at the statue's base. I begin to understand now. One barrier is keeping this here. Whoever or whatever this being was wanted me to remove this barrier. The thought of this being the ancient God crosses my mind. This is what the Dark Templars are trying to bring back. Her eyes narrow, sapping all the resistance in me out. My body moves on its own. I watched with my own eyes, removing the first of seven stones shaped like rectangles. Each one drives me to the next, like a machine running a program. I couldn't stop myself even if I wanted to. 


"That's it, John… let it happen…," Firosa whispered.


"You don't have to do this, John," Helena whispered.


"I can't stop…," I whispered.


"I know…," Helena said. "I'm sorry…," she added.


"There's no need to be sorry… Oh, what wonderful things you will achieve, my dear John," Firosa whispered.


Now, with the last stone removed. This entity is free. She straightens her back, lowering the jug neatly to her stomach. I felt small with her towering over me. 


"Who are you?" I mumbled.


She tilts her head to the side. Those glowing suns of eyes gaze upon me in a judging manner. Her hand extended to my face. It was huge, yet her hand fit softly on my face. A warmth I had only felt when I was with Lucianne and Cathy. The one time I kissed them. This was the feeling I was having just from her touch. At that moment, I realized all I knew was coldness. This was just one of the gods the Dark Templars were after. She smiled and, for the first time, spoke.


"I shall grant you three rewards for freeing me. Ask whatever you desire," the statue said.


I couldn't believe what I was hearing. 'Did this statue just grant me three rewards?' How could I even fathom what rewards to ask for? I haven't done a thing. All I did was fall into a trap.


"Now is your chance John… take it!" Firosa whispered.


"I only ask that you consider what you will do with such powers. I saved you twice in exchange for my life. You are a good man. Don't become corrupted…," Helena whispered.


"Before I do anything… Who are you, Firosa? You're not just an A.D.I.O.S ghost," I said.


"I'm one of the Seven Demon Kings, the Sin of Wrath. They banished me from Annetheria for waging the wars of Pandemonium and Calamity. Don't ask me how I became part of you. I don't know myself. Does that answer your question?" Firosa asked.


"What do you want?" I asked.


"To return to my domain here in Annetheria. Why don't you ask the good little girl what she wants now?" Firosa said.


"No need to. Helena saved my life. I already have an idea of what she wants. It's the same as me. To put an end to those behind the breaches," I explained.


"Then I believe you have my support to receive these rewards. I know you will do what is right," Helena said.


"Finally, we can all agree on something!" Firosa said.


Choosing three rewards isn't going to be easy. After all, what am I supposed to ask for? I have these runes already. I have yet to fully understand them. Then there are these two symbiotic parasites that are a part of me. I have no idea how this will affect my body. So far, nothing weird has happened other than voices in my head and one instance of my body moving on its own. Not counting what just happened here. At least, I don't think it matters. I have four magical abilities. I have no clue what they mean, and one is still unknown to me. In fantasy books, I would already have enough to be the most powerful being in the world. But then again, this isn't some fantasy novel. I need to consider what comes next. What I need more than anything is information. General knowledge of this world. As an outsider, I'll always have to play catch up. If I can access information like the internet or an index of this world. That would be useful. 


"First, before I ask for anything. Are you a god?" I asked.


Asking this question was risky. I really don't want to upset a god in a world I have to live in. The being smiled before answering.


"I am Eelia, Goddess Of Virgins," she said.


"Then I would like to have a codex. One that contains information on this world and the world I'm from. Maybe even other worlds I've been to. Nothing too intricate. Just general knowledge contained in books and information people will know. Something like the internet, as we call it from my world," I explained. 


She closes her hand, and for a moment, I hesitate. Then she opened her hand, revealing a small silver cube that came into existence in the middle of her palm, right in front of me. It floats above her hand, then drifts towards me. I hold my hand out, and it stops in the middle of my right hand. Like a computer screen, a floating display appears in front of me. It looks like a search engine I would find on a computer from my world. I should test this out. But first, do I need to speak or think about the words? 


'What country am I in?' I thought.


'Query, What country am I in?' the codex repeated.


'Answer, this is the independent vassal state of Venus's Cove. A small nation part of the Kingdom of Euphoria,' the codex answered.


A successful first test. Moving on to the next. "Who is the leader of this nation?" I asked.


"Countess Domirella Cahriana Aezneth," the codex answered.


Fair enough, this will do. Now, what about the second reward? I could ask for all the power in the world, but I'm not interested in something like that. Power corrupts, and I have no intention of heading down a path that will cause others harm. I did enough of that during the war. Knowledge is power, and I have enough of that with this codex. Although I need a way to gather intelligence safely. Without putting others in danger. If I had drones to go where I couldn't, that would be useful too.


"Is there a way for me to see things without being there? Not magically, in a way that is undetected, but as durable as a type S Rank or God tier item. Something that can withstand most known attacks but, if damaged, can repair itself with time. In my world, things like this are called cameras or drones. We have some pretty tough stuff, at least against our technology. Magic changes this advantage, so it needs to hold its own. Cameras and drones allow us to see a safe place where humans can't go. Like in space," I explained.


Again, she closes her hand, and a moment goes by. Finally, she opens her hand, revealing a small silver sphere in her palm. I hold out my left hand, and the object floats to mine. Another screen pops up, and I see myself on display. Every side of the sphere has tiny, small circles. This was perfect for spying and gathering information. For testing purposes, I sent it to look for the object Sissel and Nifu are searching for. The sphere zooms off, out of sight. The display shows each angle as it ascends the area that brought me here. Eelia may be influencing virgins in the vicinity, but that wasn't enough. Both they and she were being used for nefarious purposes. It's not suitable for this world in general. While my new toy searched, I thought about this last reward.


"What happens to you after I'm gone?" I asked.


It was an important question. If Eelia was imprisoned once, then they could do it again. 'After all, how were they able to track her before? They probably have a way to do just that. After I'm gone, they'll just find her again. Would I get an answer to the question?'


"Why do you desire to know?" she asked without saying a word.


"All these templars enslave these women by using you to help with that endeavor. So you might as well be a slave to them. I'm sure, as a god, that is unacceptable," I explained.


"Indeed… but what would you offer in place of the current situation?" She asked.


"I don't know. Other than stopping the Templars. There is no way to guarantee this won't happen again. Even if they are stopped, someone in the future can still use those same tactics all over again," I explained.


"True… what if I tell you there is a way to prevent such a thing from happening in the foreseeable future?" she asked.


"That… sounds ominous…," I said.

"The choice will be yours alone," she said.


"What is this choice?" I asked.


"Become my servant and stop the templars from raising the forbidden one. Do this, and you shall prevent my bondage from ever happening again. If you succeed, I shall grant you the fourth reward of your choice," she offered.


"I still haven't told you what my third reward will be. So how do you know I'll need a fourth reward? I could ask you to be my wife for all you know," I explained.


"If that is your wish, then I shall grant it," she whispered.


The surrounding aura shimmered, and her body changed somehow. I couldn't put my finger on it, but something changed. Then, I noticed a gold ring with an impressive diamond materializing on her left finger. She looks at it and smiles.


"Wait… hold on! That was just a hypothetical question. You didn't already grant that request, did you?" I blurted.


"We are one now. Married for better or worse, as the saying goes, in your world," Eelia said.


It was the first time in a long time. I was at a loss for words. Somehow, I have walked myself into an irreversible situation. Any chance of backing out now slips from my grasp. 'My, what if the situation was taken seriously by this God?' As I looked at my left ring finger, there was no doubt it was there. A matching ring like the one on her finger. This was beyond any trouble I could fathom. As if the world was throwing everything at me at once. I heard Isa and Rophalin.


"What have you done?" they said together.


I spun around, discovering everyone in the chamber was standing up. There is a confused look on the faces of the majority of them. Voices gradually increased in volume. I could visualize the fog clearing in their minds with my right eye. It wasn't completely gone, but enough that they were aware.  


"Does this mean…," I asked.


"I can't believe you were telling the truth. But if that's real. The others…," Isa said.


'The others?' She refers to the female templars at the fort in her regiment. I need to find that object fast. An image appears in my mind. A spinning device in the mine. Some type of magic contraction. The codex came up detailing what this device was. A magic item designed to control large to massive amounts of people. It has an eighty percent efficiency rate. Subjects must be within ten kilometers of the device for maximum effect. Combined with a drug called red nectar. It can also boost them by binding certain types of gods to locations where they are employed to enhance their effect to one hundred percent. Now that I know where it is, I can have Nifu and Sissel destroy it. It's heavily guarded, but now we have an advantage.


"Listen, I just found the device that's brainwashing everyone here. You know I'm telling the truth. My friends can destroy it, but they need your help to get close to it. Then, if I escape, I can draw most templars away to the surface. This way, we can minimize the casualties. The only obstacle is Adelard. He's unaffected by all this," I explained.


"Leave that man to me…," a voice said. It was Asphodel.


"I'll take you, friends, to this object," Isa said.


"Then I will command our regiments to stand down," Rophalin said.


"Good to hear. As for you, Miss Asphodel. Countess Domirella has sent me to bring you home," I revealed.


"Not until I kill that wretched insect!" she snarled.


"Sorry, that's not in the plan. I'll take care of him," I said.


"I don't need your protection!" Asphodel stated.


"I didn't say you did. What I'm saying is I have ordered. This overrides anything you want until you are before the Countess. You understand orders, right?" I said.


She frowned but seemed to let it go. "Very well, led the way," she said.


I checked back with Eelia, but she was nowhere to be found. Then something whispered in my ear. "Don't worry, husband, I'm right here," she whispered.


"Right, I should have known," I thought.


Nifu signaled she and Sissel were on the way to the device. I just need to get back to Riona and Lythienne. Time for Vincent to come through. I raced back up the winding stone stairs. The two templars and a vampire right behind me, along with the women below. This path took us right into the dungeon area. I peek around the corner, and the four guards look disorientated. Looks like part of the force behind controlling them is fading. I bet this is happening all over the fort. Adelard is probably suspicious now.


"Can you take those four out without killing them?" I asked.


They were down before I could move an inch. Asphodel took all four out with ease. "Well, that's one way of doing it," I said.


I opened the door to the cell I was in. Foresight warns me of an income blow. I dodge just in time to see Vincent.


"Easy there… You almost took my head off with that," I said.


"Did you convince my sister?" Lythienne asked.


"She's right here," I said.


She wasted no time hugging Rophalin. It was a pleasant sight but short-lived. Outside, a bell rang. The fort was now on high alert. Isa nods at me and leaves. Next, Rophalin leaves to command the elites. 


"Lythienne, Riona, and Vicent, we will create a distraction. Searl and the others will attack the front gate, but the elites won't help. That means we have about two hundred and fifty templars to fight through. Try to knock as many as you can out. They are under a spell, too," I said. 

"Sounds like fun. The Templars keep the prisoners' gear over there in the armory," Vincent said.


"Then let's get moving," I said.