Chapter 26
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"how far do these stairs go!" Johnoya shouted staring at nothing. She was breathing hard and sweating, she leaned on the wall that accompanied the stairs on one side only. Looking on the other side for a normal person would be spiral darkness, this didn't bother Johnoya though, her dragon gave her the ability to see in the dark.

Whilst panting and looking at how the stairs never end no matter how far she looked, below her scales started glowing. Her arms , legs , neck and back glowed.

"What the hell? " Johnoya whispered . In her mind the booming voice of Elijah echoed. At first it was a background noise but steadily it rose. 

"Can you hear me?" Elijah said.

"Yes!". Johnoya shouted excitement in her voice.

"How can you do that? I thought you were still weak after the hole bringing me back here". Johnoya asked sitting down on the step taking a well needed rest.

"Amoya's gift was very strong, pure too. The mating process requires both parties to absorb energy, I did , as did she. The power I took revived me a bit this way I can talk to you through your thoughts rather than whisking you away to the plain. Also it  will let you be less vulnerable in this place." Elijah stated much more confident and voice stronger.

"I see, say do you have some energy to spare to help us get out of this place any faster?". Johnoya asked .

The dragon answered with a yes and Johnoya recited the acceleration spell thought to her by Amoya and took off running.

"Wow, this feels good!" She shouted out, a golden streak of light trailing behind her.


"We have been running for a while Kieran, I need to rest!" Miyel shouted . 

"No! We have to keep going, I can feel in my bones. We just have to keep going!". Kieran shouted back eyes glowing bright green ,she smiled unconsciously, a toothy grin.

"Kieran, these stairs keep going, we need to reserve our strength if we are to come upon an enemy, please."  Kia pleaded.

"No!" Kieran shouted back and picked up speed.


"I sense a clearing up ahead , we will exist into an open space prepare yourself, plus we need rest I can't keep this up forever and we have been at it for a while". Stated Elijah 

"Your right, though I don't feel tired my eyes are weary". Johnoya replied and she picked up speed.

Not long after ,they did come to the space, it was like a small open ground floor on the side where no wall was present for the journey up. However a wall was at the exit of the stairs entering the room. The room was circular with benches that were one with the ground , all going in the same circular design. Apart from the dust and the fact that it was abandon, it still looked spectacular.  To the far right the stairs still continued.

Johnoya dusted off one of the benches and laid flat on her back closing her eyes.

She was  asleep for an hour which was great for both her and the dragon.

"Wake up!" Elijah shouted in a panic

Johnoya jumped up and ready herself breathing hard and looking around frantic. standing at the opening to continue up to the surface was Kieran and her crew. Kieran was staring at her smiling painfully breathing heavily.

"That's her! That's our mate the one for us to claim!!". Elijah shouted excitement clear and in more ways than one, below her navel was heat of arousal.

"YOU!!!" Kieran shouted. Pointing at her.

"RUN!! She is going to attack us" Elijah shouted excitement still in his voice. It was a good thing they just choose a bench close to the exist, just like that Johnoya recited the acceleration spell an took off down the stairs as a ball of fire came hurling at her head.

"What the fuck is wrong with her! Aren't we both supposed to feel the mating bond, why is she trying to kill me!!" Johnoya shouted running down the stairs faster than she came up. 

"I really don't know!! But I like it!" Elijah shouted back laughing. 

The look on Johnoya's face was of excitement an horror, running from the woman they were destined to love. She took a chance and glanced back a few times and realized that her features changed but the tiny woman still looked absolutely beautiful. Even while chasing her like she was crazy.

Fire ball after fire ball and four people trying to clam the tiny woman down.

"Stop running and let me hit you!!" Kieran shouted and picked up speed. " You called me and I am here , stop running and let me hit you dammit!!". The woman shouted, eyes glowing but held no anger.

"Are you crazy!!, Your trying to kill me!" Johnoya shouted she had to jump because a a ball almost took her footing.

"First advisor please clam down! This structure is not stable!" Miyel shouted panicked running after the mage, 

"Stop this madness Kieran please, your going to let this structure fall on our heads". Kia tried reasoning with her aswell. The two guards just ran after them and shook their heads in agreement.

"Don't worry Johnoya this is normal, you will have to stop and face her, you both are the only way outta here. A booming laugh came from the dragon again. What surprised them all was the stairs behind them started collapsing and Kieran snapped out of it and instructed everyone to pick up speed. Johnoya looked back saw this and speed up herself heart thumping.

Within no time they were back to the large opening with the body of water . Johnoya went face first in the the clear liquid diving down followed by Kieran's group. Chucks of rocks and debris fell into the water and continued to do so. Elijah instructed her to keep swimming downward, Kieran saw this and signaled everyone and followed the girl. Elijah smirked in Johnoya's mind . 

"Let's the games begin". The dragon laughed.