Chapter 3: A sinking feeling
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I smiled wildly “do you see the look on the new guys face he’s either lost it or he has a plan.” 

“I play the magic card Junk Deliverance, this card allows me to select 1 Junk monster in my Graveyard, banish it then gain life points based on its Attack and Defence points divided by half its level.




“So I banish my level eight Junk: Lorry Rhino it has 1000 attack and 2600 defence add it together and divide it by four and that means I gain back 900 life points.” Bright sparkles started to rain down on me “I next activate the effect of my Junk: U-boat Kraken by using 1 XYZ material I can target two cards on the field and send them to the Graveyard, go sinking from the depths” 

3200 Chazz ~ 3300 Thomas

Two giant robotic tentacles wrapped around two of Chazz’s Chthonian soldiers and hoisted them high into the air. I heard gasps coming from the rafters, the tentacles then slammed the monsters in their grip into the ground. But instead of hitting it and smashing into a million pieces the ground acted like water and they disappeared creating only a few ripples afterwards. 

“Did you see that?”

“Yeah those two monsters just got wrecked” I smile widely.

“And because those 2 Chthonian Soldiers are destroyed, Chthonian Alliance is pretty much useless”

“Next I attack your Chthonian Soldier with my Forgotten Junk: U-boat Kraken go Depths torpedo” something started to travel under the arena surface at lightning fast speed. Just as it reached the Chthonian Solider the top of it emerged peaking out of the ground.

Chthonian Solider 1200 Attack ~ Forgotten Junk: U-boat Kraken 2000 Attack

I heard a loud explosion and saw the Chthonian Soldier explode into thousands of pixels. A loud growl echoed “seems my monster likes the taste of your soldiers Chazz”

“Don’t get cocky we still take damage because of my Chthonian Soldiers effect”

2600 Chazz ~ 2700 Thomas 

“Well it’s your turn now try to not let me down Chazz” I could see the anger burning in his eyes.

“I draw” I saw his face scrunch up in anger “I end my turn”. 

“He doesn’t have any monsters out on the field”

“Looks like this match will be over soon”

“Well this is disappointing I draw” I had a wide grin on my face. “I place this monster in face down defence mode and then I think it’s time for my friend to reveal itself, rise from the depths Forgotten Junk: U-boat Kraken.” I heard a deep rumble then a loud boom as eight mechanical tentacles emerged from the ground. The ground made ripples as something else started to emerge. A large U-boat breached the surface of the arena it had large chunks of its hull missing and massive rusty cracks running down its front. It twisted to the side to reveal a large red mechanical eye. Its stern opened up to reveal a large mechanical beak snapping. 

“Now my kraken will attack you directly” as I said this one of the mechanical tentacles shot towards Chazz.

600 Chazz ~ 2700 Thomas

It slammed into him and sent him flying backwards “I end my turn Chazz, one more attack and it’s all over”.

“I know newbie, I draw I place this card face down and end my turn” (The minute you attack with that thing I will activate my Mirror Force trap card.)

“I think I will flip my face down monster to face up defence mode” A small mechanical hedgehog appeared on the field instead of quills it had a multitude of different sized rusty bolts. “This will trigger its flip effect making you discard 1 card and you take damage based on what card you sent to the Graveyard”. I saw Chazz glare at me maliciously as he put his only card into the graveyard.

“Well it doesn’t matter it was only a Polymerization anyway”

I started to chuckle “ow Chazz seems like this is game then because my Junk: Hex bolt Hedgehog effect deals 700 damage when you discard a spell” I saw Chazz’s face turn to one of disbelief as the rusty bolts on my hedgehog started to vibrate and glow. “Go Hex bolt scatter shot” as I said this the bolts all flew from its back and fly with deadly accuracy towards Chazz. 

“NOOOOOO!” Was all Chazz could say as the bolts hit him in his stomach, legs, arms and head.

0 Chazz ~ 2700 Thomas 

Chazz slumped onto his knees in complete disbelief as the holographic monster disappeared from the arena. “How did I lose?” ‘Because you don’t have cards that should never have existed in this world to begin with’ I thought as the onlookers started to flock around me. 

“What’s going on in here then?” A tall man with a blonde ponytail came towards me.

“Sorry Miss Cha”

“MISS WHO ARE YOU CALLING MISS I AM MR CROWLER!” ‘I now I just wanted to piss you off’.

“I’m so sorry Its hard to tell with the ponytail Chazz here was just giving me a friendly welcome to the duel academy.” Crowler looked at the crowd then at me and Chazz.

“And why would you need a crowd this size to give a welcome” he glared at me in particular “well then I think you need to learn the rules of this academy writing them 500 times should be sufficient hum”.

I simply nodded and glared at Chazz who returned my glare with one of his own. I spotted Alexis talking to some tall boy ‘Ah the infamous Zane Truesdale I wonder what their talking about’. 

Pov Seto Kaiba 

I stared at my computer screen intently when I heard the doors to my office opened “What is it Mokuba?” 

“How did you know it was me?” I looked away from my computer and looked at him.

“Because only you would enter my office when I’m working anyone else would have to have a very good reason, so what is it?” Mokuba placed a file on my desk with a concerned look on his face.

“We have detected some spatial anomalies” I raised my eyebrow slightly.

“And this concerns me why?”

“Because brother they happened in a short period look” he clapped and the shutters came down making the room much darker. “This is where the first spatial anomaly happened” he pressed a button on a remote and a projector popped out of the ceiling. It flickered into life and a image of a familiar building appeared. 

“This is the Kaiba dome and the first anomaly happened here at the same time the Duel Academy examination tests were taking place. The second one was much less powerful and noticeable but I was able to track it to the Central Academy”.

“And why Mokuba does this still concern me?”

“Because of him” Mokuba pressed another button and the picture of a boy with long silver hair and grey eyes. “This is Mathew Falcone age fifteen I believe he is the cause of the spatial anomaly because of this” he pressed a different button and a video clip began to play.

The video clip showed an enormous vortex high above a child “Now I XYZ summon using my level 8 Junk: Scissor Pigeon and my level 8 Junk: Fridge freezer Polar Bear.” I watched as a large shadowy figure descended from the vortex and then the image started to go static. 

“And that is where the video ends, apparently there was a malfunction and every camera simultaneously turned off.”

“Hum if a spatial anomaly happens again and you think its because of him you have my permission to investigate him further”. I watched Mokuba leave and I made sure he wasn’t near as I rewound the video. 

I paused the video just as the figure started to emerge from the vortex “what is that thing” I pinched the bridge of my nose.

Pov Mokuba Kaiba 

As I walked away from my brothers office I couldn’t shake the shiver that had run down my spine when I had watched the video for the first time. ‘Why can’t my hands stop shaking’ I tried to calm my hands as I pressed the button to call for the elevator. As the elevator came my memory kept repeating the image of  the shadowy figure. 

As I entered the elevator I took a deep breath ‘maybe the tester that duelled him could shed some light on what she saw. I pressed the floor button that my office was on and sighed ‘my brother hasn’t been the same since the events of ten years ago’. As the elevator stopped and its doors opened I was immediately crowded by people. 

“Mr Mokuba we need you to sign these”

“Mr Mokuba we need that press statement about the grand opening of the new Kaiba dome asap”

“Mr Mokuba a lady is waiting for you in your office” I quickly signed the paper work that needed to be signed.

“I will release the press statement shortly now I need to get to my office” the crowd parted and I quickly walked away.

“Do you think he could be seeing a secret girlfriend?”

“No it’s probably something to do with the business” as I entered my office and saw a woman with long brown hair sitting in the chair opposite of my desk. 

“Thank you for meeting with me Mrs Samantha” I outstretched my hand.

“Could you please tell me why I’m here, one minute I’m at home then I heard a knock on my door next thing I know I’m in the back of a van surrounded by guys in black suits” I chuckled slightly as I withdrew my hand.

“Sorry about that but I would like to talk to you about the duel you had with a candidate 32541 named Thomas Falcone” I proceeded to show her the video clip from the security cameras.

“Well that’s odd those cameras were just installed and they were designed by your brother himself there is no way they malfunctioned and I don’t know why the thing he summoned is so dark.”

“So your saying you got a good look at this thing?” 

“Yeah it was a giant dragon made of literal junk it had a single giant red eye, I still get chills thinking about it”

“So could you tell me what the card is called?” I saw her trying to recall.

“I think he called it erh something something dragon, I know it had erh”

“3000 attack points”

“It did” I heard surprise and shock in her voice. “I’m just going to have some of my best people examine you and see if there is a reason for your apparent memory loss.”