Chapter 14: Clash of the Titan part 1
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I groaned as I got up and I opened the curtains in my room. ‘I wonder what today will hold’ I yawned slightly and scratched my back. I quickly got dressed into my school uniform and brushed my teeth. I grabbed my Junk deck and exited my room a small group of people where waiting for me. Most of them had disappointed looks on their faces “hello why is everyone outside my room.’

“How can you live with yourself?”

“What you’ve done is despicable!”

“How could you call a sweet girl like Elizabeth a trash dualist and tell her to burn her deck”. I honestly didn’t know what these guys were talking about a large boy blocked my path.

“Just because you defeated Mokuba doesn’t make you hot shit, think you can go around insulting girls.”

“I have no Idea what you’re talking about I haven’t done anything thing wrong” I barged past the boy and walked down the stairs to my lesson. My lesson was uneventful I just got glared at by most of the boys and girls in the Obelisk Blue dorm. 

“Hey Thomas why are a bunch of guys starring at you” Jaden whispered to me.

“Apparently I called that girl yesterday a trash dualist and said she should burn her deck.” Jaden looked at me in disbelief before he could say anything Crowler glared at the both of us.

“Mr Yuki would you like to answer this simple question, what can the spell card Raigeki do?” Jaden looked slightly stumped at the question.

“It destroys all your opponents monsters” I whispered to him.

“It destroys all your opponents monsters” Jaden said with a large smile I saw Crowler look somewhat disappointed.

“Well it looks like you have a brain after all” Crowler said before carrying on with his lesson. Next was physical education I used that time to spar some more with Tyson. It ended with a stalemate again but I felt he had greatly improved. Next was a lesson from Banner I was able to learn something interesting that gave me more ideas for cards. After that was lunch I had a sandwich and some Drawbread I nearly puked it was fish eyes and mustard. But the time finally came it was getting dark and I silently crept out of my room. The owls were hooting as I silently went outside I then changed into a sprint into the forest. ‘Damn it where is this damn building” I looked around and listened.

“Jaden I think we should turn back!”

“Don’t worry Syrus I here nothing is going to happen” ‘that was Jaden and Syrus yes’ I fist pumped and ran towards the voices. 

“Wait did you here that?” I could hear Syrus become more panicked.

“BOOOOOOOO!” I yelled waving my arms around.

“Argh Ghost!” Syrus screamed and hid behind Chumley who hid behind Jaden. I started laughing and slapped my leg as Syrus and Chumley stopped hiding.

“Why are you out here Thomas?” Jaden asked me and I turned to him.

“I saw Alexis coming into the forest and I was worried for her” the lot of them looked at me quiet worried.

“Alexis is out here in her current state?” I nodded “maybe she found shelter in that abandoned dormitory” I nodded slightly and followed Jaden as he ran. We heard a loud scream before we arrived at the abandoned dormitory a lone card was at the entrance along with a rose beside it. “Thats Alexis card something must have happened.” We all entered the dorm I could smell damp and rot. I flicked my flashlight on and separated from the group as I knew where to exactly go. I quickly rushed down a flight of stone stairs and entered a wide open space. Alexis was tied up in a coffin at the far end and then a large man emerged from the shadows. 

The man wore a hat, a metal mask and a large coat “Argh I was wondering when my prey would arrive”. The man then blinked slightly realising I wasn’t Jaden “You’re not my target, get lost punk”. I grinned slightly as I activated my dual disk and my hair and eyes changed colour. 

“Well punk you made a big mistake kidnapping one of my friends, and you will pay dearly for it” my smile grew larger and larger. “You will dual me if you win I won’t have my parents hunt you down like a dog, and if you lose”. I slipped my deck into my dual disk “well you won’t want to lose” I could see Titan take a few steps back.

“You have a lot of nerve do you have any idea what ancient forces I have at my disposal” he pulled out his fake millennium puzzle.

“Ow but I do know Titan and if you win your dual I swear by the name of Falcone my parents won’t have you wearing concrete shoes at the bottom of some river.” 

Something must have clicked inside Titans mind “wait you’re the son of that crazy bastard Dimitri”. I gritted my teeth and kept my smile I could see Titan absolutely losing it. “Sorry I didn’t no please forgive me I’ll tell you who ordered the job” it was funny in the anime he was slightly cool in his first episode but here he was a snivelling puppy. 

“All you have to do is win that shouldn’t be hard for a shadow dualist like yourself unless you aren’t a dualist of the shadows”. I could see him take a gulp before readying himself.

“Fine I will dual you so watch out” he drew a card and smiled “I first summon Infernalqueen Archfiend in attack mode”.

Infernalqueen Archfiend

A large boney figure emerged onto the field it was pretty ugly looking, it wore a ragged purple cloak and it shrieked loudly. “Now her effect activates giving all monsters with Archfiend in their names a thousand extra points”. A purplish energy enveloped the Infernalqueen “next I activate the field spell Pandemonium”. I head a loud rumble as the ground split and the scenery changed into something you would see on a heavy metal album cover. In the middle of the room was now a pool of lava with two bone like statues on either side of it.


“Wow you absolutely achieved nothing” I tutted and drew my cards. 



“Perfect I first summon” I heard footsteps coming from behind me.

“Hey Thomas we nearly lost you back there, who’s this creep” I groaned I now had to act like a completely different person now. 

“Who the fuck are you guys more people I have to crush” I snarled at them. I could see the confusion on their faces ‘I bet I look stupid’.

“Thomas We’re your friends” Jaden seemed slightly upset I turned to face Titan again.

“So your friends with him urgh typical! Once I’m done with him I’ll deal with you pests”. 

“Jaden something isn’t right look at his hair isn’t it light grey not dark grey”.

“Yeah it should be” I turned back to face them.

“If you lot don’t want me to reprioritise who I should deal with first shut it!” I turned back to Titan again. “I first play this card face down” I had placed Junk Hex bolt Hedgehog face down and smiled. “I then play this little bad boy face down and end my turn”.

I could see Titan shift slightly as he drew his next card “I summon my all mighty Terrorking Archfiend in attack mode” a tall humanoid monster emerged onto the field it was extremely muscular but they were all exposed muscle. It growled loudly as it too was enveloped by the same energy as the Infernalqueen Archfiend.

Terrorking Archfiend

“And thanks to my Infernalqueen Archfiend my Terrorking gains a thousand attack points making him an even more destructive foe”. He moved some of the cards in his hand around “now Terrorking attack his face down with Locust Storm Barrage”. The chest of Terrorking expanded to a swollen proportion and then opened in two. A large swarm of insects flew towards my face down monster.

“Well you activated my monsters flip effect” my monster emerged onto the field. It was a small hedgehog with rust coloured fur its spines were rusty bolts of all different shapes and sizes. “Now you have to discard a card and take damage based on the card type pick wisely.”

I heard Titan laugh “well I’ll just discard this little monster and since it was since an Archfiend was destroyed by an effect I can add another Archfiend to my hand from my deck.” My hedgehog fired a couple of bolts at Titan and he didn’t even flinch as one bonked him on the nose. 

3900 Titan ~ 4000 Thomas

“Was that it ha if that is the best you’ve got this is going to be an easy win”.

The insects drew closer and closer to my monster “well I activate my Scraper trap card I can send three cards from my extra deck or deck to the GY then both my monster and the monster attacking it are destroyed”.

I heard Titan laugh “you think you could out play me please when Terrorking is targeted by an effect from my opponent card this ability determines his fate by chance.” Six orbs floated out of the lava pool in the middle and flew towards him, they stopped beside him and formed a circle. “A number between 1 and 6 is chosen and if it’s a 2 or 5 your trap is destroyed” a flame enveloped the orb with a one on it. The flame then started to move clockwise faster and faster.

“The odds are way in Thomas favour” Jaden said with confidence I snarled at him and Syrus yelped.

“Maybe we should just let him dual Jaden” the flame started to slow its movement and I gulped in anticipation.