Arai 09-10
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Chapter 09: Caught


“Stay behind me and get ready to run if this turns ugly. ” Bella said her hand on he sidearm as Brooks, his son and a few men came riding up the path.


There was little doubt they been spotted and Preacher Brooks wore a smile.


“Mrs. Armor, We been looking for you for days. ” Brooks said and motioned for his men to stay back. He rode forward with his son.


“We were hiding until our food ran low. Friends of Derick invaded our home. ” Bella said knowing that Brooks had no idea all that she saw it all in a powered induced dream.


“That was an unfortunate misunderstanding, Bella. Those men were sent there to protect you and little Ruth here. It's my understanding that machine that you call Evelyn was the one who shot them. I guess you haven't heard. Derick escaped and killed poor old Ivan Rota. We can't find Jessica or Deputy Brown either. Perhaps lying dead in a ditch somewhere thanks to Derick. I have men combing the shield wall looking for Victor. I fear, he has left us to fend for ourselves. ” Preacher Brooks explained.


“I see. You think Derick is around. ” Bella said pretend looking around the woods looking for danger.


“Don't worry about Derrick. We found him easily enough. We try to take him alive, but he was a fighter to the end. I stepped into the role as a town leader with so many going missing. I felt it was my duty to do so. ” Preacher Brooks said trying his most charming voice.


“I'm sure Jake will be back any day now with Doc Wilson. ” Bella said watching his face for a reaction.


“I expect so. You know with Doctor Wilson out of town. Your the nearest thing that we have to a real doctor for people. We really could use you down at the hospital. Don't you worry about Ruth getting to Mrs. Ever-Sprout house okay. Joel can have her there in no time. I will send two of my men for protection. ” Preacher Brooks said and Bella noticed that Joel was rubbing his head.


“You alright, Joel? ” Bella asked gently the caring nurse in her coming out.


“I'm fine. Just a headache. ” Joel said and was focusing on breathing.


“Joel has been getting them a lot lately. It's half the reason we were riding down here. ” Brooks said and Bella could see he saw this as a weakness.


“Nothing a little Willow bark tea can't fix. Come see me, if it doesn't go away or your health gets worse. ” Bella said and Joel nodded.


“Ruth, get on the back of the horse just behind Joel. Have Mrs. Ever-Sprout make him some of that tea that I just mention. I better get to the hospital and see to the people there. ” Bella said knowing she didn't have a choice.


Clearly, Preacher Brooks realized that Bella was far more valuable as a doctor and possible hostage if Jake showed up.


“Thompson, Give the lady your horse. She has been through such a nasty ordeal already. See it she is fed and explain to the wounded boys it was an unlucky misunderstanding. By the way where is Evelyn? ” Brooks asked putting on his fake smile.


“I gave her codes to the shield wall and sent her to find Jake. I thought, Derick and his buddies were after me. That way Jake wouldn't worry when he didn't find me at our home. ” Bella said maintaining eye contact as Brooks slowly nodded. Bella could guessed he had the codes changed to prevent anyone else from leaving once the breach was detected.


“I will have the gate guards on duty to keep an eye out of her then. ” Brooks said as Thompson dismounted then offered to help Bella onto the horse.


Bella rode away with Brooks just as some of Brooks men rode off to Mrs. Ever-Sprout's home.


Ruth was worried as they came into view of the three large green houses then the main house.


One of Mrs. Ever-Sprout's twin teenage daughters spotted them. Holly then called back to the house. It wasn't long until Mrs. Ever-Sprout herself appeared moving around one of the many Gardeners that roam about her place tending to the plants.


Ruth could see movement in many of the greenhouses and guessed even more were inside doing much of the same.


“Bless my soul, Is that little Ruth I see. ” Mrs. Ever-Sprout said once she was in ear shot.


“Morning, Mrs. Ever-Sprout. Joel Brooks needs your help today. He has been getting bad headaches. Bella sent me over to get some food. It will have to be on credit. ” Ruth said and noticed the woman looked over the men behind Ruth then return her attention to Ruth.


“You go ahead and get him inside. Jasmine is inside. I assume these men came by for the normal food pickup. ” Mrs. Ever-Sprout ordered as she brushed her hands clean on her apron.


The living room was warmer then normal and Ruth saw why. There was a fire going in the fireplace with a good size pot over it. Jasmine was by one of the windows going over a book on herbal cures.


“Hello Ruth and Joel. ” Jasmine said with a slight confused look on her face. Clearly she didn't expect both of the them to show up at the same time.


“Hey Jasmine. Bella sent me over for some food. We ran into Joel and his dad. Joel has been getting really nasty headaches, lately. ” Ruth explained and Joel nodded slowly. Ruth wondered if Jasmine's revealing tank top had anything to do with his sudden loss of words.


“Your in luck. With it getting colder a few people have come down with the chills lately. I'm brewing up a fresh pot now, for later use. ” Jasmine said and got up to feel Joel's head.


“Your skin feels a little cooler then I expected. Have you been eating and sleeping alright? ” Jasmine asked and got another nod.


“Come sit by the fire. Warm yourself up. Ruth, come help with this. ” Jasmine said.


Once they were far enough away Jasmine dared to ask a question.


“Is Bella okay? ” Jasmine said in a low tone. Jasmine was smart enough to know that whispers carried further then people realized.


“We are fine. Bella's dreams saved us. We know about Ivan and Derick. ” Ruth said giving the older girl a hard look.


“As long as you know the truth. ” Jasmine said looking at Ruth wondering how much truth the younger girl knew. Then she return to her normal voice.


“Father Micheal was just here yesterday. Those orphans of his must be a heavy burden to handle at times. He needed a few healing herbs for adults. The man is a true friend to those in need. ” Jasmine said eye winking at Ruth.


Jasmine had mixed a sort of tea with a little willow bark extract.


“Stir this and have him drink it. ” Jasmine said to Ruth then got up to head toward the fireplace.


“Well that's the last of this stuff that I'm making today. I need to the bottle the rest of this in the kitchen. Be back soon. ” Jasmine said leaving Ruth to hand Joel the cup of tea while she lifted the pot from the fireplace using oven mitts then carrying it out of the room.


Joel was sitting in front of the fire almost in a trance. Ruth came around the old sofa she watched as he stretched out his hand toward the fire. At first, Ruth thought he was warming his hand.


Then, Ruth eyes went wide as some of the orange flames went into his hand absorbing into his skin. Joel's skin glowed a little with color then he looked less pale now. Joel was leaning even more his hand almost directly in the fire itself.


Without thinking about it. Ruth reached out and felt the flames dance over her hand as she moved his hand away from the fire.


Ruth pulled her hand back expecting light burns, but there none. She had felt the warmth of the flames, but not the pain she expected.


Joel had a panicked look in his eyes and looked over his shoulder to see Jasmine wasn't in the room.


“Please, don't say anything. ” Joel said in a low whisper with a pleading look in his eyes.


Ruth had seen someone else do that same trick. Uncle Victor could absorb fire and convert the energy into lightening. Ruth now realizing that Joel had powers. Now she thought about it he was nicer to her then normal.


“I promise that I won't tell anyone, if you don't tell anyone about me. How long have you known? ” Ruth said gently pushing the cup into his hands. She had to wait for her answer as Joel drank down the cup.


“A while. Yourself? ” Joel asked looking at Ruth's undamaged hand.


“Just now. ” Ruth said rubbing her hand and surprised to not find any signs of damage. Joel looked over his shoulder again then turned his attention to Ruth.


“Watch this. ” Joel said and used his free hand. Focusing on his empty grip. Ruth watched as a medieval looking gauntlet with claws appeared. It was transparent and glowed with an orange hue over his skin.


Joel dismissed the clawed gauntlet a few seconds later.


“Oh, I read about that power in a comic book once. You can make energy constructs. ” Ruth said figuring it out after recalling the information.


“Oh, that's what it's called. I can make knives and tools too. ” Joel said looking into the flames then breathing in a deep breath.


“You haven't been doing it a lot have you? ” Ruth asked recalling what Victor had once said about his power in his early days.


“Maybe. ” Joel said in almost a defensive tone.


“Well, it's just that Victor told me once. When he first got his power that he over used it a few times. Left him feeling ill for days and only a little bit stronger. He told me, if I ever get a power like his. I have to treat it like exercising a muscle. Not too much or too little. ” Ruth explained making her statement sound like nothing truly important.


Joel sat in silence a while longer until Jasmine returned.


“Well, you look far better. More color to your cheeks. How is your headache? ” Jasmine asked.


“Gone. ” Joel said shyly as Jasmine bent down to check his temperature. Her chest was right in front of his face.


“Good to hear. Oh, the fire has gone down. I will fetch some more wood. ” Jasmine said and left the room just as quick.


Ruth looked at the fireplace then at Joel. She guessed with him sitting close to it he was recharging his power. Briefly, Ruth wondered what would happen if he touched the shield wall.


“If your careful. You could use the shield wall to recharge yourself. ” Ruth suggested and Joel sat back thinking about it.


“I'm sorry for being a jerk. I don't hate people with powers. That's just my dad. ” Joel said confessing his true feelings.


“You were pretending to keep him happy. ” Ruth said with a smile starting to warm up to him now. Joel was finishing his tea now.


“Ruth, Joel. ” Mrs. Ever-Sprout voice called from the back doorway.


They jumped up then walked outside to see the horses loaded down with food. Joel had left his cup on the coffee table.


“That's all, that I can spare. These new plants are fast, but there is only so much I can do. ” Mrs. Ever-Sprout said firmly.


“I will let Mr. Brooks know. ” One of the men said and leered over at Jasmine who was collecting firewood.


Ruth looked and it was far more food then normally given to anyone. Including Father Micheal's orphanage.


“Come along, Ruth. Time to get you home and some of this food is yours. ” One man said in a rough tone and Ruth climb onto Joel's horse after he got on first. This time, he held out his hand to help her.


Ruth took it with a slight smile. She hadn't told these men Joel's little secret and a sort of friendship started between them. As they rode together the close contact seemed to strengthen their new bond.


As Ruth thought about it maybe that's why he been acting out lately. Looking for a excuse to use his power so he didn't have to tell anyone.


Ruth shouldn't have been surprised to see men station just outside the front door to her house. Guards left behind just in case they returned. Brooks men spoke with the guards and Ruth knew they were getting updated on the latest news.


Ruth realized that Evelyn would have no problem sneaking about with only two men around.


“In these uncertain times. These men will be hanging around for your protection. ” The gruff speaking man said with a grin as some of the food was unloaded and handed to Ruth to carry inside.


Ruth got over the state of the rooms quickly enough. The place had been searched and Ruth was sure they found most of the hidden firearms left behind. Ruth smiled only a bit when she remembered her daddy had taken a good deal of them with him on his mission.


Putting the food away first. Ruth then started getting the rooms back in order. Cleaning as she went as each room was put back into order. From time to time one of the men came inside to use the bathroom or to check on her.


Ruth ignore them and went about her self appointed task. There was one firearm they missed just under the bathroom sink upstairs. Ruth left it where it was and then went to the garage to check on the paint cans.


She was pleased to see some of the plastic paint cans were missing. Ruth forgot who made the paint for the town's folk, but saw enough here to repaint a few rooms.


“What are you doing, girl? ” The guard asked. He came to the doorway of the garage to look in on her.


“Looking for the right paint. I have scrubbed at the blood stains, but it's no use. I have to paint over them. Care to help? ” Ruth said picking up the paint can she needed then getting some paint brushes made from horse hair.


The man scoffed at her then went back to his guard duty looking rather bored. Ruth thought she heard him mutter something about he had better things to do then babysit a damn brat.


As Ruth went to work undoing the mess. Outside the shield wall. Evelyn waited high up just in front of a billboard. In the days that followed completing her task in writing messages on billboards. She had processed the most likely spots where she could cross back inside the town limits.


Even with her enhanced abilities that her android body provided. There was no weak spot that she could find without doing harm to herself in the end. This shield wall had kept out Cannibals for over a decade if not longer. Her search along the shield wall wasn't boring. One time she ran into a group of Cannibals appearing to be hunting. One thing puzzled her was the fact they had shovels with them strapped to their backs.


Some carried weapons taken from museums or private collections from abandoned homes.


Evelyn's programming was conflicted only for a short few micro seconds. Since they had been humans once only caused her to pause. She rushed the small group of Cannibals punching the first one driving his nose into his skull. Then she took the spear from the first one she killed to use it on the next one.


It wasn't long until the last one carrying only a regular hammer try to run for it. Evelyn threw the spear at him hitting from him from a distance few people could ever hope to match. Once Evelyn realized she was no longer in danger she went over the weapons.


One weapon known as a Kyoketsu-shoge could be useful as a weapon and tool. Basically, It was a chain with a hooked blade. Evelyn picked it up lightly wrapped it up so she could carry it with easy access.


As Evelyn reviewed her most recent memory files she detected motion. Pulling herself away from her most recent memories. The motion wasn't coming from the road which she deemed the most likely one Jake would use, but up in the sky.


Judging from the shape and using her eye's zoom feature allowed her to see the creature. It was a Leather-Wing. Blurry at first, Evelyn soon saw two figures riding it. Evelyn projected the creature flight path and realized it was heading for the town of Last Hope.


Evelyn's programming told her the Leather-Wing and Rider were too high to hear her. She attempted to make contact anyway. She whistled loudly and attempted to use the now shiny blade of her weapon as a signal mirror.


Leather-Wing and riders soon passed over and were out of sight.


Bella heard excited voices and yells coming from outside. So far, the gun shot men were well on the way to recovering. Clearly, Evelyn had aimed not to kill any human.


Going to a window she saw a crowd pointing upward and a large shadow passed over.


Like everyone else she wondered outside and the largest winged creature Bella had ever seen fly overhead in wide circles. The human rider giving the town's people enough time to gather.


At first Bella thought some new horror had been born until she noticed people on the back of the winged bat like creature.


If Bella wasn't mistaken there was a boy waving down at them from the back saddle. Then the crowd moved as it was clear the creature was landing in a rarely used town park.


By the time Bella got to the spot where the crowd dared not to get any closer. The riders had dismounted. A woman as old as Doc Wilson pulled off some type of flight helmet. There was a boy next to her who could be almost Ruth's age.


As Bella watched a small cat lizard like creature jumped down into the boy's hands. Bella figured out it was a pet. Another creature appeared about the size of a dog. Something about the way it moved told Bella it wasn't a real animal. Besides it look like a small dinosaur.


People were pointing and talking all around her. Everyone fell silent when the woman spoke very loudly.


“People of Last Hope. My name is Maggie Penn. This boy is Henry. We came from Coastal city to warn you. A horde of Cannibals is coming this way from the East and North. I have recently become good friends with Sheriff Jake Armor and Doctor Wilson Light-weight. They are on the way, but are still days away. When they arrive, we have less then three days to prepare for a fight. I flew ahead of them so that you have more time to get ready. Is Ivan Rota here? ” Maggie asked looking over the crowd and seeing people looking at the others.


“Ivan Rota was murdered by Derick Summers. I'm in charge now. The name is Preacher Brooks. ” Preacher Brooks said coming out of the crowd to stand a bit away from everyone else.


“Well, mister Brooks. You need to get your people armed and ready. Get the children to a safe place where they can be defended in about a week. A large building like a school or such. Find anything that can be used as a weapon or armor. ” Maggie said and turned to the creature to unstrap a duffel bag from the creature's harness.


“How do we know if anything you say is true? Your people could be holding Jake and doc as hostages. ” Brooks said loud enough to be heard by all there.


“To aid you in your fight. I have some of the regeneration treatment right here. I can take one person with me and show him or her the coming horde. We would be wasting time better used to getting prepared. ” Maggie said walking a bit away from the winged creature.


She opened up the bag and pulled out a metal cylinder. The letters spelling out Regen on it. Maggie placed it back into the bag. She drop the still open bag onto the ground halfway between.


“There is more then enough in there for the children as promised by the Doc and some for those willing to fight. Your get more then enough later on, once Jake and Doc arrive. ” Maggie said backing away so Brooks could step forward.


Bella saw the greed in Brooks eyes as he looked down at the bag. What happen next was chaos. Brooks turned to some of the men and said something to them. Those who heard him started to raise up their guns. Maggie perhaps sensing something wasn't right about Brooks was quicker. Bella watched as the woman pulled out a funny looking pistol and started firing.


The first man went down as something like a laser bolt hit him then there was gun fire in return. Thankfully, it was wild shots that missed Maggie at first. Henry, took cover on the other side of the flying creature holding his pet tightly. Claw following after watching his back.


Bella watched as some of the people in crowd tackled others trying to shoot Maggie. They weren't fans of Brooks or his men or perhaps they were scared someone might hit the young boy. Bella knew this riot would have happen anyway. It was only a matter of time.


Maggie did jerked at least once as a bullet found it's mark on her body. Maggie gave some type word command or signal to her bat creature. Grabbing onto the straps she was lifted away. The monstrous bat creature rose up with mighty flaps of his wings.


Brooks grabbed the duffel bag by one strap spilling some of the metal containers out, but not noticing as he fled for his own life. Bella barely had to time to curse his coward nature as her concern was for Henry.


There was a full riot all around Bella, but she watched the boy Henry as he dashed away lost in the confusion. Pushing herself through the crowd. Bella followed the boy as people moved in nearly every direction now.


She watched as he ducked into the town's hardware store that was temporarily abandon by it's owner. Bella went inside soon after. Outside the doors there fewer pops from gun shots and yelling. The riot would be short lived as more of Brooks's people showed up.


“Henry, I'm a friend. I'm Jake's wife. ” Bella called out looking around the aisles of the hardware store. She found the boy hiding in the corner. He was holding onto the cat lizard creature with one hand. Something like a small dinosaur was in front of him protecting him.


The boy raised his hand and Bella suddenly found herself in the middle of an infernal of flames. Bella flinched at first then she realized a few things about this fire. The fire didn't hurt her as it licked over her body. There was the absent sound of roaring flames and she could breath just fine. Having living through the real thing this fake vision was only a jump scare to her.


“So, you got a power. I can see a bit of the future in my dreams. ” Bella said calmly trying the suppress the extreme feeling of fear. Bella had to admit that it was nasty little trick. She was looking toward the spot where the boy was standing.


The flames vanished and he was looking at her with some trust.


“Come on. We can go out the back door through the woods. We can hide you at Father Micheal's place. You have to trust me, okay?” Bella said thinking it over quickly and slowly Henry took her hand. Bella had her answer.


Bella led him as fast as she dared. Thankfully, Father Micheal was outside tending to a little garden out back.


“Lord bless me. ” Father Micheal said looking at boy's companions then up at Bella.


“Father Micheal, this young man is a friend of Jake and Doc Wilson. I will explain things later, but he needs a good place to hide. ” Bella said looking back then all around.


“We can place him with Jessica and Deputy Brown. He can blend in with the other children during meal time or when they play. ” Father Micheal said and Henry seemed to perk up a little when other children were mention.


“I will be back tomorrow, if things settle down. Thank you. ” Bella said started making plans to get things ready at the hospital for the after math of a large attack.


When Bella returned to the town she noticed the streets were nearly devoid of people. The short riot had ended and men loyal to Brooks now stood at ends of the street guarding the corners.


Bella came out of the woods and when she was noticed claimed she hidden there until it was safe. Thankfully, no one was killed, but there were a lot of broken noses and black eyes. Bella return to the hospital and spent the rest of the day treating these minor injuries.


When Bella returned to Father Micheal's place the next day. She found Mr. John Filnor already there. Mr. Filnor was holding a bag with something wrapped in it.


Father Micheal welcomed them both inside then downstairs through a hidden door that led to a basement. Where Jessica, Deputy Brown and Henry waited. The adults were laid up in cots and clearly still recovering.


“Okay, Mr. Filnor. We are among friends now. What do you have to show me?” Father Micheal asked.


Bella gasp a little when he pulled out a metal cylinder with the word Regen on it.


“When Brooks ran with the duffel bag yesterday. A few of these fell out. My family snatched them up and put them among our things in the saddle bags. I hear Brooks will announced that all children will be given the treatment along with his men. Rumors say, that he suspects that the strangers will show up instead of the Cannibals. Seems to think that we are going to be invaded and enslaved. This gift is just to soften us up. He is asking for volunteers for an army. I decided to join with some buddies that I can trust. ” Mr. Filnor explained in his deep voice.


“Having good people on the inside is a great idea. ” Father Micheal said.


“Hopefully, we can do some good when the trouble starts. This regeneration stuff is yours. We need your group and our law enforcement ready to fight when the time comes. ” Mr. Filnor said handing the metal cylinder to Father Micheal.


“Thank you, John. ” Father Micheal said taking it and setting it down with great care on the table with a few church relics including medieval looking swords stored here for safe keeping from little hands.


“It's going to hurt all over at first and burns for a full minute. ” Bella warned and everyone nodded.


They started with Jessica being the youngest adult and easy to hold down. John proved to be the hardest when it was all done. Years as the town's only blacksmith had helped fill out his large frame.


“I will get the hospital prepared and Father Micheal can get word to the teachers. We can use the school as a shelter for the children and everyone else. It's mostly made of stone and there is plenty of room. They can work on making it more secure. ” Bella said.


“That won't be a problem. I do worry over Brooks's mental state. What is he going to do when the Cannibals show up and not the strangers? ” Father Micheal asked.


“Hmm. I suggest these so called invaders might use the Cannibals as a first wave attack. Who knows what kind of tech they have to control the Cannibals. ” Bella said her tone becoming sarcastic.


“That might work. It would appeal to his nature. He think the Cannibals attack as a trick. We all get attacked and suddenly the invaders save us from the nasty monsters. ” Father Micheal said nodding.


“Father Micheal, you got more of these swords lying about? I can have my teenage daughter come over to help you sharpen them for use. She is ready to own her own shop, but still works under my teaching. I even taught her how to fight. She can at least show your people the basics. We need people to protect the children just in case a few slip by us. ” John asked and Father Micheal nodded waving a hand toward a door in the back.


“These swords were old church relics that I managed to save. Lord forgive me for cussing. They were damn useful on our journey here. We will do our best to protect the children. ” Father Micheal said sounding slightly doubtful.


“Thank you, Father. I'm sure everyone will be safe. My duties will be treating the wounded. I have a feeling that Brooks most loyal men will get the Regeneration treatment. I better get back before anyone wonders where I slipped off too. As far as they know, I came to check on your health. ” Bella said and hugged Father Micheal before leaving.


Chapter 10Flight


Maggie woke up in a bed of a farm house. She had no memory of getting here at first. Then she recalled what had happen. She barely managed to get away and landed outside the shield wall.


“Good, you are recovering. ” Evelyn said from the only sun lit corner.


“You must be Evelyn. Jake and Doc Wilson have talked about you. I'm Maggie Penn. ” Maggie said weakly and noticed her water bottle on the dusty night stand.


Evelyn stepped forward and helped her drink.


“Your Leather-Wing is out back in a large barn. ” Evelyn stated as Maggie drank the cool refreshing water.


“Is he hurt bad? He is old and doesn't heal as fast anymore. ” Maggie asked.


“He is healing, slowly. You were lucky to fly clear of the shield wall near my position. This farm house is long abandon, but still in good shape. ” Evelyn said noticing Maggie looking about.


“I have some vague memories of you helping me here. Thank you, but you need to find Jake and Doc Wilson. Someone named Brooks seems to be in charge now. The man is not to be trusted. ” Maggie said already feeling so much better.


“I have left painted messages on billboards. Jake and Doc Wilson will know of the trouble in town. Once your strong enough to move about. I will return to my post to watch for him. ” Evelyn said.


“No need. Once, I'm healed. I can find Jake and Doc faster. There is a horde of Cannibals heading for Last Hope. The shield wall is good so I'm told. But, I have a feeling that it can't take on thousands of attackers hitting it at once. ” Maggie said and noticed Evelyn's expression change slightly. She looked worried now.


“I think, that I ran into a scouting party a few days back. They were carrying shovels. The shield wall doesn't extend into the ground. I now believe, that the Cannibals will dig under the wall. ” Evelyn said processing this latest information.


“That means they can gather anywhere along the shield wall. Jake thought maybe they beat on the wall with weapons wearing it down until the shields failed. ” Maggie said sitting up in bed then looked out toward the window.


She could see part of a large barn, but beyond that was a vast orchard of apple trees. It looked like a nice place once.


“I predict the Cannibals will gather at one of the outer most farms near the shield wall. If they have become smarter, then a second force will lay siege to the front gate as a distraction or to make sure there is no where to run too. Once you are well, You must update Jake and Doc Wilson with this new information. If I may ask a favor from you. I wish to get over the shield wall. Your Leather-Wing can fly me over. I will warn the farmers of the danger and others who live close to the shield wall of the incoming danger. ” Evelyn said.


Maggie nodded in agreement.


“I need a day or two. ” Maggie said lying back to regain her health.


Old Sam was a simple man by trade. He grew his crops and lived a comfortable life with the Gardeners doing most of the work. The only other person Old Sam could talk to was Billy. He was a large man, but had the mind of a child. Perhaps the most gentle soul Old Sam had ever seen.


As strong as Billy was, he was gently petting the farm dog with a soft touch. Billy had named the dog as Doggy.


Old Sam looked up from peeling vegetables to see someone coming down the driveway to his house.


“Billy, Who's coming down the road? These old eyes don't see that far away. ” Old Sam asked.


Billy looked up and focused hard.


“A little girl. She looks funny. ” Billy said still petting the dog.


Now, the dog took notice of the girl and jumped up for a better look. Old Sam watched as his dog barked a few times then ran out to the girl.


She didn't pause or appear to pay any attention to the dog. She walked a brisk pace.


Doggy sniffed at her and playfully dance about her trying to get their visitor to chase him.


Old Sam eyes focused on her and he finally saw what Billy meant. Her skin color was off. Old Sam considered grabbing his hunting rifle he kept in easy reach, but decided to talk first.


“Billy, it's that robot girl that the Sheriff Jake found. I told you about it. ” Old Sam said remembering her from the town meeting. She wore a slightly ragged dress and appeared to have a chain wrapped loosely over her shoulder to her waist. Old Sam saw the handle of the sword just over her shoulder.


“Hello Sam and Billy. My name is Evelyn. Your neighbor told me your names. I come to warn you that the Cannibals may have found a way inside the shield wall. ” Evelyn said once she was in ear shot. Evelyn had stopped walking now.


Evelyn walked up to every home so far, but ran when needed to reach the next farm house.


“How is that possible little lady? ” Old Sam asked. He didn't know what to make of this machine girl, but he liked Jake as Sheriff and Doc Wilson was a good man. So, he trusted their judgment.


“A few days ago, I killed a pack of Cannibals just outside the shield wall and they were all carrying shovels. I believe they were a scouting party sent to start digging under the shield wall. The main horde will most likely do the same thing. I have predicted they will attack along one of the farms near the shield wall in this area. ” Evelyn explained.


“Damn vermin learned a new trick did they. Thank you for telling us. Avoid the farm that way, but the one beyond it are good friends of mine. You be sure to tell them Old Sam believes your story. Me and Billy will get ready. ” Old Sam said and pointed toward the area where Evelyn was sure to go next.


“Thank you. ” Evelyn said and faster then Old Sam could ever believe she turned and took off running. She was gone from sight in under thirty seconds. The farm dog giving chase, but giving up after ten seconds.


“Billy, get the baseball bats out and let me tell you about a game called Whack-a-mole. ” Old Sam said next after a few more stunned seconds had pass.


A few miles away Jake slowly stopped the truck once he read the billboard message.


“Brooks controls the town. ” Doc Wilson said out loud and looked to Jake.


“I do believe that message is meant for us. Notice the size of the painted letters. ” Jake said spotting it right away.


“Someone very short had to write that message or they had a limited paint supply. ” Doc Wilson said puzzling it out.


“Evelyn. I have that same color paint at my house. That shade of red matches. Let's drive around the shield wall instead of going straight to the main gate. ” Jake said eager to drive more. He was getting the hang of it pretty quick and consider himself a good driver now.


“You boys remember that we are about three days away from the town being over run. ” Ruby said from the back. The drive back had been far faster with three drivers who took the steering wheel in shifts.


They drove on and found more messages of warnings. Clearly, Evelyn put them up on the most likely roads they come back on.


A shadow passed overhead and Jake stopped the truck with a slight jerk. Doc looked up from the front windshield. He saw Maggie on the back of Gray-Wing and she was motioning for them to follow her.


“Looks like, she wants to go to the old apple farm. It's a good area to hide a truck and her Leather-Wing. ” Doc Wilson said and Jake made the turn toward the farm. A short time later they were pulling up in front of the house. The apple farm had been long abandon and given over to mother nature. The owners had never return from their vacation.


Doc Wilson appraised the place thinking it wouldn't be a bad place to settle down if it wasn't outside the town's shield wall.


Maggie came around from the barn area and hugged Ruby first then Doc.


“I ran into Evelyn after that Brooks guy try to kill me. Come inside and I will explain everything. The only people or creatures around are those Gardeners. They have expanded this apple farm into a small forest. ” Maggie said.


Jake saw Maggie had been busy getting the house back into order. Jake could see it was far cleaner and more orderly. Between Cannibals, survivors, and wild animals Jake didn't want to think about the state of the kitchen when Maggie first arrived.


Maggie sat down at the kitchen table and told them everything.


“So Judge Ivan is gone. Victor is a prisoner inside the power plant and Brooks is in control of the town. You and Evelyn had some time to talk. ” Jake said with a small smile.


“She played nurse maid until I was healed up. We talked about everything she overheard from Father Micheal and knew about Brooks. ” Maggie said in answer. Doc Wilson was next to speak.


“First thing, we need to do is get this regeneration stuff inside the walls. I was thinking about it, Jake. I can jump over the shield wall carrying a small load with me as many times as it will take. Father Micheal's orphanage is not far from here. It's a wooded area beyond these apple trees then a road along the outside of the shield wall. ” Doc Wilson suggested.


“Assuming Brooks men won't be patrolling the area. We have to work fast and get everyone that we can the injections. I'm willing to bet Brooks people have been injected already. Maybe the children of the town as well. Brooks would have to keep the peace somehow. I wouldn't have put it past him to form up an army as well. After Maggie's message he have to do something to ease the people's concerns. ” Jake said after thinking things out.


“You think Henry might be at this orphanage? ” Maggie asked looking a bit worried for the boy.


“Chances are good. ” Doc Wilson answered holding Maggie's hand now.


“I hate to do it, but we need to transport everything over the wall and leave the truck behind. ” Jake said and looked to Maggie.


“You can count on us. I can have Gray-Wing help. Ruby can drive the truck back here. Then, we will join you. ” Maggie said and this time Ruby took Maggie's other free hand.


Under the cover of darkness they moved out. Jake's knowledge of the area proved useful and working as a team they got everything moved to the other side out of sight.


It was Jake who arrived at the orphanage first and gave one of the women there a terrible fright. They nearly ran into each other after Jake slipped in through a window left unlocked.


“Jake Armor, you gave me a good scare. ” The woman said and looked over his new clothes and took note of his new side arm.


“Sorry, Annie, but I need to speak to Father Micheal. I got Doc and few friends outside waiting. ” Jake said quickly and as quietly as he could.


“It's okay. Father Micheal has Jessica and Deputy Brown hidden somewhere here. I was here that night they showed up looking for help. Brooks men had nearly killed them. Come with me. ” Annie said.


Jake followed and soon enough Father Micheal was awaken by soft knocks to his door.


Not long after that. After seeing everyone inside they crowded into the basement. There were handshakes and hugs from Jessica. The supplies they managed to carry by hand were now stacked on the table.


“I like the look of these laser pistols. I may start carrying one of these along with my knives. ” Jessica said inspecting one.


Over in one corner Henry was talking to Ruby who fussed over him a little.


“So, John Filnor getting a group together as well. We need to get people out to the farms along the shield wall. That is where the real attack is most likely to come from. Knowing the Cannibals they hit us at night so signal bonfires will be our best bet. We can lit them where ever they are gathering. It will hurt their night vision more then us. ” Jake said getting nods from all adults.


“Dusk to dawn hunters for sure. Rarely have they every try to hit us during the day. ” Doc Wilson said recalling the small attacks over the year.


“I will take a small group with me to the power plant. We can't have Brooks in control of the shield wall and as a bonus I can free Victor. After Mr. Filnor, he is one of our heavy hitters. ” Jake said planning everything out.


“Count us in. ” Jessica said and Deputy Brown nodded.


“The children and armed older adults here will be moved to the school. It can be a fall back point. It's on a hill and the large building can be defended. Father Micheal will take Roxy with him. I feel better knowing she is with you protecting the children. ” Father Micheal said already thinking about loading up the horse wagon he used to transport the children to school everyday.


“We can help you out there. ” Ruby said and Maggie nodded before speaking.


“Gray-Wing will fight even harder if he knows children are in danger. ” Maggie said.


“I will be needed at the hospital. I suspect, that I will be delayed by Brooks people. I will do my best to convince them or Brooks himself that the wounded will need me more. Don't fret, Jake. I will leave here on the day of the attack. ” Doc Wilson said.


“Okay, Doc. Let's start by having Father Micheal here being the first person you inject with the new batch. He has more then earned it. ” Jake said and Father Micheal was the first person to be injected with the new batch of Regen. In the early morning hours all of the women who worked for Father Micheal were next.


As the days passed. It wasn't easy for Jake to bunker down with the others with his daughter only a short ride away. He spent long hours telling Jessica and Deputy Brown of the wonders he saw at Coastal City. Jake did his best to describe what Eden looked like through the portal way. What little he saw was a city park, but in the distance he saw the side of a mountain with buildings coming out of it.


Roxy was a comfort to Jake and she got to spend more time upstairs with the children. Even Fang had gotten out of the basement area a few times to socialize. The only bits of excitement came when John Filnor came by to smuggle some more of the regeneration treatment or the new weapons out to people he trusted the most.


John and some of his buddies were now dressed in armor that he made over the years as a blacksmith.


“Damn, John. We should have made you our army general. ” Jake teased after seeing him step up as a true leader.


“Most of it is made from old car parts and such. ” John said after he explained what he was wearing.


“How is Bella and Ruth? ” Jake asked his daily question eager to know.


“They are fine. Bella is being watched so she can't risk coming here. Ruth is under guard at your house. Evelyn was spotted, but she easily out ran the patrol on horseback. We think, she is hiding in the woods somewhere. If I had to guess, I bet she went up a tree to get out of sight. Brooks got as divided into two main groups. Most of us heading out the farms while Brooks people are station in town near the shield gate. Most of us will be on horse back. We make our first fallback point within the town itself. Brooks men can do their part there. Even if some do flee toward the power plant. I plan on staying in the town to fight. ” John explained.


“Make the school your final last stand. We can put families on the upper levels. The building is fairly large and we can defend it. ” Jake said and John nodded.


“Already done. Most of the farmers and their families are already there. Those in the suburbs will be heading there in the morning. We are setting up cots and putting the orphan children on the upper levels with our best long range shooters. Most of the buildings in town are already being boarded up. We will make them fight for every inch. ” John said updating Jake.


“Leave Brooks to me. ” Jake said and he wasn't sure if he would shoot the man on sight or arrest him. John smiled at Jake perhaps wishing he could join him.


“I can take Ruby and Henry to the school now. We can put his lizard pet into a cat carrier. They will be among my people. With so many people there already they will be another face in the crowd. ” John said knowing that Father Micheal was planning on moving the orphans there soon enough.


“Maggie will join us when the fighting really starts. ” Ruby said tired of being confined to the basement.


“This may be the last time I see you, Jake. Good luck, Sheriff. ” John said and put out his hand for a firm handshake.


Bella was dreaming and knew she must have slipped into a nap during her lunch break.


She was on a hilltop over looking down at the town and it was night time. Below her, she could see the town was under attack. There were distant pops and what look like laser bolts firing upon a dark wave of movement. Crude barriers had been arranged and as the Cannibals came into view she saw they were vastly out numbered. Judging from the direction she knew it was coming from the outer farms that were near to the shield wall.


Then Bella was jerked awake as she felt her real body starting to slide out of the comfortable chair in the real world.


“One of your future telling dreams, Bella. ” Brooks asked from the open doorway.


“Yes, The Cannibals were attacking the town. They had over run the outer farms. ” Bella said simply without hesitating. This future dream didn't require any forethought.


“Hmm, your dreams don't always come true. Do they? ” Brooks asked giving her an appraising look.


“The future can be changed. I leave the harmless stuff alone. If it's life or death then I tell someone. ” Bella said and Brooks was watching her closely. Bella decided to tell him her plans for the patients here.


“I'm sending the worse cases here in the hospital to the school. How goes the barricades? ” Bella asked.


“Quite well. I only stop by to inform you that the machine girl, Evelyn. She was spotted on one of the country roads between the farms. I'm sure it will only be a matter of time before my men can bring her in. It just so happens, that I'm sending out a large force to that area. The farmers tell me that the Cannibals might dig under the shield wall. Don't worry, we still have plenty of good men here in the town. Your will have two options if the town falls. Join those sheltering at the school or come to the power plant. I had extra shield poles installed all around the building. There will be plenty of power and food to last for ages. A small group could last for years inside the power plant. ” Brooks answered then informed Bella of the latest news.


“I will think about it. ” Bella said and watched as Brooks turned away from her.


Bella watched as Brooks disappeared around the corner. Bella returned to her duties really wishing Jake was back. If Maggie was right they had a short time to prepare.


Already the tension in the air could be felt. Bella had watched her town transform and nearly every single one of the first floor school's rooms were being used now. Bella had made several trips to ensure the gym could handle the injured.


“Mrs. Armor. ” John Filnor's voice said and Bella turned to him with a smile. John was always a welcomed friend.


“Could I speak to you in private? ” John said and appearing to be having trouble with his shoulder.


“Sure, I can spare a minute. ” Bella answered and showed him into an empty exam room.


The moment the door was shut John appeared to be better. He reached over and locked the door.


“Jake and Doc are back inside the town limits. They are hiding out at Father Micheal's place. ” John said quietly and Bella had to sit.


“They are okay? ” Bella asked.


“Yeah, They managed to get over the wall. We have moved Ruby and Henry up to the school with my people. ” John answered.


“Who is Ruby? ” Bella asked.


“Oh, Maggie's wife. If I understand the matter, fully. Sorry, I didn't come sooner. I been smuggling in more of the regeneration treatment and some fancy new laser pistols to the right people thanks to Jake. ” John explained.


“As much as I hate to say it. You might consider leaving some boxes or whatever containers out for Brooks people as well to use. You can claim that you found some stashes hidden around town. If I was you I would wait a few hours before sunset when the Cannibals are due to arrive. ” Bella suggested and John nodded considering the matter.


“Bullets will be limited. These laser guns do have more shots. ” John said thinking it over. He knew, he had been lucky in keeping everything under wraps. When the fighting started those not in the circle of trust would soon realize others had been hiding these new weapons.


“I will go to Brooks a few hours before sunset on the final day. I will tell him that a secret stash of weapons was found. I will even hint that our invaders might have planned to attack us from within. I might risk his wrath, but I also say that my men have already taken their share. His town group is welcomed to the rest. ” John said knowing there was some risk.


“I have a feeling the worst of Brooks people will be at the power plant. Most are following him because he controls the food supply. See you after the fight. ” Bella said giving him a friendly hug and watching as John left the room.


All too soon the evening came when the Cannibals were due to arrive. The suburbs, outer farms were mostly empty of the families that lived there. Now, those who waited in the coming darkness ready the bonfires that would be lit the moment any trouble would start.


Evelyn watched most of this from her tree cover and calculated the most likely places where the town would make their last stand.


The school had the highest percent and she could use the nearby wood shed where cut firewood was stacked as a hiding spot once it was dark enough. The greatest chance of lost of life was in those who were too young and inexperience to fight. Evelyn decided she go there and help in the fighting.


Jake and his limited police force had the run of the orphanage now. Father Micheal had taken the children long ago and joined most the town as they prepared the school for a place to make a last stand. Roxy had whined a little, but Jake told her to protect the children.


As the evening light faded one of John's men came by with updated news or minor changes to the plans.


Jake wasn't happy about Brooks people getting some of the laser guns, but they could make the difference in the end. The only thing that settled Jake was the fact he had the only laser gun chargers in town. After wards, he put in a vote to have a new law that required people to register ownership of a laser pistol if they wanted to get a charger from him.


What did make him a bit happier was knowing that Brooks had been spotted heading toward the power plant. Jake had a feeling if the town fighting didn't go well. Jake was sure Brooks planned was to wait out the attack then make a run for it later.


“Everyone ready?” Sheriff Jake asked putting on the body armor provided by Mr. Filnor. It wasn't much different from his police armor if a touch heavier. They even had helmets which went a long way to hiding their faces. They could ride through town with the few men John assigned to their strike team.


There were nods and silently they filed out into the dusk light.


Old Sam waited beside Billy each of them holding a weapon. They weren't alone in the barn as every volunteer could be found willing to fight. Most sat and talked quietly as they waited.


The sun had set some time ago and Billy was the first to spot movement along the shield wall.


“Sam, look. ” Billy said and went so far to point.


Old Sam did so, but his eyes were failing him in his old age.


“I see them too, Billy. The bastards are just starting to dig. ” John Filnor's voice said and came up beside the men.


“Remember that game that I told you about. You whack them good just once and move on to the next hole. Plug those holes up with bodies and they won't eat our dog. I want you to know that I love you like a son, boy. ” Old Sam said to Billy feeling a bit guilty for getting the simple minded man into this fight. Billy had flat out refused to leave and Sam was too old to argue with him very much. John Filnor's deep voice cut through hush conversations.


“Listen up, men. Time to move out. Walk out in quick steps, but don't run. Form up into lines along the shield wall and spread out. Like Old Sam had said an hour before to me. We are about to play the most serious game of Whack-a-mole in human history. ” John Filnor said and he was the first person to move outside in full view.


The Cannibals he could see did react, but barely paused in their furious digging. Then the bonfires at the town folk's back were lit as planned. What John saw behind the diggers took his breath away. There must have been hundreds if not a thousand or so. The Cannibals were within view all along the shield wall from what they could see.


“NO MERCY! ” John screamed in a fierce battle cry and waited by the hole that looked the deepest so far.


At first, the men stabbed and clubbed at hands. Then, the first sickening sound of a skull being caved in came as the excitement rose up.


Billy was proven quite good as he was whacking down the Cannibals as they try to squirm under the gap.


As some men grew exhausted others step up to take their place. The Cannibals proved to be smarter then anyone thought. They started pulling their dead comrades away and digging even more of the hole out. Then came a moment John Filnor wasn't expecting. A group of them was digging around the shield pole from the outside. It would take them a bit longer. John knew if they managed to dig it up by the concrete itself they all were in serious trouble.


Then came the moment when the shield pole wobbled and fell toward the Cannibals. John's people got ready to meet the first wave. The horses were being ready for a quick sweep then a retreat.


“You won't HURT DOGGY! ” Billy said loudly as he was the first to charge the Cannibals. Old Sam followed these words by firing his rifle until it went empty.


John saw in-between taking down two Cannibals. That Billy was soon lost to them. He killed over two dozen by the end. Spears, knives and even a cheap knock off sword pierced Billy's body. The Cannibal army was now bottle necking toward this one and only gap.


Old Sam switched to his baseball bat, but proved to be to slow as he was cut down next. Even old Sam's farm dog coming out of the darkness managed to kill one Cannibal by ripping the throat out of one before he was clubbed to death.


John block with his new viking shield then swung Black Thorn killing yet another Cannibal by breaking open it's skull.


Slowly his men were backing away losing ground as they killed.


“FALLBACK TO THE TOWN. ” John screamed and as planned men on horses sweep from right to left creating a gap then riding back to give those on foot time to mount their own horses that were tied up behind the barn.


Evelyn arrived at the school and slipped into the opened wood shed unseen. The full moon helped her night vision a great deal.


There was a makeshift barrier of desks and chairs just outside the main doors in a half circle. The first floor windows looked boarded up from the inside.


On the upper level through a window. Evelyn spotted Ruth looking out. There was a boy she had never seen coming to stand next to her.


Listening carefully Evelyn could just pick up the start of their conversation.


“Who are you? ” Ruth asked the unknown boy.


“I'm Henry. What is your name? ” Henry asked.


“Ruth Armor. ” Ruth said proudly and returned to gaze out of the window. Not far away, one of John's many friends was setting up his hunting rifle. He just got the window open. Currently, he seemed to be checking his scope for something.


“Hey, I met your dad. We talked not so long ago in Father Micheal's basement. ” Henry said in a low voice only meant for Ruth to hear.


“My dad is back in town? ” Ruth asked now returning her full attention to the new boy.


“Yeah, he was talking about getting a guy called Brooks and freeing someone named Victor. I overheard them talking about it. ” Henry confessed.


“Henry, I told you to stay close to me. ” Ruby said coming into the room.


“This is Jake's daughter. ” Henry said waving a hand toward Ruth.


“Your the infamous Ruth that Jake was talking about. Well, I'm Ruby. Your dad talked about you on the way here. ” Ruby said and looked at Ruth perhaps seeing a bit of her dad in her face.


“They broken through the shield wall. Old Sam's farm has fallen. We tried to hold them in the town, but they bound to get around us and come up here. ” Someone called from horse back as they paused to deliver the news then ride off.


“Joel Brooks!? ” Ruth said turning around from the window and saw Joel Brooks in the doorway.


“Didn't your dad order you to the power plant? ” Ruth asked hearing one of Brooks men telling him that an hour ago.


“He did, but I double back and slipped in through the back. None of my dad's buddies are here now. My dad is going sacrifice all of you to escape. ” Joel explained and he locked eyes with Henry.


“Who are you? ” Joel asked and looked at Ruby as well. They were strangers and Joel knew everyone in town by face alone if not in name.


“He is Brooks son. ” Ruby said a bit alarmed, but knew there was little danger.


“Should we tie him up or maybe lock him in a room? ” Henry asked Ruby.


“Like you can take me. ” Joel said looking down at the younger kid. Ruth watched as Henry if on second nature put out his hand spreading his fingers wide.


A ghostly image of Preacher Brooks appeared and he stood in front of Joel holding a wide leather belt. He appeared to be screaming in one rage filled word and threatening to bring the belt down on Joel.


Joel reacted by creating a suit of armor that looked medieval complete with a kite shield and sword.


“Henry, stop. ” Ruby said pushing the boy's hand down and the ghostly image of Preacher Brooks faded into nothing.


Joel looked at Henry for a few stunned seconds and then at the adults gawking at him. Joel dismissed the translucent blueish white armor at once, but the damage was done. His secret was out now.


“Brooks own son has powers. I don't blame you kid for sticking with us. ” The sniper by the window said then went back to watching for trouble.


“What was that Henry? ” Ruth asked, but it was Ruby who answered.


“Henry can make you see your worse fear in full detail, but everyone else just sees a ghostly echo by being near him. ” Ruby said keeping a firm grip on Henry's wrist.


“He looked so real to me. Even if I couldn't hear him, I know what he was calling me; Freak. ” Joel said looking a touch pale.


“We can be freaks together. I been testing out my tough skin and I think my power is stronger then my dad. I try to prick my finger and the knife broke. It will be years before my muscle strength can match his, but nothing hard work can't fix. ” Ruth said doing experiments while the guards weren't looking. The only useful thing they did was escort her to the school and leave her here to die with everyone else.


A pop sound from outside drew their attention to the outside window.


“Cannibals, turn on the flood lights. ” the outside guard called and the world beyond the windows lit up.


There were human like screams that could be heard and more gun shots came.


“You three back to the safe rooms. ” Ruby ordered and went to another opened window and pulled out a laser pistol. She took careful aimed then fired.


It was Joel who motion for them to move in the other direction.


Ruth followed him and Henry tailed behind.


“In here. We can watch the front and no adults telling us what to do. ” Joel said pointing to a room not far from the stair case.


They crept inside and quietly shut the door behind them. Once Henry was inside Ruth locked the door. Henry went to the windows and could just see Ruby's arm sticking out as she took careful shots.


Henry had to duck a moment later when a well made spear came through the window breaking the glass.


Henry his face set with anger focused on the spear thrower when he stood back up.


Ruth got to the window in time to see the Cannibal trying to brush something off his skin. Ruth thought she could see ghostly spiders crawling all over the Cannibal. A moment later the Cannibal jerked and fell back dead from a bullet.


“Hey, keep doing that. It will slow them down. ” Ruth said and Henry nodded.


“I can only do one person at a time. ” Henry said and stood off to the side of the open window. He peaked around the corner and another Cannibal started freaking out on the spot. This time it was an arrow that struck the Cannibal dead.


Ruth withdrew the gun that had been hidden under the bathroom sink. She smuggled it in when she came to the school. Remembering everything her dad told her. She took aim and fired. This required her using a two handed grip.


Maybe, it was beginner's luck but a Cannibal went down with a bullet hole in his head just over his right eye.


It wasn't long until the magazine was empty and Ruth sat the gun down on a table looking a bit frustrated.


“Did you miss on the last shot? ” Joel asked.


“No, I just wish for a ton of more ammo. I'm going to make sure no one suffers like I did. ” Ruth said picking up the spear and hefting it to get a feel for the weapon. It would have been short for an adult and Ruth guessed it was made more for throwing. Joel let his own opinion be known.


“If they break inside. We will make them pay. I been slowly practicing and absorbing power from the shield wall. I feel like, that I can go on for hours using my power. ” Joel said flexing his arms if preparing for a fight. All the bullying and teasing he had ever done made him feel childish. His father's words echoed inside his head about growing up and being a man. Shame, his old man never consider much in defending others.


Outside the unlucky stray female Cannibal trying to use the wood shed as cover. Soon found herself with a chain wrapped around her neck then a quick thrust from a blade ended her life.


The bodies were really starting to stack up inside the building. Evelyn would soon have to move into the darken woods and pick off more that travel alone or in pairs. The number of attackers were rising now.