Ch. 28 – In Traslund
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In Traslund


The journey between Floberg and Traslund started off much quieter than the first day. Henrietta seemed unable to talk, presumably due to now knowing about the sex lives of the rest of the occupants.

However, by the time they stopped for lunch, she seemed to have regained her curiosity. Sitting next to Mibu while they ate sandwiches, she asked, “Have you ever been to Traslund?”

Mibu shook her head, “No. It's the regional capital, right? I'm assuming it's very large.”

Henrietta nodded. “That's why I wanted to visit. My father said it was also the safest town in the country, besides Coburn, of course. That's part of the reason he let me visit.”

Paddy, who was on her second sandwich, added, “It has very tall buildings. And lot's of good fish, since it's by the sea.”

Henrietta stared. “You can talk normally?”

Paddy blushed, “Y-yes...”

“Do you ever think before you talk?” Celica asked her angrily, tearing a bite from her own sandwich.

Henrietta took a moment to realize Celica was talking to her. “Are...are you insulting me!?”

“At least you can realize that,” Celica said, before stuffing the rest of her sandwich in her mouth and walking away.

Henrietta was glowing red, both equally angry and embarrassed.

After looking at Mibu, Kris walked over to Celica, who was standing a bit away. “Celica...”

“Don't even! You should be comforting Paddy, she's the one who got insulted.”

Kris nodded, “I will, but...she just doesn't know better.”

Celica shook her head, “I don't care if she's ignorant, that's not an excuse to be mean like that. And Paddy is too nice to get mad, so I have to on her behalf.”

Suddenly, Celica was grabbed from behind by Paddy, who was smiling and putting her in a hug. “Thanks.”

Celica blushed a bit.

“To be honest, she annoys me too, but...we just need to protect her, not like her. Let's just get through this mission, get paid, and then we won't have to deal with her anymore.”

Paddy nodded, and Celica begrudgingly nodded as well.

They turned to go back, when Henrietta, with Mibu behind her came up. Nodding her head slightly, she said, “I'm...sorry. Mibu explained to me, I didn't realize bearkin could be just as smart as other races.”

Paddy smiled and nodded.

Celica crossed her arms and turned her head with a 'hmpf'. “Actions are stronger than words.”

Henrietta seemed a bit disappointed.

Gilmer, who had hung back during the whole scene, said, “Ermm...we should probably keep going.”


The afternoon was mostly awkward silence again, with Celica still upset.

Mibu tried to break the awkward silence, asking “Is there anywhere in Traslund you'd like to go?”

This seemed to break Henrietta out of her malaise. “Yes. Anywhere commoners gather. We already went to a peasant inn, but I'd like to try other places as well.”

“Oh, oh, we should go to a bathhouse, then. Tons of commoners there,” Mibu suggested excitedly.

Paddy added, “We could go to a restaurant, too. If we want to try something besides stew...”

Henrietta nodded at the ideas.

“Just, um...make sure we're careful with our choices,” Gilmer tried to caution.

Henrietta shook her head, “That's why we hired them, right?”


In a few hours, Traslund came into sight. They could see it a good distance away, as the city had tall walls (much taller than Floberg or Coburn) and even above that they could see the spires of buildings inside the city. In the middle was a large castle, presumably on a hill, that overlooked the entire city.

“Wow, the buildings are tall!” Henrietta said excitedly. “Can we go up them?”

Gilmer cautioned her again, “Probably not, my lady. They will be owned by the local nobles. We can't just waltz in there.”

“Why...oh, yes, I guess we can't if we're incognito...” Henrietta nodded.


As they entered Traslund, Henrietta yelled out, “Driver, take us to the nearest restaurant. Preferably one with tasty foods.”

Kris sighed internally, What kind of instruction is that? Does our carriage driver just happen to know a good restaurant in Traslund?

However, after a couple minutes, they rolled to a stop.

I guess so...

As they got out, the driver said, “This here's my favorite. Get some of their meat pies.”

Mibu and Paddy both seemed excited, so they quickly went inside.

A foxkin waitress met them at the entrance. “Good evening,” she said with a slight bow. “Give me a moment to prepare a table.”

Kris looked around. There were several tables with mostly beastkin sitting around talking. Some of them looked over at them, but most were focused on their meals. He could smell some of the meat pies. Those do seem pretty good...

After a moment, the foxkin woman returned and led them to a table. Sitting down, she brought them some water, before taking their orders.

“Oh, I'd like the venison pie,” Mibu said.

“I want the pinkfish pie,” Paddy added.

“I'll take the chicken,” Celica ordered.

“I'll try the beef-roast,” Kris replied.

Henrietta seemed overloaded, before saying, “I'll have all of them!”

The others were taken aback, while the foxkin woman giggled, “Are you sure?”

Henrietta nodded, “I want to try all of them.”

“We have a sampler pie if you want them mixed together,” the foxkin woman pointed out.

Henrietta blushed, “Oh...I'll have that then.”

Gilmer nodded, “I will take the same.”


Henrietta looked around while they were waiting for their orders. “Is it common for beastkin to frequent these types of places?”

Mibu nodded, “Some of them cater to specific peoples, but it's not like anyone else can't go enjoy the food. Kris loves going to my favorite dogkin steakhouse,” she said with a blush.

Kris nodded, “They have good steaks.”

Henrietta blushed, going quiet.

What, am I not allowed to talk without her getting embarrassed? Kris sighed and looked at Mibu. You ruined an innocent girl...actually, that isn't fair. She needed to learn about the 'real' world eventually. Or at least she should.

After a few minutes, their pies came out, and they all started slicing them up and eating them. This is pretty good.

Mibu was eyeing Kris's pie. “What, do you want a slice?”

Mibu nodded, then closed her eyes and held out her mouth.

Kris put it on her pie dish.

Mibu started pouting, “Why aren't you feeding me?”

Kris blushed, “Because we have company. And we're in public. And I'd have to feed the others too.”

Paddy smiled weakly, while Celica nodded while chewing.

Henrietta blushed again, nibbling on her pie.

Mibu, seeing her like this, asked, “Is it good?”

Henrietta took a second to realize Mibu was addressing her, then nodded. “Yes, quite.”


After they finished, they paid and got back into the carriage (the carriage drive was finishing off his own pie).

“Driver, let's be off to the inn! Another peasant one!” Henrietta proclaimed.

Mibu asked, “What about the bathhouse? That would be nice after a long trip.”

Henrietta nodded, “Right! To the bathhouse! A peasant one!”

Do they even have noble bathhouses? I'm pretty sure they can afford their own baths.


The carriage stopped in front of a bathhouse, similar to the one in Coburn, although a bit larger. Inside was bustling with activity.

As they went to the front to pay, Mibu grabbed Kris's side, pulling him down to whisper, “Look, look!”

Kris looked, and above the desk was a sign saying 'Family bath's available for private rental'.

“We gotta get one!” she whispered.

Kris shook his head, “We can't go in one with Henrietta. Just take her in the woman's and make sure she doesn't cause any trouble.”

Mibu sighed and nodded.

After paying, they went their separate ways, Henrietta excitedly pulling Mibu into the changing room.


Kris sighed, glad to be able to relax a bit. He started changing, then realized Gilmer was next to him.

Gilmer smiled, “I hope you don't mind. It would be unbecoming of my lady if her servant was to smell.”

Kris blushed then shook his head. He tried not to make eye contact, wrapping a towel around himself before heading into the washing area.

Gilmer followed him in. “Shall we scrub each other?”

Kris averted his eyes. “...Sure...”

Gilmer smiled, pushing Kris down onto a bench, then began scrubbing his back. “You're quite muscular.”

You don't need to say awkward things just to fill the air... Kris thought, but didn't reply.

Gilmer's voice then took on a more serious tone. “Thank you again for putting up with my lady's...issues. She is still learning when she has said something improper. And when she should not speak at all.”

Kris nodded. “I feel like her parents did a terrible offense.”

Gilmer sighed, “No, you are right. Her father barely speaks with her, too often busy with the servant girls or his dozen mistresses to bother devoting time to her. And her mother hates her father, and has attributed his womanizing to that to all men. It took me years to gain her trust enough to watch over young Henrietta. Well, she's not so young anymore...” he said wistfully.

Kris smiled wryly, “I'm sure you did your best.”

Gilmer nodded, “I tried, at least. There was only so much I could teach her without drawing the ire of her mother. She opposed this trip to no end, Henrietta's father only agreed to it because he knew it would peeve her mother,” he smiled weakly.

Kris nodded. Sounds like an awful family all around.


In the woman's changing room, Henrietta was the opposite of the night before. She was not-so-discreetly peering at other woman. She caught sight of Paddy undressing, and stared in awe as her large breasts sagged out.

Mibu poked her jokingly, “I thought you said you weren't into boobs.”

Henrietta blushed. “Sorry, they're just so large.” Even the biggest dogkin servants we have don't compare.

Paddy blushed and smiled awkwardly.

Celica gave a slight 'hmpf' from behind her.

Henrietta turned to look at Celica, with her almost-flat chest.

“What?” Celica asked. “Got something to say?”

Henrietta blushed and shook her head.

Celica smiled deviously, “Even if you did, I don't care. Kris is all over me just like this. Although...” she sighed.

Mibu seemed thoughtful, “I think Kris likes any girl that throws themselves at him.”

Celica blushed, “That doesn't mean he doesn't like me!”

Mibu nodded, “Oh I know, I've seen you two...” she giggled, poking Celica's side repeatedly as Celica blushed and looked away.

Henrietta blushed further at the conversation. They talk about being with him so brazenly!

Mibu grabbed her hand, “Come on, let's go scrub!”

Henrietta nodded, letting herself be led.

Inside, Mibu sat down first, handing her a brush. “I'll scrub you after.”

Henrietta nodded and started scrubbing. She looked over at Celica, who was being scrubbed by Paddy (Paddy having to really lean down to scrub properly).

“Celica, I think you've gained some weight,” Paddy said, grabbing Celica's side.

Henrietta was stunned. How could you say something like that to another woman!?

Celica, however, looked back and smiled. “Thanks, I feel like I've been eating more, so I'm glad it's working.”


Mibu turned back, “Why'd you stop?”

Henrietta blushed, “Sorry...”


They finished scrubbing and went to soak in the tub. Henrietta had to stop herself from staring at the floating boobs.

Thinking back to earlier in the conversation, she asked, “So...are you really all fine sharing Kris?”

The three of them nodded.

Paddy smiled, holding her hands up together at her chest, “Kris accepted me for who I am, so it's fine. Bearkin aren't usually monogamous anyway, although...” she blushed, “...Kris makes me so happy I don't want to be with anyone else.”

Henrietta was taken aback at the lovey-dovey explanation.

Mibu answered next, “Dogkin want a good packleader as a mate, and Kris is a good packleader. Plus, we love each other a ton, so I wouldn't want to be with anyone else.”

Henrietta was stunned, “L-love?”

Before Henrietta could ask, Celica jumped in. “I wasn't thrilled at first, since cyclops are usually monogamous. That said...I wanted to be with Kris, and matters like other women weren't going to stop me. It helps that Mibu and Paddy are nice to be around, too.”

Mibu and Paddy both swam over and hugged Celica, squishing her between their breasts.

“Oh, Celica!” Mibu said.

“What? You didn't already know that?” she asked in surprise.

“Of course, it's just nice to hear it,” Mibu smiled sheepishly.

Henrietta wasn't sure what to say. They are such a weird group, but they're so happy together. Unlike my family...

Seeing Henrietta seemed a bit down, Mibu asked, “What's wrong?”

Henrietta shook her head. “Nothing...I guess I'm just a bit jealous of your group. You all seem so happy together.”

The other three all blushed, then let go of each other.

“Is Kris really that wonderful?”

The three all nodded.

“ you want to join our pack?” Mibu asked.

Celica and Paddy looked at her.

“Are you sure you want her too?” Celica asked.

Henrietta blushed, “I can't be with a commoner. My father will marry me off to some... nobleman, eventually.”

The other three were silent for a moment, before Mibu said, “That doesn't sound very fun.”

Henrietta sank down, “It does not,” she said, before blowing bubbles as her mouth sank under the water.


The mood was a bit gloomy after that, so they quickly finished up and then went to wait out in the lobby for the men.

After a bit, Kris and Gilmer came up.

Henrietta's mood brightened a bit when she saw them, and giggled at Gilmer in a bathrobe. “You look so funny in that.”

Gilmer blushed, “I daresay you're right. It's most comfortable, though.”

Mibu hugged Kris. Then Paddy and Celica too. “Let's go find an inn,” she said with a blush.

Henrietta blushed seeing them. “Y-yeah, we should go.”


They quickly found a nearby inn, going straight to their rooms after the warm baths.

While Kris and company sought out each other's bodies, Henrietta lay awake in her room, searching her thoughts.

This is so different than what I was led to believe. Men aren't animals. Or at least, Kris isn't. And they seem so happy together, unlike my family...

Henrietta was the daughter of his first wife (of three). While her father doted on her when she was younger, lately he had spent less and less time with her, instead spending most of the time with the house servants, or his rotating cast of mistresses.

The other two wives didn't seem to mind, enjoying the life and focusing on their kids, but her mother seemed to hate her father with a passion. She said all men were like that, ignoring their family and playing with any woman they could get their hands on.

Even when father does something nice for me, mother wants to ruin it. She would always tell me men couldn't be trusted and would say any niceties was just them trying to trick you...but that doesn't seem to be the case.

She shook her head. Will I end up like that? Marry a nobleman only to end up angry at him when he has other woman? Mibu and the others don't seem to mind...actually, they are even happy with the situation...

Henrietta squeezed a pillow, smashing it on her face. Urggghhh...I'm so confused! I don't even know what to believe anymore.

She shook her head again. No, this is stupid. I can make decisions on my own!

Her mind made up (to make up her own mind) about the situation, she tried to calm herself, and hugged the pillow in an attempt to fall asleep.