Day1l Listen and Respond
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Jenny starts moving towards the door and realizing that she expects you to follow her right away so you get down from the laps of Becky and Nina and rush after the sound of Jenny's footsteps.

Jenny walks at a fast pace and you do your best to keep up. You end up bumping into a doorway and a wall, Becky made some dismayed noises at that. Eventually Jenny slows down and the three footsteps following you catch up.


Jenny opens a door and enters, after you've followed her a bit she stops and says "Now, just stand there until you get told otherwise."

You comply and hear Jenny move and sit down somewhere to your left, the others follow her after a bit. You also can hear what sounds like Ruth quietly talking with someone somewhere in front of you.

The door opens again and you hear a new set of people going to the right side of the room and sitting down, you think you hear Nina quietly saying something to someone.

(So many people here, I wonder why.)

Then everything goes quiet.

After a while

"Now student 53, do you hear me?"

"Uh, yes."

"Good, I believe I told you that today would be mainly about getting to know you better, I was mainly talking about what we're going to do now. We're going to ask a bunch of questions from you and you are expected to answer them to the best of your ability."

(I guess I'm sort of being introduced to everyone here, it'll probably be easier to just answer questions others ask instead of me having to come up with something to tell about myself.)

"As Ruth explained we want to get to know you and it's important that we have as much data about your personality and thoughts as possible. With that in mind I want everyone here to take part in asking whatever questions about you that they can think of so that we aren't limited to just what one person thinks of to ask."

"Let's start off with Nina, ask him some question would you and then anyone is free follow that up with other questions. Also I'll be making sure that everyone will ask some questions so if I point at someone no one else should ask anything."

"Uhh, what's your favorite color?" "I kind of like most colors in their own way but I guess green is my favorite."

(I guess Nina didn't have that much time to decide what to ask and just asked the first thing she thought of. We also got interrupted while she was presumably trying to tell me that she isn't still angry or something so that probably made it even harder to think of a question to ask.) "How does liking green manifest in your actions?" "Uhh, I suppose my clothing choices lean more towards green and if I'm asked to pick a color for whatever I'll consider green first." (That was a bit weird way to phrase that question, who talks about things manifesting?)

Silence falls for a bit.

"Oh, mm, what toys do you like to play with?" "As a kid? Legos and occasionally plushies." (Somehow that question coming from Becky doesn't surprise me.)

"Did you get to play with them a lot?" "Yeah, I sometimes could spend nearly all day playing with them."

"Do you still play with them?" "No." "Why not?" "Hmm, I guess it's mainly because I feel like I'm too old to play with them and in general I'm too busy. Or thinking more about it if I were to play with legos it'd be just for my own satisfaction and without anyone to play with or show my creations to or in some other way mattering to anyone else it isn't really as interesting to me anymore."

"Would you like to play with toys if you had someone to play with?" "Maybe." "Awesome." (Who's that? The voice came from the front near Ruth so she probably was here already when I arrived.)

"Do you believe in aliens?" "Kind of, I'm pretty sure they exist in some form." (She's the one that met with Ruth while I was waiting for new clothes, she's sitting on the right.) "Do you think they've visited earth?" "No." "What about ghosts do you think they exist?" "Probably not." (Does she believe in aliens and ghosts or why is she asking about them?)

"Hey, do you like candy?" "Yeah"

"Awesome, what's your favorite one?" "Hmm, I don't really have one, anything that isn't too hard or too sweet is pretty good to me."

"Humph, how can someone not have a favorite candy?" "Uhh, I just don't have one."

"Idiot, I wasn't actually expecting you to answer."

(I knew that and answered just in case you know. Anyway calling me idiot for that seems kind of childish and rude.)

You hear nothing for a bit.

(I feel like it'd have been silly to start arguing about how unwarranted calling me an idiot was.)

"Uhh... I'm sorry for calling you an idiot, you're really awesome, cute and super smart!" (Huh? Why is she apologizing? Also she's going so overboard with the praise that it feels super fake.) "Uhm, it's fine I guess."

"How often do you exercise?" "Few times a week."

"What kind of exercise do you do" "Mostly I go for a walk or run, oh yeah I also sometimes travel to places I need to go by bicycle." (There's also bunch of normal day to day stuff that could count as exercise but they aren't something I do for the sake of exercising so not worth bringing up.)

"Do you enjoy standing there with so many women staring at you and burning with curiosity?" "Eh... Umm... I don't hate it but I haven't really thought about it." (She's also to my right near the aliens and ghosts lady. She sounds like she is amused, I'm guessing she's just trying to make me feel embarrassed... She's kind of succeeding at that... I'm sure she was exaggerating when talking about everyone burning with curiosity.)

"Mmm. Well you should... Think about it I mean, still what are some things that you enjoy, or as you put it don't hate, about life in general?"

"Hmm... good food," (The lasagna and pudding I ate earlier were great.) "being with people I like," (In a way despite Anna not being here I kind of feel like I'm closer to her here than I'd be at home where I'd be free to text or call her.) "learning new things." (Presumably some of that will happen here.)

(There's of course sexual stuff and some other things that I enjoy but I think what I've listed is enough to answer her question.)

"Lovely, I'm sure there are many who'd be dying to fulfill those wishes and perhaps even teach you new things to enjoy." (Uhh, they weren't wishes exactly and again she seems to be teasing me... Maybe she's also trying to embarrass everyone else in the room too.)

Silence continues for a while.

(Is Ruth pointing at someone who can't think of a question?)

Someone to your left eventually speaks.

"...Uhh umm... are you angry?"

"No? Should I be?" (She sounds super shy, could she be the Lucy who was mentioned earlier?)

"...Ah, no, not at all... It's good to not be angry..." (I hope I didn't scare her by being confused by her question, I should be more careful when answering her questions.)

Silence falls again.

(Should I say something? Something like "Sorry for asking if I should be angry?")

"Uhm, sorry for... uh making things awkward?" "Don't worry about it, how well do you keep your things organized?" "Pretty well, I enjoy sorting my stuff and figuring out what'd be the best place to keep each item."

(Though I'm also perfectly happy to have things looking messy as long as I roughly know where everything is and things are relatively clean without food scraps or such around.)

"Do you have any pets?" "No."

"Would you want one?" "Not sure, I suppose having one could be nice." (I wonder if Nina or Becky have any pets.)

"Would you rather have a cat or a dog?" "Dog probably." (Cats are nice too but dogs seem easier to understand and relate to.)

"What's your favorite animal overall?" "Not sure, wolves are pretty cool."

"What was your last dream about?"

"It was about..." (It was about Anna and this course wasn't it? Oh right, I wasn't supposed to mention Anna by name.) "The girl who brought me here and this course."

"Do you like being pretty?" "Uhh, I don't hate it but it's not really a thing I care about."

"D-Do you like books?" "Yes, a lot, I can easily spend all day reading if I'm not careful." "T-That's great... I like them too."

(Good, seems like answering clearly was easier for her to handle.)

"Do you read often?" "Probably, less than I used to."

"D-Do you dislike ninjas?" "Huh, no? They're seen as cool if anything by most people aren't they?"

"How's your sense of humour?" "Uhh, I have one? I'm not sure, I like hearing some jokes and I do like making people smile but I don't really tell jokes or such."

"Are you a nice person?" "I'd like to think so, yes."

"D-Do you like talking about yourself?" "Kind of, it can be a bit embarrassing depending on situation " (such as this one,) "but usually yes."

"Ah, umm... S-Sorry."

(Crap, she must've realized I was thinking that this situation was embarrassing.) "Uhh, like I said, I do like talking about myself so nothing for you to be sorry about."

"Th-That's great, s-sorry for..."

"He said it's fine, just ask a question won't you?"

"Umm, d-do you like girls?" "Yes, I do."

"Are you an honest person?" "In general I'd like to think so though it's not something I go out of my way to be and I do lie and such in some situations."

"What was the last lie you told?" (Hmm... I can't really remember, I suppose when Ruth was checking my application papers I was somewhat dishonest by just confirming everything that they said but I'm not sure if that counts as a lie and explaining it seems annoying to do... Oh wait I was hungry this morning but I said I wasn't due to eating a lot last night.) "That I wasn't hungry this morning."

"W-why?" "The person that brought me here had arrived and I wanted to convince her to eat as much as she wanted."

"How long do you sleep normally?" "Eight to nine hours."

"What position do you sleep in?" "Either on my back or on my side."

"Do you ever have trouble falling asleep?" "Sometimes I get too excited about some idea that I keep thinking about it instead of falling asleep."

"Do you snore?" "Not that I know of."

"What kind of bed do you have?" "Normal one? It has a mattress, bedsheets, blankets and a pillow."

"Do you like naps?" "I guess, I'm not very good at taking them though, getting calm and sleepy enough for it to count while also stopping before I fully fall sleep can be tricky so I rarely bother."

"How often do you take baths?"

"Never really, I've never lived in a place with a bathtub."

"Ah, umm, h-how often do you take showers then?" "Everyday unless I'm staying at home without seeing or doing much of anything."

"Do you have a bathrobe?" "Yes"

"Do you use it after taking a shower?" "Yes" (Her questions are a bit weird but I'm glad she at least doesn't seem as afraid to ask them anymore.)

"How often do you, umm, poop?" "Uh..." (That question is a bit... Still might as well answer it if she wants to know.) "I'm not sure it's not something I've paid attention to, at least once a week I'd say but probably more."

"How do you wipe your butt?" "Hmm, well, let's see, while sitting I fold two or three pieces of toilet paper to be the size of one and then push that against my butthole and then I fold it, I repeat that three or four times after that I stand up and continue wiping my butt until I'm clean."

"When was the last time you farted?" "No idea, at least I don't remember doing so today or yesterday."

"Do you like smells?" (What does she mean? Do I like having a sense of smell?) "I guess, it depends on the smell a lot."

"What's your favorite one?"

(Hmm, I've started to like smell of Anna's sweat but that's probably just from things I associate with it, other than that it'd have to be smell of some food that I like though hard to say which one would be my favorite.) "Not sure, there are all kinds of foods that smell great but I can't really pick any single one as my favorite one."

"Least favorite one?"

"Uhh, poop though some strong perfumes come close."

"I'm sorry to interrupt."

"As interesting as these questions are I'm afraid that we should start wrapping things up, anyone who still has questions they'd like to ask from him can stay behind after we're done here, first Nina please take 53 to the room next door and come back." Someone stands up, walks up to you and takes your hand.

"Well then, let's go."

Nina leads you out of the room. You can vaguely hear Ruth beginning to speak but can't make out what exactly she's saying.