Day1m Meetings and More Questions
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You're led to another room.

She quietly leads you to a spot turns you around and makes you sit on a sofa you discover underneath you, then she stops and stands in front of you without saying anything for a bit before somewhat hesitantly saying "Uhh, well done answering all of those questions, you were great..."

(They were surprisingly exhausting to answer, I'm glad she thinks I did well but seems like there's something else she wants to say.)

Before you can respond she suddenly says "Anyway! About what Becky said earlier, you being stressed out about how angry I was and if I'm still angry at you." (Oh yeah, that was a thing, it was more like something I was curious about but we did get interrupted before she could talk about it so I'll just listen for now.)

"First of all, I'm sorry. I should have handled that better."

"It's fine, really."

" Cool but I still should explain it properly, the thing is that I try to avoid acting in an overtly bossy way since most people seem to dislike it when I do that."

"So back then after the sudden need to clean up the spilled milk and your refusal to do as told caused me to default to being stricter than I like to be I became angry at both myself and at you and then while cleaning you up I recalled you saying you didn't need to be taken care of as much so still being kind of angry at the whole situation I thought I'd punish you a little by making you prove that you'd be fine even if you were left alone but as soon as we left I started regretting it and quickly agreed to ask Ruth to check in on you."

(That does explain things, now I should probably just reassure her that it was fine.)

"I see so that's what happened, for what it's worth I wouldn't dislike you for acting bossy so feel free to act as bossy as you like with me."

"Thanks, I just might, anyway I'm glad we sorted this out... Heh, and I was the one acting all wise and telling you that you should take care of things like this early before they cause too many issues but ended up needing you and Becky to do that with me. I guess you did follow my advice so I should be happy, well done I guess."

She pats your head.


"But yeah, I should get going... You're once again going to have to deal with being left alone, sorry about that. I should be back soon, with Becky and anyone interested in asking more questions from you. Try to take it easy, relax and think happy thoughts or something until I get back."

"Alright." She leaves.

(Now what? Since the questions aren't necessarily over yet I suppose just relaxing while I can like Nina suggested would be the best option.)

You decide to focus on just taking slow and deep breaths while counting them.


You make it to around 150 before opening of the door interrupts you.

"Hey there." (Oh, it's not Nina? It's that person who asked about candies, being pretty and farting.)

"I just wanted to say that I'm really happy you're taking this course, you'll learn a lot here, it'll be great." (That's nice to hear.)

"Also I'm sorry for calling you idiot, I was just disappointed to not know what sort of candy to get for you when you pass the course and we hand you to the person who brought you here." (I guess she had an actual reason to ask about my candy preferences. But hmm, that does make me wonder, does her being one to decide on what kind of candy to get for me and Anna tell me anything interesting? Not sure, she might be in charge of graduation gifts or whatever you'd call them or it might be that giving candy is something she does on her own just because.)

"Uh, that's alright, and sorry for not being more helpful, any kind of chocolate would probably be fine with both me and Anna."

(Oh wait, I accidentally used Anna's name.)

"Right, that's a great idea, thanks. That was all I came here to say, make sure to pay attention during classes and all that, bye for now."

(I suppose it isn't really a big deal, anyway, she, whoever she is, seems nice even if a bit childish.)

Not long after and the door opens again and you hear multiple people moving. (Surely now it's Nina and Becky, )

"Hey, we're back now."

Someone rushes to your side and sits down next to you and after seemingly not knowing what to do for a bit settles for hugging you from the side. Based on the clothing and breasts you feel on your arm you assume she's Becky.

Nina soon sits down on your other side and just holds your hand.

"Sorry it took so long, I hope it wasn't too unpleasant to be all alone here for so long."

"Not at all, I was perfectly fine, getting to just relax for a bit was great." (It's probably better if I don't bother to mention that someone else came by before they got here.)

"Mmm, you're very brave! But still I'm sorry I couldn't come and stay with you."

"Enough about that, we're here now aren't we?"

"That's right, so don't worry, you can relax."

"Alright, so what did you do while I was just lazing around here?"

Becky releases her hug and switches to just holding your hand.

"We mainly just talked about your lesson schedule and such."

"Oh, I assume that's all stuff I'll be explained as needed to avoid spoilers?"

"Yeah but it's nothing you should worry about, just know that everyone's surely doing their best for you."

"That's good to hear."

"So how was it, being questioned by everyone?"

"Surprisingly exhausting but kind of nice, would have been worse if I had been forced to think about what to tell about myself on my own, just answering direct questions made it simpler in a way."

"What did you think about the questions being asked? Any you thought were interesting?"

"The one about playing with toys was interesting since the answer I gave was something I hadn't really thought of before then." (Hmm, I'm kind of curious about the person who came by just now to say sorry and how great me taking this course is. Not sure if just asking who was she would be good.) "Also the person who didn't like me not having a favorite candy was kind of... interesting."

"That's right! When she called you an idiot and made you sad I was so disappointed, even though she was the one who... anyway, I expected much more from her but at least she apologized for it." (Interesting, also I guess while I was trying to decide if arguing with her would be worth it I ended up looking like I was sad.)

"Up for some more questions?"

"Oh, uh, sure." (Right, did someone stay behind to ask more questions? Since no one mentioned it so far I kind of assumed no.)

"Lucy, you heard him, ask away!"

"Ah, u-umm... is it ok?" (Oh, it's her and she's indeed Lucy, also didn't even realize she was here.)

"Yeah, ask away."

"Uh, mm... umm, sorry, I... I-I can't do it..."

"Oh, sorry for putting you in the spot like that, there's no hurry, you can stay with us as long as you like and ask stuff whenever you feel like it."


No one says anything for a bit.

(Well, this is embarrassing... I guess while we're just sitting here I might as well ask some questions of my own.)

"Uhh, right, I was asked about pets and animals and started wondering, what about you, do any of you have pets or just animals that you like?"

"My family has both cats and dogs but they aren't really mine and after moving out I don't see them that often."

"Uh, I don't have any but I kind of like birds."

"... I like bunnies..."

"Hmm, so Nina, that means you live on your own?"

"Yeah, it was starting to get pretty crowded at home so when my aunt mentioned having an apartment I could rent I jumped at the chance."

"So you have lots of siblings or what?"

"Yeah, four brothers and one sister."

"What about you Becky?"

"Ah, I don't have any siblings and live on my own."

(Hmm since Lucy did answer the last question asking her to answer this one too is probably fine and not doing so would feel rude.)

"I see, then, Lucy, if you don't mind me asking, do you have any siblings?"

"O-One older brother."

"I kind of wish I had siblings, I'm also an only child like Becky."

(Come to think of it, I'm not sure if Anna has any, she mentioned not getting along with her parents so I never felt like asking about it.)

"Aww, well, if you want to you can think of me as your big sister, I wouldn't mind having one more sibling, especially one as cute as you."

"Oh, umm... I don't know what to say."

"Hold on, umm... I'll be your big sister too! ... If that's ok..."

"Hah, that's great, what about you Lucy, are you interested in being his sister too?"

"Eh? Oh... I... I... I d-don't know..."

"Alright, so what do you say? Okay with me and Becky becoming your big sisters?" (This is kind of sudden and I have no idea how serious they are about it but both of them have been very nice so far and it'd be kind of nice to consider them my sisters.)

"Ah, umm... I guess?"

"And Becky, are you sure about this?"

"I'm sure!"

"Awesome, Lilfive, is it ok if I call you that?"

You nod

"Good, we should take some pictures to celebrate our new relationship. Lucy mind taking them for us?"

"Eh! I-I don't have a c-camera."

"Oh, then just use my phone, "

You hear Lucy walk closer and feel Nina move to hand her phone to her.

"here... you just aim this and press that to take a picture."

"Ah... Okay."

Lucy says in a very quiet voice you can barely hear despite how close she is. She then moves away.


You nod even if you aren't sure who she's asking.

"Good, let's smile and make v signs with our hands."

Your hands get released and you raise your hands to do as asked and feel both of them doing it too.

You hear the recorded shutter sound play out a few times as you slightly move around and change your expression. Nina and Becky lower their hands so you follow suit.

Nina stands up and moves toward Lucy while Becky decides to stay next to you.

"Ooh, these are great! Aren't they?"

"Yeah, can you send them to me?"

"Of course."

"Mm, thanks."

"Sure, you did great." Nina responds to something you didn't hear.

" So, Lil-5 you mentioned you've never taken a bath, how about we correct that right away?"

"Now? Umm, I'd rather not."

(Lucy's here for one and somehow I feel like I wouldn't be allowed to do it by myself and if so just because we've decided to act as siblings doesn't mean I wouldn't get aroused from them helping me bathe or whatever it is that would happen.)


"Alright, maybe later, besides we don't even have a bathrobe for you to wear, he said he liked to wear one right?"

"Ah?... Y-Yes! He did." (Right, I wonder why she even asked about something like that but hmm, should I ask that?)

"Umm, do you design bathrobes or why were you asking about if I have and wear one?"

"Eh!... Uhmm... N-No... I have one... But mm... I was curious if you used one." (I still have no idea why she'd be curious about that but oh well.)

"I see, is there anything else you're curious about?" (This seems like a good chance to get her back into asking me questions.)

"Ah!... Uhm, d-do you use pyjamas when you sleep?"

"Kind of, there are certain clothes I mainly wear to sleep in but I don't have anything that'd be sold as pyjamas."

"W-Why not?"

"Hmm... I guess buying clothes just for sleeping in has seemed silly to me which is kind of dumb since I use normal clothes I've bought for "non-silly" reasons just for that, I guess I thought that since I could wear them basically anytime if necessary it's somehow better. So yeah, not a very good reason."

"That's okay, I'm sure we can find you some nice pyjamas for you to sleep in!" (I didn't say I wanted to wear them but I'm not against the idea so whatever.)

"Awesome, I look forward to that." (And I actually am somewhat, people wouldn't like wearing them for no reason so I expect to like them too.)

"Umm... Y-You are a boy, right?"


"D-Do you like plushies?"

"Hmm, yes but only certain types, there are some that don't feel very nice to touch and some are too rigid and have just one pose that they are meant to be in. Or at least those were my criteria for them the last time I seriously thought about them."

Your stomach grumbles. (Right, feels like the food I ate earlier mainly reminded my body that I should eat more.)

"I'm kind of hungry, didn't really notice it."

"Oh! We'll have food soon but maybe I could go get something for you ahead of the time."


"It's no trouble really."

She leaves.

"Oh yeah, before we eat, do you need to use the bathroom." (Yeah... Or wait, what would going to the bathroom look like here? Removing my helmet probably isn't an option so someone would have to help me with it in some way...)

"Nah, I can hold it in."

"Are you sure?"


(Or wait, she's asking now while Becky's away... I'll have to go to bathroom at some point and so would I rather receive help from Becky or Nina when I do go? Nina seems like a safer bet in various ways though with Becky I could probably pretend it isn't weird more easily.)

This chapter was pretty fun to write, it didn't exactly go as I thought it would but overall I like how it turned out.