Day1t Toilet Time
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"Do you need to pee or poo?" (Alright, I really don't want what happened last time to happen again but how do I actually avoid that? I don't actually need to go that badly, it's at a level where I could probably pee if I tried to for a while. Insisting that I don't need to go doesn't feel like it'd work. Is there any way I could get help in a way that wouldn't arouse me? I don't think so. So I'd need to somehow convince her that I can do it on my own in a way that doesn't make a mess. What options are there for that? )

"I need to pee but..."

"Uhh..." (I hope this'll work.) "I'd really really like to take care of it mostly on my own and if I had a bottle I could pee into I think I could manage it. Could you please help me do that?"

"Oh... That's..."

"If there isn't a bottle or such that you can find now I'm sure I can hold on until tomorrow at least."

"Alright, I'll see if I can find something."

"Thank you!" (Yes! No woman is going to be touching my penis as I pee this time!)

"Keep him company while I have a look."


You hear the door open and close as she leaves. (Hmm... What now...)

(Just me and Lucy, is this the first time it's just her with me? Maybe, or wait before I ran on the treadmill there was moment when Ruth still hadn't arrived but Becky had already gone off and there was also Nina peeing, she was still in earshot but she sort of left us alone while doing that but other than that I think someone's always been with us.)

(Why am I paying to us being alone now anyway? I guess it's just that it feels different so I'm trying to figure out how I should behave in this new situation.)

"Hmm... Oh, if you need to go you could do that while we wait."

"Ah, I-I-I'm k-keeping you company."

"Yeah but it seems like a waste to just stand here waiting without saying or doing anything, besides you can keep me company while doing your business."

"O-Oh... Yeah, alright." she says and for a while you hear nothing.

"Hmmh... H-H-Hold this." She places something soft in your hands, some sort of folded stack of cloth. (What's this? It feels like a big towel or something? Maybe she brought one with her to dry her hair or something.)

You feel it around a bit more without disturbing it. (Oh! It's a bathrobe, the material is different than mine... Does this mean she isn't wearing anything right now? Oh my... Well she probably wasn't wearing anything in the bath either but still...)

After another while of silence she says from somewhat far away "Umm, did you not like it when Nina helped you pee? You said it was great."

(Huh? She's bringing up that now. Oh god, how do I explain it...) "Oh, umm, it was great but it was also very embarrassing and uhh... calming down took a while and while Becky probably would be able to handle it I'd feel bad about making her touch my thing so much."

"And there's also the risk of it drying up from being exposed to air too long and starting to hurt." (I doubt that'd actually happen again or so easily but anyway I hope all that sounds like a sufficient explanation.)

"Hmm... so that's why..."

You begin to hear a stream of liquid shooting out and hitting a toilet. After a while it stops and soon after you hear flushing of a toilet, you think there's a slightly different smell in the air now.

You feel a pair of hands take the bathrobe you're holding, move away a bit and put on the robe.

(Alright, she's done peeing... and putting her bathrobe back on... Now what?) You stand around in silence for a while.

The door opens and you hear Becky say "I'm back, I hope he behaved alright while I was away."

"Yeah, he did make me pee but other than that he was good and I properly kept him company." (Ah, I guess that's one way to put it.)


"Uh, yeah, I figured she might as well while we wait..."

"I see..." (Quick, say something that'll make her understand it wasn't anything weird.)

"I helped hold her bathrobe while she did that!" (Yeah, I'm not sure that's helpful. I suppose it does sort of clarify that I wasn't doing anything else while she was peeing.)

"That's great, I got you the bottle that you wanted."

"Ah good."

She places a largeish glass bottle into your hands.

"So, ready to pee?"

"Uhh, I still kind of want to be somewhat alone when I do it."

"Oh, I know, you can use this old shower cabin. That way even if you mess up a little it shouldn't be a problem!"

"Oh, alright."

She leads you to the said location and once you've gotten in she slides the door closed behind you.

"Uhm... Alright... Just yell if you need anything... I'll also go pee so take your time..."

"Ok." (Whew, I somehow made it. I'm basically alone, now I just need to pee into this bottle.)

You face the away from the door and carefully position the bottle at the tip of your penis. You can hear Becky starting to pee and after hearing that you end up peeing too.

You're careful to ensure it all gets into the bottle.

Once you're done you wonder (Now what? The bottle didn't come with a cap, do I just place it on the ground or bring it to Becky or Lucy for them to deal with it or what? It might tip over if I left it so bring it with me it is.)

You slide open the shower door and step out, bottle of pee in hand.

"You're done, good. Give me a second."

You hear flushing of a toilet and feel her come closer.

"I'll take care of that don't you worry."

She takes the bottle from your hand and soon after you hear her pour it out, flush a toilet and fill the bottle with water before emptying it again.

"Finally we should wash our hands."

She guides you to a sink and helps you wash your hands while doing so herself. You hear Lucy also wash her hands.

"Now that we're all done washing our hands let's get out of this bathroom at least."

She takes your hand and leads you out to another room.

"Alright, I guess we should change out of these bathrobes now. In retrospect maybe we should have done that before going to a bathroom." (I guess, it didn't bother me but I can imagine sitting down on a toilet while wearing bathrobe would be slightly annoying if you didn't want it touching too much of the toilet.)

"It's getting close to bedtime so you'll get to wear pyjamas now." (Oh another new experience I suppose. I hope I'll like them.)

"Let's start with the bottom and then after removing your bathrobe we'll do the top part." (Good, that sounds decent.)

She approaches, kneels down, grabs your leg, raises it a bit, pulls it through a pant of a pyjama, does the same with other leg and then starts lifting the pyjama pants up your legs. You make sure the bathrobe still covers your front as her hands raise up to your waist bringing the pants there along with them.

"There, now let me take your bathrobe." You cooperate. (Oh wait, I didn't get any underwear, did she forget or what? Should I ask that? Or hmm, are pyjamas considered underwear? I suppose they could be, so for now I guess I'll trust her to know what to do and not showcase my ignorance about pyjamas.)

With the robe removed she makes you hold your arms up as she pulls a long sleeved pyjama top on you. She finishes off by buttoning up some buttons in front of the neck part.

"Alright, all dressed up. It's not a bad fit is it?"

"No, it's bit loose but I assume that's somewhat intended."

"Yeah, comfy isn't it?"

You take a moment to feel the fabric and how it hugs your body and find it soft and enjoyable. "Yeah."

"Great, I must say it looks nice on you."

"Oh, that's nice to hear." (I wonder what kind of appearance the pyjama has.)

"I l-l-like it too."

"We should get dresses ourselves now. Too bad we'll have to dress like we were as we still need to go home after this." (Right, I guess I'll be left alone to sleep somewhere in this this large building... It'll be fine, probably.)

"So, just sit tight for a bit." She directs you to a place to sit and moves away. Seemingly going back to the room you got undressed in. (Presumably Lucy also went with her to get dressed. I suppose with probably just a door between us she's close enough to not consider this being left alone.

You hear footsteps of both Lucy and Becky as they return, wearing shoes again. (I'm still barefoot come to think of it. I hope they keep that in mind and don't take me anywhere where walking barefoot would be unpleasant. Having them somehow step on my feet would be bad too but I doubt that'd happen.)

"And now, it's finally time to bring you to your room. Shall we?" (Oh, I get my own room? That's good I suppose, having to share one with other students could've been... either annoying or nice, depending on what kind of people they'd be.)

She and Lucy take both of your hands and start leading you somewhere, the floor at your feet feels clean and cold. (Curious, so far Lucy hasn't been that involved with leading me from place to place but now for some reason she's doing that, not complaining but I wonder why, did Becky suggest she to do that while they got dressed or what?)

After a short walk they slow down. "It's on 2nd floor so we need to go up stairs. We'll help you so it should be fine." The two carefully help you slowly walk up some stairs. After walking a while longer you seemingly reach you room. The door to the room opened quietly, the floor is covered in carpet.

After a few steps as the two around you stop and you catch up to their position your feet bump into something, a smooth and light feeling wall of some sort. Your hands are released and instead you are made to turn around and sit down. You discover that above the wall around your knee height there is a soft mattress that you're now sitting on.

Lucy sits down very closely next to you on the left.

Becky opens something to your right, takes out something, places it in your hands and says "There, some blankets and pillows, make yourself comfortable." she then goes over and sits on what sounds like a desk of some sort. As she said you've got a stack of blankets and pillows on your lap.

"Thanks, I take it this is my bed then?"


You move the stack to your right and start feeling around the bed to figure out what it's like. As you do that you realize part of the reason why Lucy sat so close is that there isn't that much room around you, there are smooth walls on all sides except the one you came in from. The mattress is basically square shaped, long enough to have both your butt and head on it in any direction when laying down but not long enough to also have your legs straight.

Simple paint drawing of the bed without a mattress or anything.

Roughly how the bed is shaped.


"It's kind of small."

"Yeah, all of the beds here are like that, not sure why."

"Oh, alright." (Shouldn't be too much of an issue I can just curl up my legs a bit.)

You proceed to moving the blankets and pillows around to make it so you can comfortably lie back a little while sitting next to Lucy and keeping your feet on the floor.

(Hmm, should I give some to Lucy to sit more comfortably? I suppose.) You hand her a blanket.

"For you, in case you need it to sit more comfortably or something."

"Thanks." She takes it and based on what you hear it sounds like she turns towards you and lies back against the wall of the bed.

"Alright, one last task for you before it's time to tuck you in. Making a report about today. As Ruth said I'll help you with it today."

You then hear the sound of a computer turning on from where Becky is sitting at.

Initially I wasn't really planning to map out in detail where everything in the building is but when I wanted to figure out some details about the layout for this chapter I ended up doing just that and I'm glad I did, for some scenes it helps a bunch even if most of the time it's pretty irrelevant.