Prologue, chapter 4!
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So, as it turns out I am very special, one of a damned kind actually. I am the only person on this whole damn planet that has no magic at all. 

It’s been half a year since I was brought into town to have my mana tested, though I never expected it to end in me being labeled some kind of abomination. Apparently only one thing in this world can register an absolute zero for a mana reading, undead. Since they aren’t living, they have no need to circulate mana through their system and as such can't use magic of any kind, though they are normally shambling mindless creatures; which I clearly am not. It was clear that’s what the man in white thought I was. 

Thankfully dad was there to keep things from getting out of hand though… that’s the last time he has looked at me. It’s…. It’s been a rough few months. Father and mother both avoid me now, though if I come to them with a question, they answer; but it’s obvious in the way they don’t look directly at me how they feel. Brother Jonathan has gone to school, but I doubt it would be any different if he was here, Edwin doesn’t even acknowledge me; I have given up talking to him since it’s always the same.

The maids still treat me kindly… Well Riley does at least. She’s apparently been put in charge of keeping me alive since I don’t ever see the other two anymore. I’m telling myself they are busy with my sister, but I know that’s not the case. 

But it's fine! I lived my last life perfectly fine without magic! I… I don’t need it now. I can do lots of stuff without mana! I mean I’m the smartest damn seven-year-old alive, I can read and speak fluently, do complex arithmetic, and… I just wanted magic. To fly like dad, or grow flowers like mom. 

It’s all that damn demon’s fault! What was the point of its stupid upgrades if I can’t use magic! Why even send me here if I’m just going to be a weak little girl! 

It’s the same, no matter where I go. Just like my last life, the middle child of a middle class family. Never as great as my brother, or as smart as my sister… just me. Always there in the background, an afterthought. Do… do they even miss me?