Prologue, chapter 9!
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Rineheart himself escorted me to the ball, though I guess that was to be expected. Gabriella probably couldn’t even look at me and Jonathan, who as my older brother should have been the one bringing me, was just as likely to leave me if he was my guardian.

Thankfully Rineheart was a busy man and spent most of his time flying around the carriage instead of inside of it. The few times we were forced to be around one another he made no attempts at conversation as I busied myself sketching out enchantments in a small leather-bound book Riley had gotten me.  

In fact, in the entire four-day trip he only asked me a single question, “have you been keeping up with you educate lessons?” Though it was clear once I looked up, he was directing it at Riley instead of me.

“Of course,” I replied despite the fact he was still looking at Riley who was starting to shift uncomfortably in her seat. “Less you forgot, I am the daughter of a noble house.”

He apparently didn’t think that dignified a response, just a derisive snort before he again left us alone in the carriage.

“You shouldn’t antagonize him, Emilla.” Riley whispered once he left, and just as he had I snorted and went back to my drawing. 

Unlike my father however, his butler was an… opinionated man. More than once I had to shoo him away from Riley who in his mind was “failing to teach me how to be a proper lady”.  I considered more than once putting a stone shot into the man’s spine just to shut him up as he rambled about proper dress and educate. Apparently, I had been somewhat mistaken that this world lacked sexism, at least a little. 

  As a “proper young lady” I was apparently expected to be dressed only in dresses and sit a certain way. Always be prim and proper, I swear if this man mutters I “should be seen not heard” I’ll sting him up and drag him behind the cart.

First, we are traveling. Who in their right mind where’s a dress while traveling! Well Riley does but she can have a pass. Second, I’m in an enclosed carriage where no one can see me, what’s it matter if I sit properly? I could be doing naked yoga in here and no one would be any the wiser! 

And finally, “Tell your damn butler to leave Riley alone.” I hissed as my “father” entered the carriage again.

My tone apparently caught him off guard as he looked at me with wide steely gray eyes. “Excuse me?”

“You heard me,” I jabbed a finger behind him towards the elderly man behind him, “leave. Riley. Alone. She’s doing a fine job without him breathing down her neck every chance he gets.”

Reinhart’s expression hardened as he looked between me and a very flustered Riley. Clearly expecting that to make me back down; Again, his eyes widened in shock as stood up to face him. “Or I will.”

“Lady Emilla,” Riley pleaded from beside me. 

Reinhart took a deep breath before shaking his head, “you heard her Leon, leave the girl alone.” And with that he stepped back out of the carriage leaving me and Riley alone for the last leg of the journey.


The capital was… well a city. Crowded and far too loud, though riding in a lord’s carriage had its perks as the street quite letterly parted as we made our way to the castle. Apparently, it wasn’t any kind of grave insult that we were the last to arrive, only a day before the ball itself. Though I'm guessing we should have tried to get here sooner for tea parties and the like. 

I guess it was customary for guests to show up a few days earlier and “explore” the city and attend smaller meetings with the other nobles before the ball. Not that I cared much for any of that, I am sure they are just looking for an excuse to get in with my family and once they learn how big of a disgrace I am, they will want nothing to do with me either. 

And minus the painfully annoying rush dress fitting, where I was politely reminded several times that I should try and arrive earlier in the future, so the tailors have more time. The room I was left in was… nice at least.

I’m sure it’s because of my family's standing in the kingdom, but hey I won’t argue with a cozy king sized bed and a private bath! If I wasn’t dreading the actual ball tomorrow it would have been a nice little vacation.

Well, that and Riley fussing over me.

“Again, Riley, I am sure it will be fine. I’ll just go, smile and wave at some people and dip out. No one will even notice me.” I assured her as she brushed my long silver hair, “It’s really getting long, I should cut it, shouldn’t I?” Since I rarely wear it down, I often forget exactly how much hair I have.

“You can’t.” Riley said defensively holding onto a lock of my hair, “I mean. If that is what you want, Lady Emilia, but I do believe that long hair is in style for young ladies at the moment.” She blushed as she continued to comb it.

I couldn’t help the giggle that escaped me, “fine, fine. besides, I would hate to stand out anymore than I already do.” I said with a wry smile. “But really, I’m sure it will be fine if I just pop in and pop out. I can even claim some bull shit about duties or something. Oh, maybe lady troubles, that always works, doesn’t it?”

I wasn’t expecting the sharp tap on the top of my head that caused me to wince, “first of all, a young lady should never speak of her “lady troubles” in public.” She chastised, “secondly please watch your language while inside the royal castle Emillia, you don’t want people thinking you are some kind of hooligan, do you?”

Rubbing my head I replied, “I’m one step away from being disowned by my family, what do I care if people think I’m a hooligan? I’m sure Reinhart and Gabriella only keep me around to save face now…”

Yep… Still hurts. At least I didn’t tear up this time. It really is getting easier with time. Good that will make it all the better once they decide they are done with me. “You shouldn’t speak like that either Emilla.” Riley said softly, hugging me from behind. “Your parents… just don’t know what to do with you yet. I’m sure if you just give it a little more time, they will see just how amazing you are.”

Shit, there are tears again. I thought it was getting easier. “If you say so.” To my credit my voice only cracked a little as I wiped my eyes. “Stay with me tonight?” I asked, holding onto her arm. It wasn’t uncommon for young girls to sleep with their maids… for comfort. Besides I really didn’t trust some of the men here with how they looked at her. A young beautiful commoner like her could get into a lot of trouble if the wrong people found her.

“You’re getting too old to be afraid of the dark, Emilla.” She chuckled.

“What can I say, I’m a big baby in an unfamiliar bed. It’s so big I might get lost, then what will a scared little echo like me do without you by my side?” I asked knowing my flirting was… well bad. Not that anything would happen between me and Riley! It's just fun to tease her sometimes, and besides I’m still stuck in the body of a 12-year-old… maybe in six years or so, but that’s for later, for now I really did just like having her by my side. She was comforting in a way that no one else was, a real family member. 

“Fine,” she sighed, “it will be easier to be sure you are awake at a proper time that way anyway, now, off to bed with us.” She said, lifting me from the chair and bringing me to the bed. For such a dainty woman she’s surprisingly strong, just how much physical work goes into being a maid?