Chapter 72 – One Hand Empty
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Medrauta was on the verge of losing.

For the first time since she’d arrived at Avalyne Academy, it appeared as though the silver-haired knight would finally suffer her first loss in a duel.

Leticia pressed the attack relentlessly, raining blow after blow on her opponent with such ferocity that sparks flew from their blades whenever they met. While her rapid assault was gradually beginning to tire her against the slowly-breaking wall of Medrauta’s ironclad defense, it was clear that she would be the victor in this battle of attrition.

Uninjured, Leticia was hampered by nothing more than her stamina while Medrauta had to contend with the still-bleeding wound that she had suffered earlier in the duel.

I can do this...! I can win! Leticia thought as she continued to press the attack, her strikes crashing down with even more force as she burned through the energy that surged from the depths of her body. The light in Medrauta’s eyes seemed to dim as her attacks smashed against Medrauta’s hasty parries, the silver-haired knight’s seemingly exhausted countenance encouraging Leticia’s aggression even more.

Contrary to what Leticia believed though, Medrauta’s attention waned not from fatigue, but from contemplation. Despite Leticia’s endless stream of attacks that assailed her from every angle, Medrauta simply couldn’t concentrate on the fight. Instead, she allowed her muscle memory and combat experience to automatically take over her body while she mulled over the question that continued to echo in her head.

What the hell kind of question was that, Leticia? I mean... I’m Medrauta, aren’t I? Medrauta’s brow only creased further as she tried to understand the true meaning behind Leticia’s words. It’s not as if I’d suddenly become a different person. I’m just the same person I’ve always—

The sound of colliding steel rang in Medrauta’s ears as her eyes widened, staring at the black-haired knight that had been so desperately trying to break through her defense. Medrauta had not yet launched a single counterattack as her body absentmindedly focused solely on defense, yet Leticia’s breaths now came heavy and ragged.

Perspiration dripped from Leticia’s body and pooled beneath her feet. She stared at Medrauta in utter confusion. Her sword felt heavy in her hands, and her entire body ached from the effort of mounting such an incessant attack, but unlike before, her blade hadn’t reached Medrauta even once.

W-What the hell...? I was winning! I was clearly winning! Leticia grit her teeth as she retreated. Though she leapt away with great alacrity for fear of Medrauta taking advantage of Leticia’s exhaustion and launching a counterattack, the silver-haired knight didn’t follow.

Medrauta simply stood in place. Though her eyes were pointed in Leticia’s direction, it didn’t seem like she was really looking at her opponent at all. Instead, her normally bright blue eyes seemed dull and hazy as if she were staring through Leticia and gazing at something that no one else could see.

“...You can’t hit me, Leticia.”


“...That’s right. Since when could your blade touch me...?” Medrauta murmured, her gaze still piercing through Leticia. Despite the words she spoke, there was no arrogance in her tone. Just pure contemplation.

“W-What the hell do you mean by that, Medrauta...? Are you looking down on me!?”

Medrauta paid Leticia’s question no heed. “...Who am I, huh? The answer should be easy, and yet...” Her voice trailed off as she touched a hand to the wound in her side. The wound stung as the cold steel of Medrauta’s gauntlets brushed against its edges, smearing the metal with blood.

Earlier, Leticia’s blade had pierced her so easily, but now Medrauta was wondering why she had come out unscathed from that nonstop flurry of attacks despite having been so distracted.

There’s no use thinking about it... I’ll just have to find out for myself.

She focused her attention to the present, regarding Leticia with newfound interest. “Come at me, Leticia. It’s the only way I’ll be able to answer your question.”

Damn it... It feels like she’s become a completely different person again... Leticia grit her teeth. She had no other choice. With a roar, Leticia launched herself forward at Medrauta, her blade swinging in a vicious arc that would have beheaded Medrauta had the silver-haired knight’s blade not stopped it.

Again, Leticia rallied every ounce of strength she had within her body, swinging her blade again and again in dizzying variations that would have felled any other knight. Just seconds ago, Medrauta had abandoned all semblance of defense and focused solely on attacking, but now she wasn’t even making an attempt to counterattack. All she was doing was stopping each of Leticia’s attacks with consummate ease.

One second you were just attacking without a second thought, and now you’re turtling up...? What the hell, Medrauta...? Leticia frowned as she stepped away from the silver-haired knight who made no move to follow. Seeing as Medrauta wasn’t advancing at all, Leticia took the opportunity to catch her breath. 

To Leticia, Medrauta’s absent-minded bladework was still a far cry from her usual technique, but it held a lot more weight than before now and Leticia quickly realized that she would lose if Medrauta regained the sense of self that she’d lost.

Is the gap between us really this wide? Leticia brought her breathing under control as she began to advance toward her opponent once more, attempting to break through that impenetrable defense again. Her sword rose and fell countless times, but it was always checked by the steel of Medrauta’s blade.

No matter where Leticia struck, Medrauta’s sword would always be there waiting as if she already knew every move that Leticia would make. It was infuriating to Leticia, but exhilarating at the same time.

Medrauta stood as a wall that Leticia wanted to overcome. An insurmountable obstacle that, if surmounted, would grant her untold strength.

“L-Lettie! Please stop! I-Isn’t this enough already!?” Rosaline shouted from the side, her voice filled with worry and concern for her beloved knight. As a noblewoman who chose to prioritize court politics over martial or tactical excellence, Rosaline never really understood the rigors of combat. However, even she could tell that Leticia had been driven to the brink of exhaustion. 

Leticia’s muscles were no doubt screaming in protest against her every movement, and to make matters worse, the only thing she’d eaten within the past few days was an energy bar. There was absolutely no way Leticia was feeling anywhere close to alright.

“No, Lady Rosaline.” Contrary to her haggard appearance, Leticia’s voice cut through the air powerfully. “I must see this through to the end, for I have finally found the heights that I must reach.”


“It’ll be fine, Lady Rosaline,” Viviane said. She gazed at Medrauta with a fierce look of determination. “Both of our knights need this duel. It’s the only way they’ll be able to find themselves again.”

Rosaline clenched her fists together tightly. Lettie... Must you truly force yourself like this just to regain the confidence you once had...? Please... I just want you by my side once more...

Unaware of her lady’s mental pleas, Leticia focused her attention on Medrauta once more. The silver-haired knight had let the tip of her sword drop to the ground, as she hadn’t been paying attention to the duel at all ever since Rosaline and Viviane began talking.

Medrauta’s eyes were fixed on Viviane, a passion burning within them that bordered on frightening. Though their eyes met, Viviane remained silent, saying nothing as she returned her knight’s stare.

Ah... So that’s it. Medrauta smiled as her heart skipped a beat just from holding her beloved Viviane’s gaze. What an idiot I was... I didn’t want to lose her, so I thought the only way to protect her was to keep moving forward... To slay all those who stood in my way so that none could ever bring harm to her, but all this time, I’ve forgotten the most important thing...

“Thank you, Leticia.” Medrauta turned to her opponent, lifting her sword and pointing its tip toward Leticia. “Thanks to you, I’ve found what I lost.”

“...And what’s that?”

Medrauta grinned. “Though I hate to admit it, all this time, I’ve been afraid. Ever since Amelia betrayed us and Trista returned to Aluvsha’s embrace, I thought that the only way to protect Viviane was to charge ahead and destroy anything that could threaten her, but because of that, I’d forgotten the most important thing.”

Leticia adjusted her stance as she felt the atmosphere around Medrauta shift. Unlike the overpowering fighting spirit that she’d emitted during the start of the duel, a very finely honed pressure now dominated the air.

While it wasn’t an oppressive force that crushed all who dared trespass within its domain, it felt far more dangerous and possessed a sharp, bladelike quality that threatened to cut all that opposed it.

...Yeah. This was the feeling she always gave off during a duel. A chill ran down Leticia’s spine as she squared off against Medrauta, recognizing that the silver-haired knight had regained her former prowess.

“A knight is expected to protect their charge. If it means advancing and leaving their noble behind, then so be it. But I am not simply a knight, Leticia.”

“...What are you trying to say?”

“Isn’t it obvious? I’m Viviane’s future wife. I’d been so fixated on eliminating anything that could threaten her, I’d lost sight of my true purpose. The reason why I wield a sword isn’t solely to protect her. If that was all I wanted to do, I’d use a shield, but I’ve kept my left hand empty all this time.”

Medrauta stared at her empty hand and clenched it into a fist. “...Yeah. That’s it. I need one hand to remain unbloodied even after I fight. That’s the only way I can hold her hand with pride... Because my place isn’t in front of her, but beside her.”

Leticia stared at Medrauta for a few seconds in silence before uttering a bark of laughter. It wasn’t as if what Medrauta had said was humorous. Rather, that laughter was directed at herself and her own negligence.

She thought she knew who she was and why she’d taken up the sword in the first place, but until Medrauta put it into words, she hadn’t realized it. Rather, she didn’t want to fully admit it. ...I can’t believe the very person who I was trying to scold would be the one to make me understand it. The reason why I wielded a sword in the first place wasn’t because of anything noble like being a ‘proud knight’ or wanting to prove my worth. Those were all just excuses, because in the end...

...I just wanted to stay by her side.

 “...You’re such a fool, Medrauta, but I guess I am too.” Leticia smiled, her gaze wandering to her own empty left hand. “Because I’m the same.”

Medrauta brandished her sword. “Then as fellow fools, shall we put an end to this foolish duel?”

Likewise, Leticia flourished her blade and leveled its tip toward Medrauta.

“Earlier, you said that my blade shouldn’t have been able to touch you.”

“Ah... I’m sorry. I didn’t mean—”

“No, Medrauta. I don’t want an apology.”

The two knights locked eyes. The tension in the air grew taut. The sunlight from on high glinted off the steel of both knights’ battle-weary blades.

“I’m going to prove that it can. I’ll reach you right now, Medrauta.”

“Show me.”