Chapter 31: Confession and Fluff
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[Kim POV]

I started to feel my body waking up but did not have the energy to open my eyes yet. I started pulling something in my arms closer to my chest. Only for whatever it was to start giggling and whisper something in my head.

You better wake up soon, or I'll never let you leave. (Familiar voice)

I instantly recognized that voice and my eyes shot open. I could now tell that what I was hugging close to my chest was Jill in her fox form. I immediately fell out of bed after letting her go.

"What's going on? I thought we would only be allowed in the same bed if you beat Gale."(Kim)

Jill hopped out of my bed and changed into her human form before she answered me proudly.

"I beat Gale while you and Lily met with my future in-laws."(Jill)

Jill puffed her chest out at the recollection. While I processed this new piece of information, I realized that Jill was completely naked after her transformation. My face heated up before I turned it to the side and shouted at Jill.

"Could you put some clothes on!"(Kim)

"Only after you give me an answer. How do you feel about me?"(Jill)

While she spoke Jill pinned me down.

"Jill I can see everything please let me up."(Kim)

"Not until you answer me."(Jill)

She looked like a fox who had caught her prey, which wasn't too far off the current situation.

"I love you ok! I said it! I have no experience in romance so it took me a while to understand my feelings, but when I compare how I feel for you to anyone else there is no contest who I care for more!"(Kim)

After I practically shouted my confession at Jill I took a deep breath. Jill slowly got up and giggled about what had just happened as she dressed herself. As for myself, I was in a state of bewilderment. I felt happy, relieved, and excited all at the same time. But then I realized I hadn't heard her answer to my confession. I could guess her answer, but I wanted her to say it.

"Jill, What about you, how do you feel about me?"(Kim)

"I love you of course! What kind of wife would I be if I didn't?"(Jill)

She said like it was the most obvious thing in the world, but I guess for her it was. After she got dressed she turned over to me.

"Hurry up and get ready. You said you would help me brush my tails."(Jill)

Jill said as she brought out her Ultimate Brush we got yesterday.

"Can we just not skip over my confession?"(Kim)

"But my tails need brushing ~darling~."(Jill)

Jill put on the act that Lily taught her for our trip to the pool. It still throws me off when she does that, which I think amuses her. I sighed, knowing I wouldn't get out of this even if I wanted to.

"Fine hand me the brush."(Kim)

"The Ultimate Brush."(Jill)

Jill exclaimed as she corrected me. She passed me the brush and sat next to me. Her Ultimate Brush is in the shape of two foxes with ten tails each intertwined one white and the other black with silver tips on the ends of their tails. The silver tips have stars in them and the tails spread out to hold the bristles of the brush while the foxes held each other close to form the handle. As I looked at the design my mind couldn't help but appreciate the craftsmanship and detail of it.

"Tell me if I'm doing anything wrong. The last thing I want to do is hurt you."(Kim)

While the brushing session went on we talked about our relationship, and how I would introduce her as my girlfriend from now on. I had to promise a lot to get it to that level for now, but I was happy with Jill's enthusiasm. When we finished her tails were more fluffy than I had seen before. We left my room to head to breakfast, and as soon as Lily saw us her smile widened.

"Looks like you had fun."(Lily)

I looked into her eyes with a serious expression.

"You didn't warn me."(Kim)

"You didn't ask, plus she wanted it to be a surprise."(Lily)

"You should have seen her face, Kim was so shocked. I even got her to confess."(Jill)

"How did that happen."(Lily)

Lily pulled out her notebook to start writing notes, but I couldn't tell if this was her romance or research book.

"After transforming I *Mmmm*"(Jill)

I covered her mouth before Jill could tell Lily the embarrassing part of the story. My face was defiantly crimson now and I could feel the blood rushing to my nose when I remembered how she looked at the time.

"By the way where's Gale?"(Kim)

"I'll allow your obvious subject change, for now. Gale went to the cafeteria to save us a spot, since the chef insisted we eat there more."(Lily)

"Oh, the man who made us a meal for our date!"(Jill)

"Yes, and he told Gale we should stop by more often. Come on we shouldn't keep them waiting."(Lily)

While we walked Jill hung on my arm, and Lily told me that she would spend the afternoon catching me up on the thing I didn't know about the current world.

[Boss POV]

In my office, I think about recent events and how I could use them to achieve my ambitions.

The Doctor and Gale have been pushing for an expedition after she came back from a trip off base. Unfortunately, I couldn't get any useful information on what this was for, but my gut tells me it has something to do with Kim. Since Audrey exposed herself to the target recently I've had to use other members to watch them, but with The Doctor close by no one wants to go near them. Most of my scouts have been using binoculars and telescopes to keep an eye out. They have been prioritizing being discreet over information, this has led to the lack of the latter. The Doctor is hiding something big and I need to know what.

"I guess I'll have to risk it and support this expedition while having some members and Audrey volunteer."(Boss)

I don't want to use Audrey but she can be bait or a distraction for the other members. It would be so simple if I didn't have to do all this sneaking, but the mindless sheep refuse to see the truth. That, we Espers are the next step in evolution.

"For now I'll have to find the cocoon and hopefully get more power as a result."(Boss)

Confessions are hard to write but I hope this came across well. Now for the description of the Ultimate Brush. The inspiration for the design came from another story on Scribble Hub by Paytoechip.