Chapter 32: Gleipnir and Recent History
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This is going to be a very lore-heavy chapter. But because I couldn't introduce it naturally the name of the country they are in is Renovia. I will name the other countries as they become more relevant.

[Kim POV]

It was sometime after we left the cafeteria. Jill went with Gale to the official training room because some people heard he had lost a fight and wanted to challenge the person who beat him. I'm sitting at a desk in Lily's lab with her standing next to me as we discuss how the world operates now. Unfortunately, I forgot how unobservant I can be when I worry about something. So Lily has to start with the basics.

"I know we haven't talked much about the current world, but you haven't been paying much attention to your surroundings."(Lily)

"Well, I was distracted with everything I have to deal with now. Do you know how embarrassing it was to get dressed after I woke up? And that's not even considering I had to ask how to put on a bra."(Kim)

"And while that was funny, and I got a large amount of data from it. You really should pay more attention to your surroundings."(Lily)

"Fine, I'll pay more attention from now on. Can we continue with the lesson now?"(Kim)

"OK, but if you don't keep up with everything I'll have you help me with an examination for a troublesome staff member."(Lily)

I nodded.

"Then I'll start at the beginning. After the Shift appeared humanity was in chaos, and people didn't know what to do. Many cities fell and people had violent awakenings to their esper abilities which only made the destruction worse. But the UN had an address to every country in the world to help people not give up hope. The UN discussed how to approach the new threat, and most agreed to form a task force to deal with the mutants that the Shifts caused. The task force would be called Gleipnir. While they were setting up the task force a few organizations formed to help people affected by the disasters evacuate to a safe place. The town your family is in is a good example of their efforts bearing fruit."(Lily)

My head perked up at the mention of my family and how they got to the town.

"Most of the effort was paid for by the speaker who gave the address in this country. Many other nations saw Renovia's speaker's popularity and followed his example. At this time Gleipnir had just finished recruitment and it was agreed that most members would serve in their home countries. Now this sounds like everything was going well, but humanity lost a lot of land to more powerful mutants."(Lily)

I suddenly got confused because it seemed like we were close to the Shift that put me inside the cocoon.

"The Shift I came from doesn't seem as big a deal as you are making it out to be."(Kim)

"You are correct and I will cover the reason for that later. But it is less dangerous than the others."(Lily)

I couldn't help but wonder how we got lucky with this Shift, but Lily said there was a reason.

"The most dangerous mutants came from the Sea, because of how much wildlife lives there, and we are not as equipped to handle mutants underwater as we are on land. We still have a few trade routes but most are gone. The initial battle lines haven't changed since the establishment of Gleipnir but Renovia has had several scientists visit to study our Shift."(Lily)

"Are you visiting from abroad Lily?"(Kim)

"Oh no I'm from here in fact I worked at the hospital not far from the Shift you were caught up in. That is how I got my powers in the first place. It was sudden, but I met Gale soon after he joined the base. When we met, he looked like a knight in shining armor."(Lily)

I couldn't help but feel like she was hiding something, her smile seemed a little forced until she mentioned Gale.

"Let's get back on topic. Gleipnir leadership is a council of representatives from each nation that convenes monthly to discuss how things are handled. It is only supposed to change if a major change occurs, but that is not always the case. Some countries don't want to appear weak and call for an extra meeting. After the council are the generals who oversee their designated areas and finally the chiefs of the bases."(Lily)

It's been a while since I emerged from the cocoon so they must have had a meeting since then.

"Do the other nations know about me and Jill?"(Kim)

"No, they were told the cocoon had become unstable and had to be moved to a restricted area. The only ones who know what is going on are the chief, general, and our representative on the council."(Lily)

I was relieved to hear that I was already targeted once and I could only imagine it getting worse if people knew what I was now.

"That's good to hear."(Kim)

"Next up let's cover the Shifts. As far as we know there are 8 Shifts in the world including the one you were exposed to. Renovia was both lucky and unlucky with two Shifts opening one on each coast. Most are volatile and have powerful mutants coming from them regularly. The only exception is the one that formed your cocoon, it has some mutants but they're not as powerful and can be dealt with by regular people."(Lily)

"Am I the reason it's safe-ish?"(Kim)

"Yes, but this is mostly speculation on my part. I believe the energy that formed the cocoon you were trapped in would normally be used for creating mutants. I don't know why you transformed, but you and Jill are the reason our Shift is manageable."(Lily)

"I understand me, but how is Jill involved?"(Kim)

"When the cocoon dissolved and the energy went to the shift Jill was formed from it. But you still have most of it."(Lily)

"If I have the power that was normally used to create mutants doesn't that make me a time bomb just waiting to go off?"(Kim)

I asked in a worried voice. My body was shaking. I spoke before realizing the repercussions of the worst possible answer. Suddenly a clipboard hit me on the head, and I looked at Lily who just hit me.

"Who do you think is your doctor? If you think I would let my best test subject and friend blow up you have another thing coming! Kim, you may have all that energy but it is stable inside your body. Most of the Shifts are dangerous because they are unstable and not able to regular the power they have. Every time we have you use your power, control is always the top priority."(Lily)

Looking at how serious Lily was, I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Your right, I'm sorry."(Kim)

"Good now this is a good place to stop for now."(Lily)

"But we still have plenty of time till Jill and Gale get back."(Kim)

I said confused.

"True but I think it is about time I told you why everyone is scared of me."(Lily)

Yay, a new chapter is done! I know it's been a while, sorry work has me on some weird shifts.