Chapter 3: Check up and Dreaming
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[Kim POV]

We are on my way to the Doctor's lab now that I'm full, she has a stack of papers that is way bigger than when we started to eat. Did she really get that much data from one lunch? Gale had to take the cook to the infirmary, but he said he would catch up and asked if I had any experience using a weapon. I told him no to which he said not to worry about it, before I could question him the Doctor pulled me away.

"Why did he ask if I could use a weapon?"(Kim)

"He is going to teach you how to fight, the world is not as peaceful as it was two years ago. So you might need to defend yourself plus it will get me more data."(Doctor)

"Ok, but what are we doing in the meantime?"(Kim)

"More experiments the cocoon I've been obsessing with for months has finally opened and my patience is now justified!"(Doctor)

She says heavily breathing. That reminds me I didn't see the cocoon, but I keep hearing about it though it wasn't in the room.

"By the way where is the cocoon now? I meant to ask about it before we left, but I forgot."(Kim)

"The cocoon evaporated, but the energy it gave off went in the direction of where we found it."(Doctor)

"Isn't that bad that is where the Shift happened?"(Kim)

"We have scouts in the area so unless something happens in the Shift itself they will inform us about it."(Doctor)

After that, we made it to the door of the lab. I worry about what is on the other side, but to my surprise, it was normal except for the boxing ring. We make our way to measure my blood pressure, reflexes, lung capacity, and heartbeat. Once we are done I look to see if anything is out of place, but I didn't see anything before Gale showed back up.

"How is she Doctor?"(Gale)

Right, I have to get used to that even though I know I'm a girl now. The thought must have shown on my face because Gale's next words were apologetic.

"Was that too soon?"(Gale)

"No, I have to get over it sooner or later, but it will take time I was male for 25 years."(Kim)

"Really you look younger than 25."(Gale)

"Her body has the maturity of about a 21-year-old"(Doctor)

How do you know that or are you just throwing out a number?"(Kim)

"Your blood results' told me. But does that mean your body mutated or the cocoon grew a new one?"(Doctor)

I slowly back away from the now drooling Doctor and look to Gale for help.

"Ok now that she is done let's see what you got."(Gale)

he said throwing me some boxing gloves. I put them on after getting in the ring.

"Why is there a ring in the lab?"(Kim)

"Me and the Doctor evaluate all new Espers putting the ring in here was easier to do everything all at once."(Gale)

"So what now, do I just hit you."(Kim)

"No, you try."(Gale)

That cocky tone made me wonder where Gale went, but then I heard the Doctor sounding exasperated from behind me.

"Don't hurt my test subject Gale."(Doctor)

"I'll do my best."(Gale)

With that, I get into a basic fighting stance a friend once showed me.

"Not a bad stance. Now let's see if you have the skill to go with it."(Gale)

seriously where did Gale go and who is in his place? I throw a right hook only for it to get parried and a punch in my gut knockings the wind out of my lungs

"Not bad, but really telegraphed and opens you up to a counter"(Gale)

Ok only stick with jabs for now. I throw repeated right jabs, but they were blocked. Then I was suddenly tripped and landed on my back.

"Good, but remember about your feet"(Gale)

We continued for three more hours with very little change I was on the floor more than not. Not even one solid blow and my back and legs are only now healing how does that work?

"You ok?"(Gale)

"I'm fine my healing is now working on the pain."(Kim)

Gale helps me up off the floor and I look to see the Doctor asleep in a mountain of notes and theories. My eyes start to feel heavy as well.

"Where can I crash? I feel like I could pass out any moment."(Kim)

"There is a bunk in the room next door."(Gale)

"Ok thanks." yawn(Kim)

I go and plop down on the bed and before I knew it I was asleep,


I open my eyes to see my hometown destroyed. My body looks around without me controlling it. I'm surrounded by what looks like monsters I have to run, but my body isn't responding. I blink and now I only see the dead bodies of the monsters and start to walk away from the area. I finally get a glance at my form. It seems to be a red fox with two tails, dragon claws, and wings.

Is this what my old home looks like now everything is so sad. My body starts to breathe fire for some reason. I feel hungry, but I don't have control of my body still. Whoever has control must be hungry too because they start to eat a monster it killed. After some time my body heads into a café and I hear a voice I don't recognize it is full of compaction

"Wait for me Kim, Jill is on her way."(Jill?)

What was that?! Who is Jill and how do they know my name I started to use it today!

My eyes start to close again.


I sit up looking to see I'm still in the bunk next to the lab. Ok hands check, feet check, and no tail check. What a weird dream I usually have weird dreams, but they are never that consistent. It is usually one piece of media connected to another like a bad patch job. I did have a weird day, first I was called into work then spent two years in a coma with the world completely changed.

With that thought, I got out of bed and into the restroom to change clothes. This time it was a dark blue shirt and black shorts I did have the Doctor teach me how to put a bra on yesterday. Now that I'm dressed I get to the lab only to hear shouting.


"As I said the cocoon is no longer here."(Gale)

Looking I see that one of the people on my list of people I never want to see is here.


He isn't even trying to pretend to be nice like yesterday. Gale narrowed his eyes at the quack comment guess he likes her.

"And why would I do that."(Gale)


I am not some candy from a piñata. I think before Brick turns around to see me with a crazed look in his eyes.

"Fine if you won't tell me I will just have to make you."(Brick)

I feel my body being forced towards Brick. Before he could grab me I slam my feet on the ground and duck underneath his slow-moving arm. With the opening, I hit him with an uppercut filled with the frustration I have felt since yesterday.


He shouted as his nose was bleeding.

"You were really easy to punch, too slow, and attacked me first."(Kim)

That answer only made him madder.


"Ok then sit down."(Kim)

I said without missing a beat. when you grew up in my family you had to have a sense of hummer and wit. I think I can see steam coming out of his ears.

"THAT DOES IT!"(Brick)

But before he tries anything else he gets a cut on his face.

"That's enough. Leave Brick or I make you"(Gale)

Gale's tone could freeze the sun. Brick begrudgingly goes and I'm left stunned by Gale's combat mode as I call it. The Doctor shows up soon after with a snug look on her face I think she saw Gale get mad for her and we start the next round of tests.

[Jill POV]

That nap was great, but I still have to move. The walk was peaceful for a while then I see some humans fighting some nasty-looking monsters and losing. I decide to help them.

There are three giant wolves and five humans dressed in green outfits with a big man in the front trying to protect the other four that are unconscious. He manages to hit one away, but another one bites his arm. The wound did not look too bad, but the man was already covered in a lot of other injuries. Soon he started to feel his consciousness fading. Determined he grabbed two of the wolves by the neck and snapped them with all the strength he had left, unfortunately, the last one got back from being hit away to end his life. His eyes started to shut. Before they closed he saw a red blur and fire consume the monster that was going to kill him then he passed out.

That was close I almost didn't make it a good thing this guy has an iron resolve. Huh is this a map well you owe me one so I'll be taking this. As the map gets in my mouth I hear people start to head over. I guess I'll hide I don't want them to think I did this to their guys.

That day a new legend was made one about a red blur that brought the fire of protection and rage, but Jill would be embarrassed by how much it was exaggerated by the time she heard it.