Chapter 7: Wife And Lost
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[Kim POV]

My body feels like I'm surrounded by warmth. I open my eyes to see a ceiling I don't recognize. Where am I, and how did I get here? I look around and find myself in a cave with a fluffy creature sleeping on my chest. I remember my fight with Teach and how I was pulled away at the last moment before I passed out. After a second look at the creature, I recognize it as the same one from my dreams, and I suddenly felt safe. After that, my thoughts drifted, and I became uncertain whether it was safe to return to the base. Will they blame me for what happened? Is Gale and the Doctor ok, and will I be able to see my family? Not long after I started to think that, the red fox began to awaken and look at me.

"Hello, I'm Kim. Who are you?"(Kim)

What am I doing? Foxes can't talk. Before I could think of anything else, my new roommate got off me, and I heard a familiar voice inside my head.

My name is Jill, and I'm your fluffy wife, Kim! (Jill)

"Huh! My what?!"(Kim)

Your wife, or is it soulmate? Human concepts are strange. (Jill)

My mind froze, trying to understand what was going on. Ok, so I was in the courtyard at the base, I fought Brick, and then as I was passing out, this fox saved me.

My name is Jill, not Fox. (Jill)

"Wait, you can hear my thoughts."(Kim)

Yes. (Jill)

I look over to see a happy look on her face.

"Can you stop?"(Kim)

I don't know how. (Jill)

"Ok, but I will still talk out loud even though you don't need me to. So where are we?"(Kim)

Our love nest. (Jill)

She said with pure happiness. I let out a sigh, and I look over at the blushing fox.

"And this love nest is where?"(Kim)

Mountain. (Jill)

GROWL. (Kim's stomach)

Before I could try to get more info, my stomach growled.

"Damn, I haven't eaten since this morning. Jill, do we have food here?"(Kim)

No, but your loving wife will get some for you. hehe(Jill)

For some reason, that made me happy. But I couldn't let her go by herself.

"I will go with you."(Kim)

I start to get up, only for my body to be tackled by Jill.

No, you will stay here and rest. (Jill)


No, buts you need to rest. (Jill)

I tried to open my mouth to argue, but I got a look that said there was no way I was going. Then she left, and I was alone with my thoughts. Before long, my mind replayed the deaths of the two guards, and I started to cry. I was always an empathetic person, and watching someone die was enough to fill me with rage and sadness. As I lay there crying, remembering the faces of the people that tried to help me, I felt two warm tails cover me.

It's ok, tell me what's wrong. (Jill)

"They died protecting me, and I didn't save them! I couldn't even avenge them! All I had to do was move my hand, but I was too weak to kill him!"(Kim)

I don't understand humans, and I don't get why you think it has to be you who avenges them. But if you forced yourself to do that. It might hurt you more. (Jill)

The two tails wrap tighter around me, and I feel something pat my head. We stay like that for a bit before I recover enough to eat. Jill had brought some fruits and some rabbits back for us to eat. I wondered how we were to cook it, but Jill just started eating one raw. I looked in horror at the display.

"Do you know how to cook?"(Kim)

No, what is that? (Jill)

"I see."(Kim)

I decided to eat only the fruit. Jill brought back a lot, so I didn't need to worry. After eating, I got up to look outside to see a beautiful mountain range. All my anxiety disappeared at that moment, and I felt at peace.

"It's beautiful up here. But I don't know where we are."(Kim)

I know. It makes me feel like it was meant to be shared with only you. (Jill)

I blushed at that statement. I don't understand why. She isn't even human.

"Can I ask you something?"(Kim)

Go ahead. (Jill)

"How did you know my name?"(Kim)

I was walking around, and I felt a connection with you. I knew I needed to find you because you seemed sad and angry. The link also gave me information like language and your name. (Jill)

"Is that also how you found me?"(Kim)

Yes! (Jill)

We carried on for a bit before heading back inside to sleep.

"Hey, Jill."(Kim)

Yes. (Jill)

"Could I use your tail as a pillow?"(Kim

Sure you can. (Jill)

I lay my head on the soft tail and fell into a deep sleep. I did not dream that night, but I thought I heard the sound of a sweet lullaby. The next day my eyes slowly open, and I look around for my self-proclaimed wife. Then I remembered that I was using her tail as a pillow, and I looked up. I was shocked at what I saw. A naked red-haired woman with short hair and heterochromatic eyes that were the opposite of mine, but she had fox ears on top of her head.

"Jill, is that you?"(Kim)

I asked while blushing.

"Of course, it is. Who else would it be?"(Jill)

"But you look so different."(Kim)

"I saw how you could transform, so I tried it to see if I could look more human."(Jill)

"Ok, but we don't have any clothes."(Kim)

I say with my hands covering my eyes.

"But married people don't wear clothes around each other."(Jill)

This is too stimulating. It feels like my face is on fire.

"That is only for special times."(Kim)

"Anytime with you is special."(Jill)

"Not like that, but for when we sleep together."(Kim)

"We did, though."(Jill)

"I mean sex!"(Kim)

I don't think my face could be any redder than when I said that.

"Sex? Oh, you mean when we mate."(Jill)


I shout, finally getting her to understand.

"I'm ready for that if you are."(Jill)

"Don't you think we need to get to know each other more first?"(Kim)

"But I'm already your wife. I think I know about you."(Jill)

"But I don't know about you, and I'm still worried about the base."(Kim)

"Ok, just being around you is enough for now, but we don't know how to get to this base"(Jill)

"But didn't you fly us here?"(Kim)

"Yes, but I was too busy looking at your face as we were flying."(Jill)

"Then how do we get back?"(Kim)

"We could look from the sky."(Jill)

"Well, it's better than nothing."(Kim)

With that, she transforms back, and we take flight.