Chapter 16: Worries and Training
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[Kim POV]

Jill and Gale were sitting on their feet after the lecture they just received. Lily and Ivan were the ones who lectured Gale while I did the same to Jill. Before Lily got things back on track, there was one thing I had to ask Gale and Jill.

"Lily Ivan, I need to ask them something in private."(Kim)

"Kim, I think they learned their lesson. They don't need you to continue to lecture them."(Lily)

"I'm not. I just want to know something."(Kim)

Lily was about to protest, but Ivan spoke up.

"Doctor, it's ok, she isn't going anywhere."(Ivan)

"Fine, but you all will answer my questions after."(Lily)

Ivan and Lily left the room. Leaving me, Gale, and Jill by ourselves. They looked a little confused, wondering what I wanted to ask.

"So, what happened to Brick?"(Kim)

I asked the question on my mind since I knew we were safely driving away from the city. Both of them tenes up at my question, which gives me a good idea of the answer, but I still want to hear it. It seems they are looking around, trying to avoid saying anything out loud, hoping I would give up. I was hoping I wouldn't have to resort to this.

Jill, I know you can hear me answer my question! (Kim)

Jill visibly jolted after my thought reached her. It was a little funny because Gale, who couldn't hear it looked at her confused. Jill looked down and said something that I was unable to hear.

"What happened to Brick?"(Kim)

Gale finally gave in and answered me when he saw I wasn't letting this go.

"He's dead."(Gale)

"I see. How did he die?"(Kim)

"I burned him to ash."(Jill)

For some reason, I feel calm even though when I saw the guards die or tried to finish off Teach, I was feeling distraught. Maybe because I didn't see it is why I'm ok. Brick was a terrible guy, but I still can't imagine that's why I don't feel anything. A thought made its way into my head that maybe my new form was affecting my brain to keep me calm. It frightens me that I could be losing who I was. Before I could down that train of thought, Jill spoke to me in a concerned voice.

"Kim, are you ok?"(Jill)

"I don't know. I should feel something about Brick's death, but I feel nothing. I.. I... I don't want to lose who I am!"(Kim)

As I shout, I feel Jill pull me into a hug. She rubbed my back, trying to make me feel better. Gale looked at me, trying to find the right thing to say while looking uncomfortable.

"Kim, everyone changes over time, but that doesn't mean you are losing who you were. I don't think you are losing your compassion. I think Brick didn't deserve it in the first place."(Gale)

Looking back on it, the guards died in front of me. Teach was horrible, but it was me who had to finish him. I don't think I was ready to end a life yet, but Gale was, so there may have been a time he had hesitated to.

"Thanks, I'll keep that in mind."(Kim)

I was better, but my concerns were still there.

"We should call Lily back in before she loses her patience and breaks down the door."(Gale)

"I'll get her."(Kim)

I open the door and see Ivan desperately holding Lily back as she flails around, trying to reach the door.

"thank goodness you are done. I don't think my strength could hold out much longer."(Ivan)


Lily spoke in a low but commanding tone.


"You will answer all my questions now."(Lily)

I could only nod in response, and we returned to the lab. The pressure Lily was giving off was almost suffocating.

"So my first question."(Lily)

Everyone was on edge as Lily paused before her question.

"How are you feeling?"(Lily)





We were all stunned by such a normal question coming from Lily.


"Sorry, I feel fine."(Kim)

Lily brought out her notepad, so I assume the real questions start now.

"Have you been practicing your esper ability?"(Lily)

Lily brought out her notepad, so I assume the real questions start now.

"No, but my transformation is easier to use now."(Kim)

"But it was so hard before! When did that happen?!"(Lily)

"After I met Jill."(Kim)

From what I can tell, she is on her third page from just that one answer.

"I see any other developments."(Lily)

"The only other thing is that it felt like the Shift was calling to me. But I wanted to talk to you before doing anything."(Kim)

Lily's hands stopped, which is something I thought was impossible while she was taking notes. I've seen her eat a whole meal without looking away from them.

"What do you mean it was calling to you?"(Lily)

"Well, when we were driving by there, I felt something pulling at me, and it was in the direction of the Shift."(Kim)

"Do you want to go there?"(Lily)

"Yes, but only after I see my family."(Kim)

"Good, then that is settled. We will continue to unlock your esper ability. Gale, if you would."(Lily)

"Got It."(Gale)

Gale stood up and dragged me to the middle of the boxing ring.

"I've been meaning to ask good Doctor why is there a boxing ring in your lab?"(Ivan)

"Gale likes to train in here, and it's easier to evaluate espers after their examinations."(Lily)

When we got to the middle of the ring, Gale tossed me some boxing gloves, which confused me. I thought we were going to unlock my esper ability.

"I thought I still needed to try and remember the feeling with the orb."(Kim)

"Yes, but your body adapts quicker under stress. So we are going to try to plow through the rest of the steps all at once."(Gale)

"Why isn't that dangerous?"(Kim)

"If you want to see your family by the end of the month, we need to catch up to stay on schedule."(Gale)

After saying that, my motivation couldn't be higher.

"Ok, what do you want me to do?"(Kim)

"First, I want you to remember how the orb made you feel, then hold it until your whole body is filled. After that, push it out of one spot like your hands, and finally take control of the energy that has left your body."(Gale)

"Ok, then why do I have to put boxing gloves on?"(Kim)

"We will be sparing the whole time you are trying to unlock your ability."(Gale)


I replied with a sarcastic tone. We then started to spar, with me getting knocked down almost instantly, but I got up, and we continued.

Sorry, I was going to write this chapter on Saturday, but I was called into work and didn't get a chance to write. But I will try to get the next one out sooner.