Chapter 18: Meal and Conspiracy
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[Kim POV]

I woke up in an actual bed for the first time in a bit. We mostly made makeshift beds when I was with Jill, but nothing beats a mattress. Before I could properly wake up, I heard a commotion outside the door. I jolt out of bed and rush to the door to see what is happening. I open the door to see Jill in the boxing ring with Gale. Jill throws a punch, but Gale parries it with little effort sending her off balance, which Gale uses to knock her over.

"What's going on?"(Kim)

When Jill heard my voice, she practically jumped to her feet. Gale and Lily waved to me, but I didn't see Ivan, which I thought was odd.

"I am training!"(Jill)

She said with a big smile on her face

"Ok, Why?"(Kim)

"Well, Lily said if I won, she'd let me sleep in the same bed as you!"(Jill)

"Why would it be anything else?"(Kim)

I replied in a sarcastic tone. I would have worried about sleeping in the same bed with someone else, but we'd already done that. What made this even more okay was the impossible task Lily gave her. So as they continued to train, I walked over to Lily.

"Where's Ivan? I thought he would be here."(Kim)

"He said he had something to do and would come to train later."(Lily)

Lily handed me a cup of coffee, and I sat down. After taking a sip, the door to the lab opened. Ivan walked in, covered in fake blood, or I assumed it was. I was puzzled by his appearance, but since Gale's first appearance was with a bloodied pipe. I was able to keep calm. He was not wounded, so the blood was fake, or he just got out of a death match.

"I am here to train!"(Ivan)

I may be calm, but I will not let up without an explanation. I haven't lost all my common sense yet.

"Ivan, first tell me what happened."(Kim)

"Kim, It's not a big deal. Someone accidentally spilled fake blood on me."(Ivan)

before I could say how bad of an excuse that was. Jill shouted from the ring.

"Did the girl from before use blood this time?"(Jill)

I look over to Jill.

"What do you mean this time?"(Kim)

"A girl threw water at Ivan and walked away. Lily seemed to know something about it, but I thought it was a waste of water."(Jill)

I now turn over to Lily.

"So what is going on?"(Kim)

"I was going to tell you later, but now is as good as time any. Since espers appeared, some people have become arrogant, thinking they are above everyone else. Not everyone was like this, it was the minority, but there were enough of them to be a nuisance. So, when they find someone without an ability, they want to show that person their place."(Lily)

I was getting uncomfortable because it reminded me of how some people acted in school. If you were seen as inferior or weird, you were picked on. Luckily, I flew under the radar, so I didn't have to deal with it often, but that didn't make it any easier to watch.

"So what are we going to do?"(Kim)

"You will do nothing because this is my problem."(Ivan)

Ivan said with an unusually stern tone. I've only known him for two days, but he was usually cheerful and dramatic. I looked over to Gale, hoping he would say something, but he just stood there. Lily put her hand on my shoulder.

"He wants to deal with this on his own, so just leave it."(Lily)

"Fine, but if it goes too far, let us know."(Kim)

"That is a promise."(Ivan)

"Now that's settled, let's eat."(Lily)

Lily pulled some food from an oven that I hadn't noticed was in there. I looked at the meatloaf she pulled from the oven, and my mouth started to water. I look to see that Jill is in a similar state. Lily proceeded to hand out plates to us. I immediately took a bite and looked around the table before speaking.

"So, what's the plan for today?"(Kim)

"Well, you and Gale will continue trying to unlock your ability while Ivan and Jill train and I will keep looking into the incident with Brick."(Lily)

"By the way, Kim. Who are you?"(Ivan)

"What do you mean?"(Kim)

"Lily is the head doctor, Gale is in charge of training, and Jill is the embodiment of rage and protection."(Ivan)

Jill started to choke on her food when she heard her title, while I tried not to laugh.

"You're the only one I don't know about."(Ivan)

I look over to Lily, and she nods.

"Well, my original name is Keven, and I was right next to the Shift when it went off. I spent the next two years in a cocoon until I emerged a little while ago. This is all a secret, so don't go telling anyone."(Kim)

"That's hard to believe, but it doesn't seem like you're lying."(Ivan)

"Just like that, and you believe me. Not that I'm complaining, but shouldn't you question it more."(Kim)

"I have a good eye for people, so I usually trust my instincts. If I didn't, then I wouldn't be here."(Ivan)

We continued to chat as we finished the rest of our meal. As soon as I was done eating, Gale threw me a pair of boxing gloves and went to the ring for training.

[??? POV]

In a hidden room, two figures meet to discuss their most recent plans.

"So the Doctor is getting close to figuring us out."(boss)

"Yes sir, we believe she noticed that someone else let her toy out of his cage."(underling)

"Did you get anything useful from her office about the cocoon?"(boss)

"Unfortunately, most of them are encrypted, but there was a lot of information about it."(underling)

"And the girl."(boss)

"We don't know much. She does have a lot of Shift energy though and can change shape to an extent."(underling)

"Interesting, Brick was transformed after his fight with her as well. Try to get her on our side before the blood witch figures out who we are."(boss)

"It will be done."(underling)

after receiving their orders, the underling left the room, leaving only the boss alone. Soon after leaving, a girl entered the room.

"Hey boss, I had the best day!"(girl)

"How many times do I have to tell you. Don't barge in here without knocking."(boss)

"I don't know. But enough about that, I pulled off the best prank on a powerless guy!"(girl)

"I don't care! Do you have anything important to report?"(boss)

"Well, when I was messing with that guy, I saw the doctor with another redhead, but she had fox tails and ears."(girl)

"Did you get her name?"(boss)

"Nope, I ran as soon as I saw them."(girl)

the boss let out a long sigh before speaking.

"Fine, I need you to keep an eye on her, but keep your distance. We don't want them to find out you are spying on them."(boss)


the girl left vanished as fast as she appeared. 

"If she didn't do her job, I wouldn't put up with her. Now, time to find out about Kim and this fox girl."(boss)